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S3 Mirror Path Utilities

Utilities to aid in interaction with S3 objects by using a local mirror of the S3 bucket.

Primary Classes


A path connecting an S3 Key to a local file. Provides utilities to produce the corresponding path/key, check existance, transfer, load/save data, and interact with the key's locality.


S3 buckets are technically flat storage, but use / to delimit "folders". This class provides a representation of each segment of a key, and optionally it's depth.


Global settings while using the package. Most S3 interactions take place within the same bucket, use the same callbacks, etc, so these are stored here.

Primary Functions


Provide a List of KeySegments to match against, and this function will find all matching keys. The List does not need to be complete, e.g. you can match several key sections, have a gap, and then match several more key sections at a greater depth. This gives flexibility when processing on a lot of data stored at a set structure but spread out across many paths.


Provide a list of KeySegments, and replace those within an existing key. Most processing jobs take an input path, and the output is offset a change to only a few key segments, which this function handles easily. MirrorPath also owns a call to this function which returns a new MirrorPath with the new key.


Provide a list of KeySegments, and replace those within an existing key, but at depths relative to the length of the key. This is useful when you want to replace the last few segments of a key, but don't know how many segments are in the key. MirrorPath also owns a call to this function which returns a new MirrorPath with the new key.

MirrorPath locality functions: get_sibling, get_parent, get_child

Provide a file name to any of these and get a MirrorPath relative to the current file. This calls replace_key_segments_at_relative_depth under the hood, but is far more user-friendly than that function for small replacements.

Example Use Case

Consider a processing project with the following folder structure:

For input images:

[Year]/[Month]/[Day]/[Images with HHMM Stamp]

With some example files:


One task could involve these images getting processed into an output structure:

[Year]/[Month]/Processed/[Images with DD_HHMM_processed Stamp]

With some example files:


The project could specify it's structure with the following KeySegment constants:

class RootSegments:
    YEAR = KeySegment(0)
    MONTH = KeySegment(1)

class RawImageSemgnets:
    DAY = KeySegment(2)
    IMAGE_FILES = KeySegment(3, is_file=True)

class ProcessedImageSegments:
    PROCESSED_DIR = KeySegment(2, name="processed")
    PROCESSED_IMAGE_FILES = KeySegment(3, is_file=True)

Given some function process, the script to run on images from 2020 would be:

segments = [ 
for s3_key in get_matching_s3_keys(segments):
    # Setup Paths
    image_mp = MirrorPath.from_s3_key(key)
    input_segments = get_segments_from_key(s3_key)
    _, _, day_seg, img_fn_seg = input_segments
    output_mp = image_mp.replace_key_segments( 

    # Download 

    # Process
    process(image_mp.local_path, output_mp.local_path)

    # Upload

Although the "Setup Paths" section looks a little dense, overall this example is doing a lot of work. This grabs every key from the base 2020 directory down to every .png file at the specified depth, produces the new path (and key) based on the scheme for each one, and then downloads, processes, and uploads each file. As a bonus, all of the processed files remain in the local mirror, and all download functions have overwrite parameters, so this can act as a cache if necessary.

Environmental Setup

To specify the local directory to store the mirror at, use the set_env_mirror_root function in global_config.py. This will create a .env file in the root of the package, and will be loaded on import. If no mirror root is specified and no .env file is found, a temporary directory will be used.


S3 MirrorPath Logic






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