This repository is for 'GNZ48-刘力菲应援会', which is based on mirai as a qq bot engine.
Thanks for the repository below to provide codes which are easy to use:
basic enviroment:
- choose a dirctory to install miraiOK
- download miraiOK
wget -O miraiOK
- start miraiOK
chmod +x miraiOK ./miraiOK
4.edit ./config.txt
login 123456789 ppaasswwdd
the '----------' in the first line is needed
- download MiraiAPIHTTP, and put the .jar in ./plugins download URL
- edit plugins/MiraiAPIHTTP/setting.yml (create if needed)
- restart miraiOK
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ./shared
cp config.ini.example config.ini
edit your qq infomation and authkey(config in plugin setting.yml)
edit your mongdb infomation
You can customize your auto-reply bot in which use Graia as framework. To get more infomation about this framework, you can refer to their github repository and their doc
Because of the limitations of pocket 48, I chose Netease Yunxin(netease im)'s nodejs sdk to get the messages. To get more information about NIM, please refer to SDK.To send message to QQ, call mirai http api directly.
- get room messgae of pocket48
- get weibo of Miffy
- maybe customize flag for pk