Docu is a code geneator CLI tool. Is intended to generate documentation in html, markdown and bbcode from code commentaries.
CLI tool to create documents from commentaries in html, markdown and bbcode.
- Generate output in 3 languages
- Keep all changes in one file
- Output to console to allow automatization
- Navigate directly to the lines by clicking
- Easy share (documentated functions or directly the code line)
- No 3° party dependencies
- Support multiple languages
git clone && cd docu
node docu.mjs myCodeFile html > documentation.html
node docu.mjs myCodeFile markdown >
node docu.mjs myCodeFile bbcode > documentation.bbcode.txt
lynx --dump documentation.html > documentation.txt
Use fwl.mjs file as a reference on how to comment your code..
If you add an example, has to be the last paramter in your commentary.