Control access to services beyond your perimeter network. Deploy with split-DNS to alleviate VPN in a zero-trust transition. Inspired by Google BeyondCorp research:
- Authenticate via:
- OpenID Connect
- OAuth2 Tokens
- SAMLv2
- Automate Configuration w/ https://your.json
- Customize Nexthop Learning (via Favorite Ports: 443, 80, ...)
- Supports WebSockets
- Supports GitHub Enterprise
- Supports Private Docker Registry APIs (v2)
- Analytics with ElasticSearch
$ docker pull cogolabs/beyond
$ go get -u -x
$ docker run --rm -p 80:80 cogolabs/beyond httpd --help
-401-code int
status to respond when a user needs authentication (default 418)
-404-message string
message to use when backend apps do not respond (default "Please contact the application administrators to setup access.")
-allowlist-url string
URL to site allowlist (eg.
-beyond-host string
hostname of self (default "")
-cookie-age int
MaxAge setting in seconds (default 21600)
-cookie-domain string
session cookie domain (default "")
-cookie-key1 string
key1 of cookie crypto pair (example: "t8yG1gmeEyeb7pQpw544UeCTyDfPkE6u")
-cookie-key2 string
key2 of cookie crypto pair (example: "Q599vrruZRhLFC144thCRZpyHM7qGDjt")
-cookie-name string
session cookie name (default "beyond")
-docker-auth-scheme string
(only for testing) (default "https")
-docker-url string
when there is only one (legacy option) (default "")
-docker-urls string
csv of docker server base URLs (default ",")
-error-color string
css h1 color for errors (default "#69b342")
-error-email string
address for help (eg.
disable html on error pages
-federate-access string
shared secret, 64 chars, enables federation
-federate-secret string
internal secret, 64 chars
-fence-url string
URL to user fencing config (eg.
-header-prefix string
prefix extra headers with this string (default "Beyond")
-health-path string
URL of the health endpoint (default "/healthz/ping")
-health-reply string
response body of the health endpoint (default "ok")
-home-url string
redirect users here from root (default "")
-host-masq string
rewrite nexthop hosts (format: from1=to1,from2=to2)
-http string
listen address (default ":80")
allow TLS backends without valid certificates
-learn-dial-timeout duration
skip port after this connection timeout (default 5s)
-learn-http-ports string
after HTTPS, try these HTTP ports (csv) (default "80,8080,6000,6060,7000,7070,8000,9000,9200,15672")
-learn-https-ports string
try learning these backend HTTPS ports (csv) (default "443,4443,6443,8443,9443,9090")
set false to require explicit allowlisting (default true)
-log-elastic string
csv of elasticsearch servers
-log-elastic-interval duration
how often to commit bulk updates (default 1s)
-log-elastic-prefix string
insert this on the front of elastic indexes (default "beyond")
-log-elastic-workers int
bulk commit workers (default 3)
enable HTTP logging to stdout
use json output (logrus)
include X-Forwarded-For in logs (default true)
-oidc-client-id string
OIDC client ID (default "f8b8b020-4ec2-0135-6452-027de1ec0c4e43491")
-oidc-client-secret string
OIDC client secret (default "cxLF74XOeRRFDJbKuJpZAOtL4pVPK1t2XGVrDbe5R")
-oidc-issuer string
OIDC issuer URL provided by IdP (default "")
-saml-cert-file string
SAML SP path to cert.pem (default "example/myservice.cert")
-saml-entity-id string
SAML SP entity ID (blank defaults to beyond-host)
-saml-key-file string
SAML SP path to key.pem (default "example/myservice.key")
-saml-metadata-url string
SAML metadata URL from IdP (blank disables SAML)
-saml-nameid-format string
SAML SP option: {email, persistent, transient, unspecified} (default "email")
-saml-session-key string
SAML attribute to map from session (default "email")
SAML SP signs authentication requests
-saml-signature-method string
SAML SP option: {sha1, sha256, sha512}
-server-idle-timeout duration
max time to wait for the next request when keep-alives are enabled (default 3m0s)
-server-read-timeout duration
max duration for reading the entire request, including the body (default 1m0s)
-server-write-timeout duration
max duration before timing out writes of the response (default 2m0s)
-sites-url string
URL to allowed sites config (eg.
-token-base string
token server URL prefix (eg.
-token-graphql string
GraphQL URL for auth (eg.
-token-graphql-query string
(default "{\"query\": \"query { viewer { login }}\"}")
allow websocket transport compression (gorilla/experimental)