Hi 👋, I'm Ahmet. I’m a web developer. I write code, get bugs, and write code again.
🔧 I work with both backend and frontend, but if you ask me, I’d always choose backend. I love writing APIs and working with databases. I use Node.js, Express.js, and PostgreSQL, but I’m also pretty familiar with MongoDB, Redis, and Sequelize. And yes, Nest.js is in the mix too!
🌱 Recently, I’ve been learning Go. Its static typing, JavaScript-like syntax, and the ease of writing microservices caught my attention. Plus, it has a cute mascot: the Gopher! That’s one more reason I like Go.
💻 On the frontend, I work with Vue.js and Tailwind. I write unit tests with Jest because I believe every line of code deserves to be tested. When I’m not coding, you’ll find me watching software videos on YouTube, hanging out on Discord, or reading tech articles.
🤝 I’m developing a platform to help people find project partners. In the future, I hope to build a successful team and create awesome projects. Who knows, maybe I'll even dive into Web3!
🎓 By the way, I hold an associate degree in Computer Programming from Mardin Artuklu University.