A flutter plugin for tracking the person's driving behavior such as speeding, turning, braking and several other things on iOS and Android.
Disclaimer: This project uses Telematics SDK which belongs to DAMOOV PTE. LTD.
When using Telematics SDK refer to these terms of use
For commercial use, you need create a developer workspace in DataHub and get InstanceId
and InstanceKey
auth keys to work with our API.
add to file ./app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml props:
- 'xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"' into manifest tag
- 'tools:replace="android:label"' into __application tag
as shown below:
add network permissions
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
add to file (module)/build.gradle props:
android {
buildTypes {
release {
shrinkResources false
minifyEnabled false
-keep public class com.telematicssdk.tracking.** {*;}
Override application class extends TelematicsSDKApp
import com.telematicssdk.TelematicsSDKApp class App: TelematicsSDKApp() { override fun onCreate() { val api = TrackingApi.getInstance() api.initialize(this, setTelematicsSettings()) super.onCreate() } override fun setTelematicsSettings(): Settings { val settings = Settings( stopTrackingTimeout = Settings.stopTrackingTimeHigh, accuracy = Settings.accuracyHigh, autoStartOn = true, elmOn = false, hfOn = true ) return settings }
} ```
add to tag application of file ./app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml this class name:
<application android:name=".App"> ... </application>
add Telematics SDK repository into (module)/build.gradle
dependencies { //... implementation "com.telematicssdk:tracking:3.0.0" }
Add permissions in your project's ios/Runner/Info.plist
<string>Please, provide permissions for this Demo</string>
<string>Please, provide permissions for this Demo</string>
<string>Please, provide permissions for this Demo</string>
<string>Please, provide permissions for this Demo</string>
Starting from iOS version 15 and above, as well as Flutter 2.0.6, modification of ios/Runner/AppDelegate.swift
is required
You must request permissions for the application before GeneratedPluginRegistrant
@objc class AppDelegate: FlutterAppDelegate {
override func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
RPEntry.instance.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)
GeneratedPluginRegistrant.register(with: self)
return super.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)
Firstly, create trackingAPI object to interact with SDK
import 'package:telematics_sdk/telematics_sdk.dart';
final _trackingApi = TrackingApi();
await _trackingApi.setDeviceID(deviceId: "DEVICE_TOKEN");
await _trackingApi.clearDeviceID();
Enable the SDK
await _trackingApi.setEnableSdk(enable: true);
Disable the SDK
await _trackingApi.setEnableSdk(enable: false);
Disable the SDK with force uploading data
await _trackingApi.setDisableWithUpload();
Manual start tracking
await _trackingApi.startManualTracking();
Manual start persistent tracking
await _trackingApi.startManualPersistentTracking();
Notes: Persistent tracking ignores all stop tracking reasons and continues before 'stopTracking' method will be called. Max persistent tracking duration is 10 hours.
Manual stop tracking
await _trackingApi.stopManualTracking();
Upload unsent trips
await _trackingApi.uploadUnsentTrips();
Get unsent trips
final unsentTripsCount = await _trackingApi.getUnsentTripCount();
Get unsent trips
final unsentTripsCount = await _trackingApi.getUnsentTripCount();
Send a custom heartbeat
String reason = 'CustomHeartbeat';
await _trackingApi.sendCustomHeartbeats(reason: reason);
Tracking status
final isTracking = await _trackingApi.isTracking();
Create new tag The detailed information about using Tags is available here
String tag = 'TAG';
String source = 'App';
await _trackingApi.addFutureTrackTag(tag: tag, source: source);
Remove a tag
String tag = 'TAG';
await _trackingApi.removeFutureTrackTag(tag: tag);
Remove all tags
await _trackingApi.removeAllFutureTrackTags();
Setting up the permission wizard Without these permissions SDK can not be enabled. If you want to use your own way to request permissions, you can skip this part.
To show the permission wizard, follow next steps:
- Create and init StreamSubscription in your widget
late StreamSubscription<PermissionWizardResult?> _onPermissionWizardStateChanged;
void initState() {
_onPermissionWizardStateChanged = _trackingApi
void _onPermissionWizardResult(PermissionWizardResult result) {
if (result == PermissionWizardResult.allGranted) {
//All permissions are granted. To do something here.
} else {
//Permissions are not granted. To do something here.
- Request to show the permission wizard
await _trackingApi.showPermissionWizard(
enableAggressivePermissionsWizard: false,
enableAggressivePermissionsWizardPage: true
If [enableAggressivePermissionsWizard]
set to true
the wizard will be finished if all required permissions granted (user can’t cancel it with back button), otherwise if set to false
the wizard can be finished with not all granted permissions or cancelled with back button.
If [enableAggressivePermissionsWizardPage]
set to true
the wizard will slide to next page if requested permissions granted on current page, otherwise if set to false
the wizard can slide with not granted permissions.
Enable/Disable Automatic tracking
bool disableTracking = false;
//true to disable automatic tracking (tracking is enabled by default)
await _trackingApi.setDisableTracking(value: disableTracking);
Automatic tracking status
final isTrackingDisabled = await _trackingApi.isDisableTracking();
Enable/Disable Aggressive Heartbeats
The telematics SDK (iOS only) supports two operational modes for heartbeats;
Aggressive heartbeats - heartbeats are sent every 20 minutes. SDK is always active. Normal Heartbeats - heartbeats are sent every 20 minutes but when SDK turns into Standby mode, it will be activated only by a new trip, and heartbeat will be sent respectively.
Mode switcher
bool enable = true; //false to disable aggressive heartbeats
await _trackingApi.setAggressiveHeartbeats(value: enable)
Check state
final isAggressiveHeartbeats = await _trackingApi.isAggressiveHeartbeat()
Enable Accidents detection Accidents detection is disabled by default. You can enable detection. In order for accidents detection to work, you need to enable high-frequency data collection
await _trackingApi.enableAccidents(value: true);
//to check current accidents status
final isEnabledAccidents = await _trackingApi.isEnabledAccidents();