I am a CS undergrad at SVNIT Surat who loves to talk about language, vision, or design. Currently, I work as a Research Fellow at Center of Visual Information Technology, IIITH in the OCR team. I previously interned at Wells Fargo in Hyderabad, India as an Analyst Intern. I led the ACM SVNIT Student Chapter in 2022-23 and I also occasionally write blogs for the official media and publication house of NIT Surat - Renesa.
Visit my portfolio website to view my profile and checkout my blogs here..
As of January 2024: The website might take a while to load because it's a free service. Also, it's pretty old and I haven't updated it for a while
I primarily code in C/C++, Javascript, and Python. Currently learning PyTorch and Tensorflow V2 deep learning frameworks.
Interested to pursue research in Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, with a preferred bent on the healthcare industry. Check out my CV here and ping me up on my mail here if you have any open-source/proprietary ML/DL project where I can help out!