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Minimalist, accurate, and privacy-focused qibla app. Download it via the link below!


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A minimalist, accurate, and privacy-focused qibla app.

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SimplyQibla: Qibla Map

SimplyQibla is a no-frills qibla finder app that lets you find the exact prayer direction for your location, while respecting your privacy.


  • Accurate: The device compass easily fluctuates and shows the wrong qibla direction, but a map remains factual.
  • Privacy-focused: You don't need to grant location permissions for the app to work. You can simply enter the coordinates of a location.
  • Ad-free and Open-Source: We don't nag you with annoying ads, and we don't collect your data either. Our source-code is public and easily auditable.
  • Minimalist Design: Built with Google's latest design language.
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Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


  • A development machine that supports the latest version of Flutter.
  • For iOS-specific development, you will need a MacOS device compatible with Xcode.

Set Up

To get a development env running:

  1. Set up Flutter for your environment by following the steps provided in the official guide.

  2. Clone the simply_qibla repository.

  3. Run flutter pub get at project root to install the packages listed in pubspec.yaml.

  4. Follow the set-up steps for the Google Maps API using their official guide to create your maps API key.

  5. Define the API key in key.properties in the android/ directory for Android, and APIKey.plist in the ios/Runner/ directory for iOS. See key.properties.example and APIKey.plist.example files for correctly defining the API key.

  6. Connect the target (usually a virtual emulator or physical device) to your development machine to run the app.

  7. Go to Run > Start Debugging on your IDE and wait for the app to launch.

You should see the app running now on the target device.

Running Tests

To run the tests located in the test/ directory, run:

flutter test

Code Style Tests

Currently, there is a GitHub action that runs for every pull request to master, ensuring the code conforms to the linter rules. See analysis_options.yaml for current code style rules, and Dart.dev for a list of all available linter rules.

Build and Deploy

Build the IPA or AAB file with the following commands:

  • IPA: flutter build ipa
  • AAB: flutter build appbundle

For detailed deployment steps, see the official Flutter documentation.


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


This project is licensed under the GPL License - see the LICENSE file for details.
