Tools for finetuning BERT for named entity recognition, originally tested on PharmaCoNER data. The trained model for PharmaCoNER is available on request.
- a pretrained BERT model (model paths hardcoded in the code at the moment)
- file from
- Train and devel files in the format below (paths hardcoded currently)
Data should be in conllish format (1st column tag, last column token (will get retokenized to subword units)):
I-MISC Indian
O all-rounder
I-PER Phil
I-PER Simmons
O took
O four
O for
O 38
O on
O Friday
O as
I-ORG Leicestershire
O beat
I-ORG Somerset
O by
O an
O innings
O and
O 39
O runs
O in
O two
O days
O to
O take
O over
O at
O the
O head
O of
O the
O county
O championship
O . trains a new model, requires model save path and weight decay as input, e.g.
python3 ./models/model.h5 0.01 | tee ./logs/model.log makes predictions with an existing model, requires model path, input path and output path, e.g.
python3 ./models/model.h5 ./data/PharmaCoNER-dev-1.1.nersuite ./predictions.nersuite
The predicted tags are inserted to the last column of the input file.