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Dataset and code for "DiscoveryBench: Towards Data-Driven Discovery with Large Language Models"

🔭 Overview

DiscoveryBench is designed to systematically assess current model capabilities in data-driven discovery tasks and provide a useful resource for improving them. Each DiscoveryBench task consists of a goal and dataset(s). Solving the task requires both statistical analysis and semantic reasoning. A faceted evaluation allows open-ended final answers to be rigorously evaluated.

DiscoveryBench Background

This repo is structured as follows:

  • DiscoveryBench: Contains both real and synthetic datasets, located in the discoverybench folder.
  • Discovery Agents: Includes the code for discovery agents, found in the agents folder and can be instantiated using discovery_agent.py.
  • Evaluation System: Evaluation scripts are stored in the eval folder, accessible via discovery_eval.py.

🚀 Running Discovery Agents

To run the discovery agents use the discovery_agent.py script as following:

Usage: discovery_agent.py [OPTIONS] QUERY

  --agent_type [coder|react]    Agent type to use for discovery, default is
  --model_name TEXT             Model name, default is gpt-4o, available
                                models are [gpt-4-turbo|llama-3-70b-chat|claud
                                e-3-opus|gemini-pro]. Exhaustive list can be
                                found in config/model_config.json
  --api_config TEXT             API config file, default is
  --log_file TEXT               Log file
  --metadata_path TEXT          Metadata file path  [required]
  --metadata_type [real|synth]  Metadata type  [required]
  --add_domain_knowledge        Add domain knowledge to query
  --add_workflow_tags           Add Workflow Tags to query
  --help                        Show this message and exit.

⚖️ Evaluating Discovery Agents

To evaluate the outputs generated by the discovery agents, use the discovery_eval.py script as following:

Usage: discovery_eval.py [OPTIONS] QUERY

  --gold_hypo TEXT              Gold Hypothesis  [required]
  --gold_workflow TEXT          Gold Workflow
  --pred_hypo TEXT              Predicted Hypothesis  [required]
  --pred_workflow TEXT          Predicted Workflow
  --metadata_path TEXT          Metadata file path  [required]
  --metadata_type [real|synth]  Metadata type  [required]
  --eval_output_path TEXT       Evaluation output path
  --help                        Show this message and exit.

🌟 Contributing to DiscoveryBench

We welcome contributions to our repository of discovery agents. In case of any issues for the agents, evaluation, or any other bug, please follow our issue templates. We would try to respond to as soon as possible.

Reach out to us at: Bodhisattwa Prasad Majumder and Harshit Surana (Email: {bodhisattwam, harshits}@allenai.org).

✍️ Citation

If you find our work helpful, please use the following citations.

  author    = "Bodhisattwa Prasad Majumder, Harshit Surana, Dhruv Agarwal, Bhavana Dalvi Mishra, Abhijeetsingh Meena, Aryan Prakhar, Tirth Vora, Tushar Khot, Ashish Sabharwal, Peter Clark",
  title     = "DiscoveryBench: Towards Data-Driven Discovery with Large Language Models",
  journal   = "arXiv",
  year      = "2024",


Discovering Data-driven Hypotheses in the Wild






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