- Introduction
- Basics: sound samples, sequencing and mixing.
- Application to data sonification: the Wagga Wagga Groove
- Other tools
A sequencer is a device or software for creating musical pieces by editing and combining sound samples. The aim of this package is to provide a minimalistic R-based implementation of the most basic actions typically performed by a sequencer, in particular:
- Creating sound samples.
- Sequencing, i.e. creating a musical sequence by repeating a given sound sample according to some rythmic pattern.
- Mixing, i.e. merging several sequences into a single musical piece.
While this package is quite rudimentary compared with existing sequencers, it allows using the R language for automating some of these steps, which is particularly useful for data sonification, as will be illustrated in this vignette (with more examples available in this blog).
The package sequenceR
strongly builds on the package tuneR
, and both
packages generally need to be loaded:
A soundSample
is an object containing the following attributes:
- the waveform
, normalized to be smaller than 1 in absolute value. - the
of the sample in seconds. - the sampling
, in number of values per second. - the number of values in the waveform
, equal torate
Let’s now see three possible ways to create a soundSample
A 0.1-second A note can be created by using a sine wave as shown below:
# a 0.1-second A note
d <- 0.1 # duration of the sample in seconds
rate <- 44100 # sampling rate in values per second (this is a typical value and is used as a default throughout this package)
n <- round(rate*d) # number of values in the waveform
w <- sin(2*pi*440*seq(0,d,length.out=n)) # waveform (440Hz A note)
A <- soundSample(wave=w,rate=rate)
The package provides two methods to plot
and listen
to the created
# listen(A) # uncomment to listen to the sample
plot(A) # plot the sample
The second example below adds some noise to this perfect A note. For more approaches to generate sound, see sound synthesis.
noisyA <- soundSample(wave=w+0.1*rnorm(n))
# listen(noisyA) # uncomment to listen to the sample
Instead of generating a sound from mathematical functions, it is possible to use an existing data series and to interpret it as a waveform as shown in the example below. This works better with relatively long series showing some form of seasonality.
sun <- soundSample(sunspots,rate=44100/10) # sampling rate is lowered to get a low pitch
# listen(sun) # uncomment to listen to the sample
A soundSample
object can also be created by reading an existing audio
file (typically a .wav or .mp3). Functions such as readWave
are provided by the tuneR
package for this purpose. The
example below shows how to read a ‘ding-dong’ mp3 file, downloaded from
the BBC website. You can
find more sources of audio sound samples on this
w <- tuneR::readMP3(file.path('vignettes','07027201.mp3'))
Note that the readWave
function returns a Wave
object (from package
), which needs to be turned into a soundSample
object (from
package sequenceR
). This can easily be done as shown below. Comparing
the plots above and below illustrates the main differences between
and soundSample
objects: (1) the latter is mono, while the
former may be stereo; (2) the latter is standardized so that its maximum
absolute value is one.
# Cast Wave to sound Sample
sam <-as.soundSample(w)
# listen(sam) # uncomment to listen to the sample
The sequence
function repeats a soundSample
at specific times (given
in seconds). It is also possible to specify the volume (standardized
between 0 and 1) at which each repetition is played, along with its
panoramic (-1 for full left to 1 for full right, 0 is centered). The
example below illustrates this. Note that the output of the sequence
function is a stereo Wave
A_seq <- sequence(A,time=c(0,0.5,1,1.5),
The code below creates a second sequence using the sample read from the
BBC website, and illustrate the effect of the option letRing
sam_seq <- sequence(sam,time=c(0,1.2),pan=c(-1,1),letRing=FALSE)
sam_seq <- sequence(sam,time=c(0,1.2),pan=c(-1,1),letRing=TRUE)
The mix
function takes several Wave
objects as inputs
(e.g. sequences resulting from calls to the sequence
function) and
merges them into a single Wave
object. It allows controlling the
volume and the panoramic of each sequence.
myMix <- mix(list(A_seq,sam_seq),volume=c(1,0.3))
# tuneR::play(myMix) # uncomment to play
# tuneR::writeWave(myMix,'myMix.wav') # uncomment to save to disk
Data sonification refers to the transformation of data into sound, using some algorithmic process. This can be achieved in many ways, but here we focus on the approach known as parameter mapping: the values taken by the data are mapped into some attributes (or parameters) of notes, typically their pitch or loudness, or possibly their duration. This is very much the same process as the mapping performed in data visualization, where data values are mapped into e.g. the color, size of type of symbols in a graph or map.
