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Automated E2E and integration testing of Milo-based projects.

Getting started

Scenario : I wanto to contribute to Nala framework and Milo Test Automation

1. Nala repositoy

  • step-1 : Fork the Nala repository
    • Begin by forking the Nala repository
  • step-2 : Clone and Set Remote URLs
    • After forking, clone the repository to your local machine
    • Configure the remote URLs for both Upstream (original repository) and Origin (your fork).

2. Performing a Dry Run Test

- Open the Nala codebase in Visual Studio Code (VSCode).
- Execute the following sample command in the terminal to run the 'Quote' block tests
npx playwright test -g@quote
  • If you encounter any errors, install the necessary dependencies as defined in the package.json, use the following commands:
 - npm install
 - npm fund 
  • After installing the dependencies, re-run the above command to execute the Quote block test scripts. The tests should now run successfully.

3. Start Nala automation test script creation

Nala automation script creation involves following three simple steps.

  • Step-1 : Create <block or feature name>.spec.js under the features folder and add test cases and data

    • Please refer below sample template for creating a test case.
module.exports = {
  FeatureName: 'Quote Block',
  features: [
      tcid: '0',
      name: '@Quote ',
      path: '/drafts/nala/blocks/quote/quote',
      data: {
        quoteCopy: '3D is a crucial part of how we explore the brand in a digital workflow',
        figCaption: 'Benny Lee',
        cite: 'Global Manager of Experiential Design, Coca-Cola Company',
      tags: '@smoke @regression @milo,',

nala spec

  • Step-2 : Create <block or feature name>.page.js page object under the selectors folder and add locators

    • Please refer to the sample template for creating a selector page object
export default class Quote {
  constructor(page) {
    this.page = page;
    // quote block locators
    this.quote = this.page.locator('.quote');
    this.quoteImage = this.quote.locator('.quote-image');
    this.quoteCopy = this.quote.locator('p.quote-copy');
    this.quoteFigCaption = this.quote.locator('p.figcaption');
    this.quoteFigCaptionCite = this.quote.locator('cite p');
    this.sectionDark = this.page.locator('.section.dark');

nala pom

// Quote block tests
test.describe('Milo Quote block test suite', () => {
  // before each test block
  test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
    obj = new Quote(page);
    webutil = new WebUtil(page);

  // Test - 0
  test(`${features[0].name},${features[0].tags}`, async ({ page, baseURL }) => {
    // test step-1
    await test.step('Go to Quote block test page', async () => {
      await page.goto(`${baseURL}${features[0].path}`);
      await page.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded');
      await expect(page).toHaveURL(`${baseURL}${features[0].path}`);

    // test step-2
    await test.step('Verify Quote block content / specs ', async () => {
      const { data } = features[0];
      await expect(page.locator('.quote')).toBeVisible();      

      await expect(await obj.quote).toBeVisible();
      await expect(await obj.quoteCopy).toContainText(data.quoteCopy);
      await expect(await obj.quoteFigCaption).toContainText(data.figCaption);

      // verify quote block css
      expect(await webutil.verifyCSS(
        await obj.quote,

nala pom


4 Running Nala tests

  • Nala offers a range of flexible options to suit your testing needs. Please refer to the following choices for running your tests:
  • By default Nala is configured to runs all tests in parallel in headless mode on following browsers
    • Chrome
    • Firefox
    • WebKit

4.1 : Run Everything

  • Example-1 : I want to run all tests on all environments or projects on all browsers in headless mode
npx playwright test
  • Example-2 : I want to run all tests on all environments or projects on all browsers in GUI mode
npx playwright test --headed
  • Example-3 : I want to run all tests on specific environments or projects (i.e milo-live) on chrome browser in headless mode
npx playwright test --project=milo-live-chrome
  • Note : To run tests in GUI mode , you append --headed to run commands

4.2 : Run Test Suite

  • Example-1 : I want to run Quote block test suite on all environment or projects on all browsers in headless mode
npx playwright test quote.block.test
  • Example-2 : I want to run Quote block test suite on specific environment or projects (i.e milo-live) on firefox browsers in headless mode
npx playwright quote.block.test --project=milo-live-firefox

4.3 : Run Tests using Tags (@)

Example-1: I want to run all milo tests on all environment or projects on all browsers in headless mode
  • headless mode
npx playwright test -g@milo
  • Example-2: I want to run all smoke test suite on all environment or projects on all browsers in headless mode
npx playwright test -g@smoke
  • Example-3: I want to run all regression test suite on all environment or projects on all browsers in headless mode
npx playwright test -g@regression
  • Example-4: I want to run all quote block tests on all environment or projects on all browsers in headless mode
npx playwright test -g@quote
  • Example-5: I want to run quote and marquee blocks tests on all environment or projects on all browsers in headless mode
npx playwright test -g@quote|@marquee
  • Example-6: I want to run quote, marquee and accordion blocks tests on (i.e milo-live) envronment on chrome browser in headless mode
npx playwright test -g@quote|@marquee|@accordion --project=milo-live-chrome
  • Note : To run tests using tags, make sure in .spec.js file @tags are specified

5 : Run Tests on my localhost (i.e. 'http://localhost:3000',)

  • To run Nala tests on your local host server, make sure you add or have following project object in playwright.config.js
        name: 'local-chrome',
        use: {
          ...devices['Desktop Chrome'],
          baseURL: envs['@local3000'],
Now, you are all set to run Nala tests on your local host
  • Example-1 : I want to run all tests on my local server or on project name = local-chrome on chrome browser in headless mode
npx playwright test --project=local-chrome
  • Example-2: I want to run all smoke test suite on my local server or on project name = local-chrome on chrome browser in headless mode
npx playwright test -g@smoke --project=local-chrome
  • Note: Please refer above section-4, for various run options.

6 : Run tests on PRs

To run nala tests on pull requests (PRs) please following below labeling options,
  • Example-1 : This PR affects Quote block functionality so i want to test Quote block tests on Milo
  PR Label = @quote @run-nala 
  • Example-2 : As part of this PR i want to verify all smoke tests on Milo
  PR Label = @smoke @run-nala

Example-3 : As part of this PR i want to verify all regression tests on Milo

  PR Label = @regression @run-nala
  • Example-4 : As part of this PR i want to verify accordion and marquee block tests on Milo
  PR Label = @accordion @marquee @run-on-milo

Example-5 : As part of this PR i want to verify smokes tests on Milo and Bcom applications

  PR Label = @smoke @run-on-milo @run-on-bcom
  • Note: PR should have label of the format : @tag(s) @run-on-<app name>

7 : Daily Runs

All Milo and Consuming applications tests are scheduled to run between 6:00 to 9:30 AM PST
  • Please refer <APP-Nala-Daily-Run.ymls for daily run workflows
  • Tests are run on following platerforms
    • Linux OS ( ubuntu-latests) with browsers = [Chrome, Firefox, and WebKit]
    • Windows OS ( windows-latests) with browsers = [Chrome, Firefox, and WebKit]
    • Mac OS ( macos-latests) with browsers = [Chrome, Firefox, and WebKit]

8: Nala wiki.