Open3D Public
Forked from isl-org/Open3DOpen3D: A Modern Library for 3D Data Processing
C++ Other UpdatedJan 6, 2022 -
scisumm-corpus Public
Forked from WING-NUS/scisumm-corpusScientific Document Summarization Corpus and Annotations from the WING NUS group.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International UpdatedJan 2, 2021 -
EdgeCloudSim Public
Forked from CagataySonmez/EdgeCloudSimEdgeCloudSim: An Environment for Performance Evaluation of Edge Computing Systems
Java GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 27, 2020 -
arXiv2020-RIFE Public
Forked from hzwer/ECCV2022-RIFERIFE: Real Time Video Frame Rate Enhancement
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 6, 2020 -
Image_Reproduction Public
A program that tries (yet unfortunately fails) to reproduce an image with gemetric shapes using genetic algorithms. But it was a great practice for me on genetic algorithms.
Python UpdatedOct 9, 2020 -
sleep_classifiers Public
Forked from ojwalch/sleep_classifiersClassify sleep from heart rate and acceleration via Apple Watch
Python UpdatedMay 7, 2020 -
pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix Public
Forked from junyanz/pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pixImage-to-Image Translation in PyTorch
Python Other UpdatedSep 7, 2019 -
DeepLearningImplementations Public
Forked from tdeboissiere/DeepLearningImplementationsImplementation of recent Deep Learning papers
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 27, 2019 -
pix2pix-tensorflow Public
Forked from yenchenlin/pix2pix-tensorflowTensorFlow implementation of "Image-to-Image Translation Using Conditional Adversarial Networks".
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 28, 2018 -
edge_detection Public
A program that applies edge detection to any image files in pgm format in the same directory of the project. It applies Prewitt and Sobel filters and a global threshold to each image.
Pytorch_Pix2Pix Public
Forked from hyeKang/Pytorch_Pix2PixEasy Pix2Pix Implementation in Pytorch
Python UpdatedSep 14, 2017 -
simple-pix2pix-pytorch Public
Forked from Eiji-Kb/simple-pix2pix-pytorchsimple implementation of pix2pix by pytorch
Python UpdatedJun 2, 2017 -
English_German_Classifier Public
A draft tensorflow model to classify texts as english or german.
Python UpdatedMay 25, 2017 -
3D_Terrain_Generation Public
A simple program that genrates endless 3D terrain using the Processing libraries and following the tutorial on the Youtube channel Coding Train. I only added colorization to the terrain based on he…
Java UpdatedFeb 26, 2017 -
Menger_Sponge_Fractal Public
A little program that is coded to simulate the Menger Sponge fractal by following a tutorial from the youtube channel Coding Train. The code only has a minor modification by me and is only for prac…
Neural Public
Forked from whyrusleeping/NeuralMy implementation of Neural networks as they are discussed in my AI class.
C++ UpdatedDec 17, 2016 -
A.I._HW2_Genetic_Algorithm Public
A genetic algorithm project in C++. The program takes 6 numbers and a target number from the user and finds the calculation resulting the target number with genetic algorithm.
C++ UpdatedDec 6, 2016 -
scisumm Public
Forked from junkmechanic/scisummSingle Document Summarization of Scientific Documents
Python UpdatedMay 15, 2014 -
trnltk Public
Forked from aliok/trnltkTurkish Natural Language Toolkit
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 1, 2013