A dead simple app that let you know If you are connected . (with polybar support)
the notification mode is probably only usable with dunst
sooo there was a time when my internet was so good at disapearing when needed so I made this lil app to just tell me when to go back the moment its back.
and yea I just kept messing with it once a while and its public now. :)
my internet still sucks so this thing is actually usefull.
Nothing unless :
: for notification support.
: duh, of course if you want to use it in polybar you will need polybar.
: if you are going to build from source.
You need a to have
added toPATH
$ git clone https://github.com/andro404-MC/pingo
$ cd pingo
// Run
$ go run .
// Install
$ go install .
To run :
$ pingo
Arguments :
: Mode (term, termMin, ico, notify) (default "term") -
: no trail (no replacing last line) -
: turn on noneStop (use$ killall pingo
for stop) -
: polybar colors -
: delay between rechecks in Seconds (default 8) -
: delay between retrys in Seconds (default 1) -
: ping timeout in Milliseconds (default 200)
The default ping target is google.com but it can be changed using the environment variable PINGOIP
$ PINGOIP=gnu.org pingo
None for now :)