This repository maintains some assignments (projects / labs) during Compiler (SJTU).
Indicate a lexical analysis program using Lex
language for Python
sources. The program should be able to
- convert non-decimal numbers to decimal
- convert uppercase comments to lowercase
as the following example shows.
The original file goes like this …
#!/usr/bin/env python
'''Main FUCTION'''
def main():
a = (0o21 + 0x1c) * 2 # 0o21 equals 17
b = 0b1001 * 0O37 # 0b1001 eqUALs 9
c = 0XA1 - 55 # 0XA1 equals 161
d = 0101 # 0101 EQUALS 65
print a + b - c - d
if __name__ == '__main__':
main function
And afterwards, it should be like …
#!/usr/bin/env python
'''main fuction'''
def main():
a = (17 + 28) * 2 # 0o21 equals 17
b = 9 * 31 # 0b1001 equals 9
c = 161 - 55 # 0xa1 equals 161
d = 65 # 0101 equals 65
print a + b - c - d
if __name__ == '__main__':
main function
According to the requirements, the program should be run and tested with scripts bellow.
$ flex flex.l # > lex.yy.c
$ gcc lex.yy.c -lfl # > a.out
$ ./a.out < > # in default
But due to some other reasons, the test sample and corresponding result are stored in test
and result