University of Florida
- Gainesville
- https://devfel.com/
- in/devfel
forage-hybrid-table Public
Table and Chart presentation of data gathered from the University of Florida Field Day. This is a responsive project using HTML, CSS, TypeScript and React.
smartglpi-web Public
This project is the frontend for the SMARTGLPI system, which interacts with the SMARTGLPI backend to search similar tickets by semantics and efficently.
FicaUAI Public
FicaUAI - Fica University Artificial Intelligence 📈 - ANN MLP Data Science - Dropout - This application provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for managing and analyzing student data to predict …
university artificial-intelligence neural-networks artificial-neural-networks mlp higher-education mlp-classifierPython UpdatedJun 10, 2024 -
smartglpi-backend Public
Converta e processe tickets do GLPI, anonimizando informações sensíveis e armazenando os dados em um formato JSON.
mtgaseer Public
This tool is designed to analyze and display statistics related to Magic: The Gathering Arena (MTG, MTGA) cards and explore card data. The tool is intended to be used by players of the MTG Arena vi…
Python UpdatedNov 21, 2023 -
repository-file-tree-print Public
The script interacts with the GitHub API to fetch the file and directory structure of a given repository. It then processes this structure and creates an HTML representation with icons for differen…
Esta é uma Calculadora de Juros Bruto e Líquido para rendimentos que permite aos usuários converter Taxas Pré-Fixadas, CDI e IPCA+. O software fornece informações sobre quanto vale o título bruto e…
contrato-substituto Public
This project allows users to generate PDFs based on user input. The application is web-based and uses vanilla JavaScript for interactivity, HTML for structure, and CSS for styling. It is responsive.
HTML UpdatedSep 5, 2023 -
mp3-to-mp4 Public
Efficiently transform MP3 audio files into MP4 videos with static imagery, perfect for content creators aiming to upload on platforms like YouTube. Simple and direct audio to video converter to run…
dropout-thermometer Public
This project is a Dropout Rate Thermometer to indicate the probability of a student to abandon a course.
TypeScript UpdatedApr 24, 2023 -
reposcrud-rs02 Public
Store repositories of my portfolio to allow CRUD and Likes - ChallengeRS-02