A library for a simple HTTP and HTTPS webserver.
The usage of this libary is fairly simple:
A webserver which processes requests upon event firing.
using WWS;
public static void Main(string[] args)
var srv = new WonkyWebServer();
srv.OnIncomingRequest += r => (HttpStatusCode.OK, $@"
<body style=""font-family: monospace"">
<h1>HELLO {r.Sender}!</h1>
You requested <b>'{r.RequestedURL}'</b>.
Your user agent: <b>'{r.UserAgent}'</b>
Console.WriteLine($"Listening on {srv.Configuration.ListeningPort}. Press ESC to exit.");
while (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);
The webserver can be configured as follows:
var srv = new WonkyWebServer();
srv.Configuration = WWSConfiguration.DefaultHTTPConfiguration; // use the default configuration for HTTP (listening on port 8080)
srv.srv.OnIncomingRequest += ...
srv.Start(); // start the server
var srv = new WonkyWebServer(new WWSConfiguration
HTTPS = new WWSHTTPSConfiguration // use HTTPS
X509_CertificatePath = "server.cer", // certificate path
ListeningPort = 2000, // Listen on port 2000
CachingAge = 60, // This website should be cached for a maximum of 60sec
ListeningPath = "virtual_server1/", // Only listen on requests beginning with
// https://hostname:2000/virtual_server1/
ServerString = "my custom server" // The server string
A file-based webserver with scripting capabilities (like a PHP server).