version 2 - Multiplayer
The old snake game written in JS for Hacktoberfest 2018. I threw the base of this together in a few minutes for the sole purpose of contributing real issues for Hacktoberfest and with the help of many great developers we have managed to turn it into a really cool playable game.
Play the game here:
Thank you to everyone who contributed. If I have time to write a socket server for two live players in the next 9 days I will do so, else we'll leave it as is. Thanks to all 71 developers who contributed to this project - most of whom were first time contributors. You guys did a great job!
- (╯°□°)╯︵ uᴉǝssnH ɐɟɐʇsoW (mostafahussein)
- aksungurlu (aksungurlu)
- AmaanH (AmaanH)
- Amit Merchant (amitmerchant1990)
- Bradley (bradleyasu)
- Bruno Nakayabu (BrNaka)
- Cameron Brill (gaiscioch)
- Charlie (atlasRand)
- clizano (clizano)
- Cole Reinhart (ColeReinhart)
- Conor Hinchee (captnstarburst)
- D. L. Marrero (dlmarrero)
- Daniel Torres (TORRESDESIGN)
- David Quan (David-Quan00)
- Derek (DirtySoc)
- dl471 (dl471)
- Eddie Ornelas (ornelasEduardo)
- gramstrong (gramstrong)
- Harald Bergqvist (Yoldrim)
- Hardik500 (Hardik500)
- Henrique Melanda (hjdesigner)
- Isaac (iojw)
- Jannis (thisfro)
- Jaqueline Lemes Botaro (JaqueLB)
- Jared Glaser (jaredglaser)
- Jeroen (jpabeem)
- Joel Hanson (Joel-hanson)
- Joel Rodriguez (joelerll)
- Josef Malacka Jr. (shlavocky)
- Juan Manuel Ramallo (juanmanuelramallo)
- Kevin (kevinko12323)
- kushagra Agarwal (Kushagra-ag)
- Lee (LeeConnelly12)
- Lionel Foucambert (LionelFW)
- Logan Bynes (loganeb)
- Lu-Vuong Le (luvuong-le)
- Martin Splitt (AVGP)
- Michael Flores (michaelprflores)
- Michał Krychniak (KauczukoweJajo)
- Miguel Gallardo (MiguelGT98)
- Mobeen Abdullah (mobeenabdullah)
- Mohammed Safwat (mohammedsafwat)
- Natalie Wyll (nwyll)
- nawwx3 (nawwx3)
- necrashter (necrashter)
- nezirajkujtim (nezirajkujtim)
- nicholasruan (nicholasruan)
- niilz (niilz)
- Nikita Rudenko (nick-rudenko)
- nikossoftwaredev (nikossoftwaredev)
- Njazi Shehu (njaaazi)
- Peter Mandile (peterm94)
- Pritam Sinha (sinha-p)
- Przemysław Półrolniczak (PrzemyslawPolrolniczak)
- Ramazan (RamazanM)
- rdittrich97 (rdittrich97)
- Richa Agarwal (richa031)
- Rob Parham (Pamblam)
- Saravanan Ramupillai (saravanan10393)
- Shiva Kaushal (shivakaushal)
- Siang Huang (sianghuang)
- SMRSAN (smrsan76)
- Steven (StevenJW)
- Sulamita Morales (kyusulamita)
- sven (svengiebel)
- TiffanieJ (TiffanieJ)
- Vincent Lobbestael (lobbestaelv)
- Viswa Sai (visvxplore)
- WicoGoHome (wicogohome)
- WooodHead (WooodHead)
- Yvonne Kim (yvonneKim)