Using natural python reflixivity, all python data structures could be seen as trees of python objects.
The module treematching allow you to write patterns to match subtrees in any trees of python objects.
This could be usefull for trees coming from parsing (AST) but in a more common ways, from any trees coming from anywhere (JSON, DB, ...).
treematching provide you some objects (Type, Attrs, List, Dict, ...) to write your patterns.
For example:
bt = Type('A',
Attr('c', Type('str', Value('lala'))),
Attr('b', Type('str', Value('toto'))),
Attr('a', Type('int', Value(32))),
e = MatchingBTree(bt)
tree = [B(a=32, b='toto', c='lala'), A(a=32, b='toto', c='lala')]
match = e.match(tree)