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Jeff Chiu edited this page May 28, 2018 · 10 revisions

conciliator (formerly refine_viaf) out in the world

Bolam, Michael. "Cleaning and Linking Data with OpenRefine." Digital Mitford Coding School, University of Pittsburgh Libraries. May 24, 2018. https://mbolam.github.io/DigMitCS_openrefine/

Hwang, Karen. "Enriching Reconciled Data with OpenRefine." The Bytegeist Blog. May 10, 2018. https://medium.com/the-bytegeist-blog/enriching-reconciled-data-with-openrefine-89b885dcadbb

Little, John. "Hands-on: Reconciliation." In Cleaning Data with OpenRefine. May 3, 2018. https://libjohn.github.io/openrefine/hands-on-reconciliation.html

Digital Collections Working Group of the Content Creation & Dissemination Team. "Using OpenRefine for Metadata Enrichment." Orbis Cascade Alliance. May 15, 2017. https://www.orbiscascade.org/using-openrefine-for-metadata-enrichment

Seale, Maura. "DPH Internship: Post #4." Personal website. April 22, 2017. https://mauraseale.org/dph-internship/dph-internship-post-4/

Tay, Aaron. "OpenRefine, & reconciliation services - learning the ropes". Musings about librarianship. March 12, 2017. https://musingsaboutlibrarianship.blogspot.com/2017/03/openrefine-reconciliation-services.html

Saint-Raymond, Lea and Antoine Courtin. "Enriching and Cutting: How to Visualize Networks Thanks to Linked Open Data Platforms." Artl@s Bulletin 6, no. 3 (2017): Article 7. https://www.academia.edu/35360778/_Enriching_and_Cutting_How_to_Visualize_Networks_Thanks_to_Linked_Open_Data_Platforms_Artl_at_s_Bulletin_6_no._3_2017_

Ota, Allyson. "Reconciling Smithsonian Library data with VIAF." Smithsonian Library. August 9, 2016. http://allysonota.weebly.com/uploads/5/7/9/6/57968819/ota_viaf.pdf

Library Carpentry. "Advanced OpenRefine functions." In OpenRefine Lessons for Librarians. June 2016. https://data-lessons.github.io/library-openrefine/05-advance-functions/

Courtin, A., Pierre Mounier, and Antonio Mendes da Silva. "OpenRefine: traitement de données en masse." Workshop, Ateliers Les TIC et l'Art, Institut national d'histoire de l'art. June 9, 2016. http://fr.slideshare.net/invisu/openrefine-traitement-de-donnes-en-masse

Morgan, Eric Lease. "Achieving perfection." Infomotions Mini-Musings. June 3, 2016. http://infomotions.com/blog/2016/06/levenshtein/

Morgan, Eric Lease. "VIAF Finder." Infomotions Mini-Musings. May 27, 2016. http://infomotions.com/blog/2016/05/viaf-finder/

Vaughn, Jennifer L. "It can't be worse than the Rigler Deutsch Index (Transforming historic sound recording metadata at Syracuse's Belfer Audio Archive)." Presentation, Music OCLC Users Group, Cincinnati, OH, March 1, 2016. http://musicoclcusers.org/wp-content/uploads/2016MOUG_Vaughn.pdf

Williams, Elliot D. "Controlling all the names with OpenRefine." Personal website. February 29, 2016. http://www.elliotdwilliams.com/controlling-all-the-names/

Gutiérrez De la Torre, S. "New Maps for the Lettered City: a Data Visualization Exploration of 19th Century Salons in Mexico." In Digital Humanities 2016: Conference Abstracts, 537-542. Kraków: Jagiellonian University & Pedagogical University, 2016. http://dh2016.adho.org/abstracts/169

Harlow, Christina. "Data Munging Tools in Preparation for RDF: Catmandu and LODRefine" Code4Lib Journal, no. 30 (2015, October 15). http://journal.code4lib.org/articles/11013

Senan, Kiryakos. "Model for Aggregating Manga Metadata Across Institutions: Improving the Granularity of Manga Bibliographic Data on the Semantic Web." Thesis, University of Tsukuba, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/2241/00143677

Bauer, Jean. "VIAF resolver for OpenRefine refine.codefork.com = Best. Metadata Day. Ever." Twitter post, July 14, 2015. https://twitter.com/jean_bauer/status/620963773520707584

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