The UD Kazakh treebank is a combination of text from various sources including Wikipedia, some folk tales, sentences from the UDHR, news and phrasebook sentences. Sentences IDs include partial document identifiers.
The tokenisation in the Kazakh UD treebank follows the principles of Turkic lexica in Apertium. Morphological processing in the Kazakh UD treebank follows the principles of Turkic lexica in Apertium. The file designated as “train” is just a small sample to show how the data looks like to shared task participants. The treebank is too small to provide for a standard training-development-test split. Instead, users are advised to merge both files, then jack-knife and report results of ten-fold cross-validation.
Please, cite the following papers if you use Kazakh UD treebank:
@inproceedings{tyers_tl2015, author = {Tyers, Francis M. and Washington, Jonathan N.}, title = {Towards a Free/Open-source Universal-dependency Treebank for Kazakh}, booktitle = {3rd International Conference on Turkic Languages Processing, (TurkLang 2015)}, pages = {276--289}, year = {2015}, } @inproceedings{makazhan_tl2015, author = {Makazhanov, Aibek and Sultangazina, Aitolkyn and Makhambetov, Olzhas and Yessenbayev, Zhandos}, title = {Syntactic Annotation of Kazakh: Following the Universal Dependencies Guidelines. A report}, booktitle = {3rd International Conference on Turkic Languages Processing, (TurkLang 2015)}, pages = {338--350}, year = {2015}, }
- 2022-11-15 v2.11
- Fixed validation errors. 2021-05-15 v2.8
- Tense=Aor is undocumented and controversial (see UniversalDependencies/docs#773); tentatively replaced with Aspect=Hab|Tense=Pres.
- Undocumented Cov(erb) is probably better represented as Inf, see UniversalDependencies/docs#747
- Voice=Coop actually should be Voice=Rcp, which is already defined in UD.
- Undocumented PronType=Qnt changed to PronType=Tot.
- Undocumented PronType=Ref changed to PronType=Prs|Reflex=Yes.
- Undocumented Mood=Vol changed to Mood=Des.
- Undocumented Tense=FutPlan changed to Tense=Fut|Mood=Des. 2018-04-15 v2.2
- Repository renamed from UD_Kazakh to UD_Kazakh-KTB. 2016-11-15 v1.4
- A first feature set has been developped.
- Added 150 more trees annotated for morpho-lexical features (in addition to POS, lemmata, and syntax).
- Several annotation errors have been fixed.
=== Machine-readable metadata (DO NOT REMOVE!) ================================ Data available since: UD v1.3 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Includes text: yes Genre: wiki fiction news Lemmas: manual native UPOS: converted from manual XPOS: manual native Features: converted from manual Relations: manual native Contributors: Makazhanov, Aibek; Washington, Jonathan North; Tyers, Francis Contributing: elsewhere Contact:,, ===============================================================================