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License: MIT

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This library defines common unit conversions, including:

  • Linear acceleration, velocity, and position
  • Rotational acceleration, velocity, and position
  • Force
  • Density
  • Mass
  • Pressure
  • Temperature

Included constants are:

  • Pi
  • Gravitational acceleration
  • Standard day sea level temperature
  • Standard day sea level pressure
  • Standard day sea level speed of sound
  • Standard day lapse rate
  • Gas constant
  • Molecular mass of air

This library is compatible with Arduino and with CMake build systems.



Use the Arduino Library Manager to install this library or clone to your Arduino/libraries folder. This library is added as:

#include "units.h"

An example Arduino executable is located at examples/arduino/units_example/units_example.ino. Teensy 3.x, 4.x, and LC devices are used for testing under Arduino and this library should be compatible with other devices.


CMake is used to build this library, which is exported as a library target called units. The header is added as:

#include "units.h"

The library can be also be compiled stand-alone using the CMake idiom of creating a build directory and then, from within that directory issuing:

cmake ..

This will build the library, an example executable called units_example, and an executable for testing using the Google Test framework, called units_test. The example executable source file is located at examples/cmake/units_example.cc.


This library is within the namespace bfs.


pi and 2pi are defined as constants BFS_PI_FLOAT and BFS_2PI_FLOAT for single precision floats and BFS_PI_DOUBLE and BFS_2PI_DOUBLE for double precision.

Gravitational acceleration (m/s/s) is defined as constant G_MPS2 as a single precision float


float convlength(const float val, const LinPosUnit input, const LinPosUnit output) converts val between input and output linear position units. This function is equivalent to the MATLAB convlength for scalar inputs. Available units are:

Enum Unit
FT feet
M meters
KM kilometers
IN inches
MI miles
NAUT_MI nautical miles
/* Convert 10 feet to meters */
float dist_m = bfs::convlength(10.0f, bfs::LinPosUnit::FT, bfs::LinPosUnit::M);

double convlength(const double val, const LinPosUnit input, const LinPosUnit output) same as above, but with double precision.

float convvel(const float val, const LinVelUnit input, const LinVelUnit output) converts val between input and output linear velocity units. This function is equivalent to the MATLAB convvel for scalar inputs. Available units are:

Enum Unit
FPS feet per second, ft/s
MPS meters per second, m/s
KPS kilometers per second, km/s
IPS inches per second, in/s
KPH kilometers per hour, km/h
MPH miles per hour, mi/h
KTS knots
FPM feet per minute, ft/min
/* Convert 10 ft/s to m/s */
float vel_mps = bfs::convvel(10.0f, bfs::LinVelUnit::FPS, bfs::LinVelUnit::MPS);

float convacc(const float val, const LinAccUnit input, const LinAccUnit output) converts val between input and output linear acceleration units. This function is equivalent to the MATLAB convacc for scalar inputs. Available units are:

Enum Unit
FPS2 feet per second per second, ft/s/s
MPS2 meters per second per second, m/s/s
KPS2 kilometers per second per second, km/s/s
IPS2 inches per second per second, in/s/s
KPHPS kilometers per hour per second, km/h/s
MPHPS miles per hour per second, mi/h/s
G G force acceleration, G
/* Convert 1 G to m/s/s */
float acc_mps2 = bfs::convacc(1.0f, bfs::LinAccUnit::G, bfs::LinAccUnit::MPS2);

float convang(const float val, const AngPosUnit input, const AngPosUnit output) converts val between input and output angle units. This function is equivalent to the MATLAB convang for scalar inputs. Available units are:

Enum Unit
DEG degrees
RAD radians
REV revolutions
/* Convert 1 deg to rad */
float ang_rad = bfs::convang(1.0f, bfs::AngPosUnit::DEG, bfs::AngPosUnit::RAD);

double convang(const double val, const AngPosUnit input, const AngPosUnit output) same as above, but with double precision.

float rad2deg(const float val) converts the input from radians to degrees. This function is equivalent to the MATLAB rad2deg for scalar inputs.

