Scripts and data associated to the paper "On Sackin's original proposal: The variance of the leaves' depths as a phylogenetic balance index".
It contains the following R Mardown files:
: Produces Figure 11 in the main text -
: Produces Figure 11 in the main text -
: Illustrates the functionMinVar
to compute the minimum value of$V$ for trees with$n$ leaves and the multiset(s) of depths of the tree(s) achieving it. -
: Computes the tables in folder Tables -
: Checks the uniqueness of the type of trees achieving the minimum$V$ value for$n$ up to 2^20^
It also contains the HTML files obtained knitting them.
Python script defining the functions
: that computes the variance of the leaves' depths of a given treemax_var_depths
: that returns the tuple formed by the maximum variance of a given number of leaves and the only tree that attains itmin_var_depths
: that returns the tuple formed by the minimum variance of a given number of leaves and ONE tree that attains itmin_var_depths_vector
: that returns the tuple formed by the minimal variance of a given number of leaves and the vector of l_i's
It contains the types of trees with minimum V value for n from 2^8^ to 2^20^. Each file Resultsk_k+1.txt contains the results from 2^k^to 2^k+1^. The last file, from 2^19^ to 2^20^, is split into two files.
It contains the R Markdown file, and the data files generated and used by it, used in the computations yielding Table 3 in the main text