One possible sonification process is to use data to control the
sequencing of a sound sample. Consider, as an example, the Wagga Wagga
dataset which comes with this package. It contains the annual
precipitation and temperature time series in the city of Wagga Wagga,
New South Wales, Australia, as plotted below. A possible sonification of
this dataset is to use the data to control the elements of a drum. For
instance, a low kick might be played whenever the precipitation is low,
and a snare whenever it is high; in addition the temperature might be
used to control the master volume. The use of sequenceR
to achieve
this is described next.
plot(WaggaWagga$Year,WaggaWagga$Precipitation,type='l',xlab='Year',ylab='precip. [mm]')
plot(WaggaWagga$Year,WaggaWagga$Temperature,type='l',xlab='Year',ylab='temp. [C]')
We start by defining a few properties of this sonification attempt: its duration, the times at which sound samples will be played and the master volume, controlled by the temperature time series.
n <- NROW(WaggaWagga) # series size
dur <- 9 # duration in seconds
tim <- dur*seq(0,1,length.out=n) # regular time vector between 0 and dur
master <- rescale(WaggaWagga$Temperature,0.2,1) # master volume = temperature time series rescaled between 0.2 and 1
We are going to use three basic elements of a drum: a hi-hat, a bass
drum and a snare. The corresponding soundSample
objects hiHat
and snare
come along with this package so that we can directly
proceed to the sequencing.
We start by defining a hi-hat rhythmic pattern by playing groups of four notes, the first one being accentuated. This is a typical pattern (very much similar to this intro) and it allows installing the rhythmic pulse.
every4=(((1:n)-1))%%4==0 # T F F F T F F F etc.
accents <- rescale(as.numeric(every4),0.2,1) # 1 0.2 0.2 0.2 1 0.2 0.2 0.2 etc.
hh <- sequence(hiHat,time=tim,volume=master*accents) # create hi-hat sequence
# tuneR::play(hh) # uncomment to play
We then define the low kick sequence by playing it every time precipitation is lower than some threshold.
mask=WaggaWagga$Precipitation<450 # time steps with low pp
k <- sequence(kick,time=tim[mask],volume=master[mask]) # play a kick at those time steps
# tuneR::play(k) # uncomment to play
We proceed in a similar way to associate the snare with high precipitation values.
mask=WaggaWagga$Precipitation>800 # time steps with high pp
s <- sequence(snare,time=tim[mask],volume=master[mask]) # play a snare at those time steps
# tuneR::play(s) # uncomment to play
The final step is to mix the hi-hat, kick and snare sequences together and to save the result to a file.
final <- mix(list(hh,k,s),volume=c(0.5,0.75,1))
writeWave(final,'WaggaWagga.wav') # write to disc
# tuneR::play(final) # uncomment to play
Data sonification is particularly interesting when it is combined with data animation, as shown in the example below based on the package gganimate. The resulting video can be seen here.
# Modify the shape of the WaggaWagga dataset to facilitate plotting
DF <- pivot_longer(WaggaWagga,-Year) # function from tidyr
# Plot precipitation and temperature time series using ggplot
g <- ggplot(DF,aes(x=Year,y=value))
g <- g + geom_line(aes(color=name),linewidth=1)+geom_point(size=4)
g <- g + scale_color_manual(values = c('blue','red'),guide=FALSE)
g <- g + facet_wrap(vars(name),ncol=1,scales='free_y')+theme_bw()
g <- g + geom_hline(data=data.frame(y=450,name='Precipitation'),aes(yintercept=y))
g <- g + geom_hline(data=data.frame(y=800,name='Precipitation'),aes(yintercept=y))
# Make it look nicer
g <- g+theme_bw()+theme(axis.title=element_text(size=18),
# Create an animated plot
g <- g + transition_reveal(Year)
# 'Render' the animated plot into a .mp4 movie
fps=n/dur # number of frames divided by duration
renderer = av_renderer('WaggaWaggaGroove.mp4',audio='WaggaWagga.wav'))
An instrument
object is simply a named list of soundSample
’s. For
instance, a simple drum kit can be assembled using the kick
, snare
and hiHat
’s that come with the package. The instrument
can then be played using the play.instrument
function, which is mostly
an extension of the sequence
function to allow selecting notes:
drums <- instrument(samples=list(kick,snare,hiHat),notes=c('boom','tat','cheet'))
# tuneR::play(w) # uncomment to play
Instruments are very useful to implement data sonification: many examples can be found in this blog (with corresponding codes here). It is possible to build your own instruments using the many sample packs that can be downloaded from the internet (not for free in general). On this page you will find several links to freely-available packs, generally under an “attribution” creative commons license. This file can be used to build the instrument from downloaded packs.
The package provides a few basic tools for sound synthesis: oscillator
utilities (see ?oscillator
and ?oscillator_pattern
) and a basic
# Create a synthesizer instrument and play it
synth <- getSynth(c('E2','B2','E3','G3','A3'))
# tuneR::play(w) # uncomment to play
The package provides a few basic effects: envelopes, distortion and delay:
dry=oscillator(freq=110,duration=1) # a low A note
# Define an ADSR envelope (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Envelope_(music)#ADSR)
env <- envelope(t=c(0,0.05,0.2,0.8,1),v=c(0,1,0.6,0.2,0))
# Apply effects: envelope, saturation and delay
# listen(wet) # uncomment to play
The piping syntax of dplyr
is quite useful for chaining effects:
wet=dry %>% applyEnvelope(env) %>% applyDisto(type='clip',level=0.5) %>%
# listen(wet) # uncomment to play
The package provides a pre-built sonification of the famous warming stripes: this allows using your own data, playing with musical options, and digging into the code to see how the tools provided by the package can be pieced together to create music out of data.