/* Convert 1 rad to deg */
float ang_deg = bfs::rad2deg(1.0f);

double rad2deg(const double val) same as above, but with double precision.

float deg2rad(const float val) converts the input from degrees to radians. This function is equivalent to the MATLAB deg2rad for scalar inputs.

/* Convert 1 deg to rad */
float ang_rad = bfs::deg2rad(1.0f);

double deg2rad(const double val) same as above, but with double precision.

float convangvel(const float val, const AngVelUnit input, const AngVelUnit output) converts val between input and output angular velocity units. This function is equivalent to the MATLAB convangvel for scalar inputs. Available units are:

Enum Unit
DEGPS degrees per second, deg/s
RADPS radians per second, rad/s
RPM revolutions per minute, rpm
/* Convert 1 deg/s to rad/s */
float w_radps = bfs::convangvel(1.0f, bfs::AngVelUnit::DEGPS, bfs::AngVelUnit::RADPS);

float convangacc(const float val, const AngAccUnit input, const AngAccUnit output) converts val between input and output angular acceleration units. This function is equivalent to the MATLAB convangacc for scalar inputs. Available units are:

Enum Unit
DEGPS2 degrees per second per second, deg/s/s
RADPS2 radians per second per second, rad/s/s
RPMPS revolutions per minute per second, rpm/s
/* Convert 1 deg/s/s to rad/s/s */
float a_radps2 = bfs::convangacc(1.0f, bfs::AngAccUnit::DEGPS2, bfs::AngAccUnit::RADPS2);

float convforce(const float val, const ForceUnit input, const ForceUnit output) converts val between input and output force units. This function is equivalent to the MATLAB convforce for scalar inputs. Available units are:

Enum Unit
LBF pound force
N Newton
/* Convert 1 lbf to N */
float f_n = bfs::convforce(1.0f, bfs::ForceUnit::LBF, bfs::ForceUnit::N);

float convmass(const float val, const MassUnit input, const MassUnit output) converts val between input and output mass units. This function is equivalent to the MATLAB convmass for scalar inputs. Available units are:

Enum Unit
LBM pound mass
KG kilograms
SLUG slugs
/* Convert 1 kg to slug */
float m_slug = bfs::convmass(1.0f, bfs::MassUnit::KG, bfs::MassUnit::SLUG);

float convdensity(const float val, const DensityUnit input, const DensityUnit output) converts val between input and output density units. This function is equivalent to the MATLAB convdensity for scalar inputs. Available units are:

Enum Unit
LBMPFT3 pound mass per feet cubed, lbm/ft^3
KGPM3 kilogram per meters cubed, kg/m^3
SLUGPFT3 slug per feet cubed, slug/ft^3
LBMPIN3 pound mass per inch cubed, lbm/in^3
/* Convert 1 lbm/ft^3 to kg/m^3 */
float dens_kgpm3 = bfs::convdensity(1.0f, bfs::DensityUnit::LBMPFT3, bfs::DensityUnit::KGPM3);

float convpres(const float val, const PresUnit input, const PresUnit output) converts val between input and output pressure units. This function is equivalent to the MATLAB convpres for scalar inputs. Available units are:

Enum Unit
PSI pound force per square inch
PA Pascal
HPA Hectopascal
PSF pound force per square foot
ATM atmosphere
MBAR millibar
/* Convert 1 psi to pa */
float p_pa = bfs::convpres(1.0f, bfs::PresUnit::PSI, bfs::PresUnit::PA);

float convtemp(const float val, const TempUnit input, const TempUnit output) converts val between input and output temperature units. This function is equivalent to the MATLAB convtemp for scalar inputs. The function is templated to output using the same native type as the input - only floating point types are supported. Available units are:

Enum Unit
K Kelvin
F Fahrenheit
C Celsius
R Rankine
/* Convert 1 C to F */
float temp_f = bfs::convtemp(1.0f, bfs::TempUnit::C, bfs::TempUnit::F);