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Joe frontend-joe

United Kingdom

Arg Software dev-argsoftware
We deliver you tailor made software. Custom product and software development focused on you.

Arg Software Portugal

Gabriel Borges GBDev13
Software Engineer | Front End | React, React Native, Next.js, Typescript, and Node.js

Workwolf Vacaria, Brasil

Matheus Fraga devfraga
Apaixonado por tecnologia, instrutor focado em ajudar as pessoas a começar sua carreira como dev. 👊🔥

Sujeito Programador Campo Grande MS

Rocketseat Education rocketseat-education
Organização que armazena o código das aplicações e desafios dos programas e cursos da Rocketseat 🚀
Lucas Castro LucasCastro94
Aluno na FATEC de americana, cursando analise e desenvolvimento de sistemas, se aventurando nessa nova jornada.
Rebecca Januario rebeccajanuario
Hello! I'm a system developer student 👨‍💻

Campinas, SP

Vishal Pande vishalpande
Frontend developer passionate about creating stunning user interfaces with a focus on user experience.


Kaleem Ullah kaleemullah786
Full-stack Developer | AI/ML | React.js (Next.js) | Vue.js (Nuxt.js) | Node.js | Python | JavaScript | TypeScript

Lahore, Pakistan

Alexander Alivanov93
Software Developer 5+ years experience with tech: React, Node, TypeScript, Go, Python, Data Visualisation. Tech enthusiast. AI expert.

Dubai, UAE

Kyla kpopdev
💗Bot dev on discord. New on Python username on discord: @kylauwu

hanni bot https://discord.gg/hanni-support-server-1051507698782441565

Levy Omolo omololevy
Co-Founder, CTO & S. Engineer, Computer Science, Machine Learning || (Python { Django, Flask}), (JavaScript: { Angular, ReactJs => NextJs}) Developer

| @cotechie-org | @Kiungor | @armjscom | @UTAWALA | @chesslablab | @masen0university | Nairobi, Kenya

Jubayer Riyad JubayerRiyad
Hello, I am Jubayer Riyad. I am an Expert in Wix, Shopify, WordPress & Woocommerce with several years of Experience And as same as in all types of design.

Jubayer Riyad Bangladesh

Dieryson Araujo Dieryson
Desenvolvedor Backend | Python | SQL | Terraform | AWS | Azure | SQL Postgres Docker | .NET | C# Cursando engenharia de software


Chiantine P. Manigos xchanmolx
Full-Stack web/software developer focusing on .net core web api, angular, and sql server, mysql etc...

Manigos Information Technology Solutions Philippines

Mickael knopmickael
software developer


Paola Duriff PaolaDuriff
Designer UI/UX

MicroSystems Denver Colorado USA

matheus.cesario2 adventurousgeek1
Desenvolvedor Back_End, em linguagem Java, com monitoramento em Sql, Entendido de Infraestrutura. #DataAnalyst


Aline Radzikowski Aline054
Sou Universitária em Gestão da Tecnologia da informação pela USC.
Mafujul Haque Plabon MafujulHaquePlabon
I'm a Software Engineer. I have experience in building Websites. I have completed my graduation in CSE from Daffodil International University.

Daffodil International University Dhaka,Bangladesh

Marcos Souza Marcosgael
Olá eu sou o Marcos, estudante do curso de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas.

Sao Paulo

THIAGO SANTOS DOS ANJOS thiagosantos2021
Bacharel em Física | Front-end Developer Student

Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Pernambuco

Jefferson Martines JeffersonRPM
Hi, I'm a Computer Engineering student, currently attending the 8th Semester.

SP - Brasil

Leonardo Souza Martins leoszm
👨‍💻 Web Developer 💻 | . Net Core | React | TS | JS |

City hall of Santo André São Paulo, Brasil

Guilherme Pablo TheRookie100
RPA Developer | Front-end

https://mosaicoo.tech Lavras - MG

Grazielle Torres MBTGrazielle
Salvador, Bahia, Brasil
Pablo PMagoga
Graduado em Matemática, Pós graduação em Estatística, cursando Tecnólogo em Big Data e Inteligência Analítica.

Brazilian's Army Brazil

AWS | Java | Python | Mongo | MySql | PostgreSQL

Santa Rita do Sapucaí, MG

Yoshimura Eto Sen-Takatsuki
こんにちは! (o゜▽゜)o

Tokyo, Japan

Amanda Paiva Lino Amandapvln
Desenvolvedora de Software, curiosa com pensamento computacional. Quero trazer a diversidade e a inclusão de mulheres neste meio

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Valdimir Ferraz valdimirr
Estudante de Front end & Back end Student of Front end & Back end


mggcode mggcode
Software Engineer / Software Engineering posgraduate / Systems Analyst


Agile Developer agiledev0115
Tech-savvy Full Stack Web Developer proficient in fundamental front-end and server-side languages
Jérri Mattoso jerrimattoso
Desenvolvedor e Programador

Sicredi Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul

A.B iAmKankan
I am a Data Scientist and a programming freak, love to solve programming puzzles and am always ready to learn new technologies.

Bangalore, India

Wagner Leodoro WagnerLeodoro
I'm a computer technician and instructor at Senac Paraná. I am passionate about technology and systems development. Coffee Lover and barista part time ☕.

Senac Paraná

Vinay Kumar V1nni00
cute but evil; from Bhiwani Haryana... currently studying C++,PHP

Bhiwani Students Club India

Anderson Da Silva Anderson-Silva0
Backend Java Developer. 👨🏽‍💻 Estudante de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas. 📚 Apaixonado por tecnologia. 🖥️😍

Recife-PE, Brasil

Software Developer bh717
A well-rounded FullStack developer is proficient in web development. I am currently exploring and enjoying the exciting world of blockchain.


Pleiterson Amorim pleiterson-amorim
Perfil de uso corporativo

@FikDigital Belo Horizonte