Starred repositories
Open Source three.js cesium.js examples and demo community - 开源的 three.js 和 cesium.js 案例社区 ---- star ----点星星
A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions.
Brings Tailscale to low powered OpenWRT devices
🔥 A highly scalable, offline-first foundation with the best developer experience and a focus on performance and best practices.
A React Framework for building internal tools, admin panels, dashboards & B2B apps with unmatched flexibility.
⭐️ The most comprehensive ChatGPT repo with Vue 3: Vue ChatGPT AI! ⭐️ Unlock the power of AI-driven conversations with OpenAI. 🚀 Enjoy real-time messaging, seamless image/audio support, and Firebas…
A JavaScript framework for interactive 3D and 2D visualizations
LYGIA, it's a granular and multi-language (GLSL, HLSL, WGSL, MSL and CUDA) shader library designed for performance and flexibility
Free, simple, and intuitive online database diagram editor and SQL generator.
Web powered cross-platform 3D, WebXR game engine.
Software Developer Portfolio Website built with next.js and tailwind CSS that helps you showcase your work and skills as a software developer.
Three Viewport Gizmo is a highly customizable standalone interactive three.js view helper controls, allowing effortless integration with popular camera libraries.
《Real-Time Rendering 4th》 (RTR4) 中文翻译
Real-Time Rendering 4th (RTR4) 参考文献合集典藏 | Collection of <Real-Time Rendering 4th (RTR4)> Bibliography / Reference
Roadmap to becoming an Artificial Intelligence Expert in 2022
A beautiful shopping platform developed with Next.js, tailored for various devices including Desktop, Tablet, and Phone. 基于Nextjs开发同时适配Desktop、Tablet、Phone多种设备的精美购物平台
Beautiful and accessible drag and drop for lists with React