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HTML & CSS Crash Course Tutorial #1 - Introduction

Total Time- 19:59 Total Line of code : 2360 Completion time: 30 Minutes

  • HTML used to structure content on the web page (Images,text,forms etc)
  • Structure content using HTML tags
<p>content</p>==Paragraph Tag [Time 3:22]
<a> link </a> ==anchor Tag
<img> == Image Tag (No closing tag)
<head> tag -- This is for page information like Title.
<title> tag -- List in the top
<body> tag --  This is for visible page conten
  • Add a local development server foe live refresh==Add extension [15:40]
  • Inspect the page [17:45]

HTML & CSS Crash Course Tutorial #2 - HTML Basics

Total Time- 19:51 Completion time: 40 Minutes


<strong> </strong> ==Make the letter bold. [2:20]
<em> </em> (empasise)== Make the content italics.
<small> </small> == Make the letter small.
<h1> </h1> == Heading tag (There are six diffrent types
<ul> </ul == Unordered list (Put bullet points in list) [4:50]
**** <li> </li> == single list item.
<ol> </ol> == Ordered list. (Put numbers infront of list)
**** <li> </li> == single list
<br> Break the line (No closing Tag)
<hr> Horizonal tag (No closing tag)
<span> </span> This tag will apply style in inline emlement.

Tags and Attributes.

<img (Tag) src (attribute) alt (attribute-- No visual effect) [10:51]
   *eg ; <img src="image.png" alt="a picture">
<a (Tag) href (attribute)> </a> (anchor tag)--Adding Link
   *eg ; <a href="www.sample.website.com> samplewebsite </a>
<blockquote (Tag) cite (attribute) --Quote the line from a link.
   *eg ; <blockquote cite="Website"> Line here </blockquote>
<p style="organge"> Line </p>

HTML & CSS Crash Course Tutorial #3 - HTML Forms

Total time-31:54 Completion time: 1 hour 30 Minutes

Tag and Attributes.

<form (Tag) action (attribute)--Not important now.
<input (Tag) type = "text" id = "username"> (Username, search etc)
<label> (Tag)


<input> tag contains "type "attribute type of input field. eg (text,email,password)
"id" attribute will identify the individual tag
 1.eg; <label for="lbl-name"> Enter the name </label>
       <input type="text" id="lbl-name" placeholder="Enter your name">

radio button

    <label for="rad-age"> 0-25 </label>


  • Input is a tag inside form tag
  • Case should be same
  • If we write two forms the it will separate the space
  • The name attribute is important when using radio type because it helps group radio inputs

HTML & CSS Crash Course Tutorial #4 - CSS Basics

Total Time- 42:38 Completion time: 1 hour 50 Minutes

Important usage

link -a link between a document and an external resource
usage -link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" /
rel - specify the relationship between the two documents.
href - href attribute specifies the URL of the page the link goes to.
units in css - px,em,%,cm,ex,in,am,pc,pt etc..
text-decoration - values(underline,none,line-through)
font family
text align
line height
letter spacing
border-width: px;
border-color: ;
border-style: ;

HTML & CSS Crash Course Tutorial #5 - CSS Classes & Selectors

Total Time- 26:27 Completion time: 40 Minutes


  • Class = We can add same class to diffrent element in a page. (We can make text color font etc) *: class 1 : class="success"> : Multiple classes : class="success.feedback"
  • inner selector - div p{we can style here for p element that inside a div}
  • attribute selector - a[href]{we can style here for a tag have href attribute}
  • text-transform - for text transforming
  • a[href*="google"] {we can style here for an a tag its href value include text 'google'}
  • HTML element can inherit CSS properties thar are applied to thier parent property.

HTML & CSS Crash Course Tutorial #6 - HTML 5 Semantics

Total Time- 14:14 Completion time: 1 hour 20 Minutes

Semantic Tag

<Main> For the main content of a webpage , unique to that page.
<section> Defines a certain section of a webpage (eg. bloglist, contact info)
<article> Defines a bit of content which makes up an article (eg . ablog post)
<aside> Defines some content relates to something else (eg .similar blogs)
<header> For the header of a website - contains the nav, title etc
<footer> For the footer of a website.
<li> Images or icon or list of links.

HTML & CSS Crash Course Tutorial #7 - Chrome Dev Tools

Total Time- 11:49 Completion time: 30 Minutes


  1. Go to element in inspect >> Right-click in tag >> Copy the selector >> Paste it in console ( This is for to make rules)
  2. If we want to make a quick change ---- Go to edit as Html -- can add the details
  3. scroll into views ( tO view the item)
  4. Can edit.
  5. Can add the attribute.
  6. The top-left icon will select the different items on the page.
  7. Do the reverse engineering in inspect.
  8. "source" page will show the source.
  9. To save the changes from inspects tool > sources >>filesystem >> Add folder workspace.
  • inner selector - div p{we can style here for p element that inside a div}
  • attribute selector - a[href]{we can style here for a tag have href attribute}
  • text-transform - for text transforming
  • a[href*="google"] {we can style here for an a tag its href value include text 'google'

HTML & CSS Crash Course Tutorial #8 - CSS Layout & Position

Total Time- 39:21 Completion time: 5 hours 40 Minutes


  1. Relative- We can shift the element around the page to the original position on the page. eg :{ position:relative;
    left:20px; bottom:20px;

  2. Fixed - Position fixed (The box will be fixed on the page if we dropdown)

  3. Absolute- Absolute position is relative to its closing parent. Position of the parent element to the child element. eg: { position:absolute; left:20px; bottom;20px absolute relative to the parent which has the relative property.

  4. Static - Mixture of static and fixed.

  • section-index -> Bring the property in front of the page.
  • white space: now drop (will display in a straight line.
  • border-radius - helps to change border shape.
  • margin:0: auto -auto keyword automatically adjusted spaces.

HTML & CSS Crash Course Tutorial #9 - Pseudo Classes & Elements

Total Time- 16:47 Completion time: 1 hour 35 Minutes

  1. Pseudoclass Style emements used for making a particular style. hover selector,focus,first child of a parent element.
eg : <ul> parent
	<li> child element
    nav li a:hover

2.Psedo elements. article p::first-line

HTML & CSS Crash Course Tutorial #10 - Intro to Media Queries

Total Time- 22:36 Completion time: 30 Minutes

Tell the browser how to style an element at a particular view dimension

Total Time- 3:24 Completion time: 20 Minutes

HTML & CSS Crash Course Tutorial #11 - Next Steps


  • No floats.
  • Responsive and mobile friendly
  • Positioning chiled element is much easier
  • Flex containers margin do not collapse with the margin of it contents.
  • Order of the elements can easily be change without editing the source html.


  1. The ability to alter items and height to best fit in its containers available free space.
  2. It is diffrent than the block model and the inloine model.
  3. It is similar to bootstrap.
## Flex Properties:
display: flex | inline flex
flex-direction: row | column
flex-wrap: wrap | nowwrap| wrapreverse
flex-basis : <length>
jutsify-content: flex-star | flex-end | center
align-sent: flex-start| flex-end| center
align-items: flex-start| flex-end |center
align-content: flex-start| flex-end| center
flex-grow: <number>
flex-shrink: <number>
flex: <interger>
order: <integer>
  1. Flex-wrap : (Property will make the element to wrap or not , If we make the browser small it will make it correctly.
  2. flex-basis: (Same as width, it will help to assign to flex items)
  3. justify-content: (Allign items to left, start,end)
  4. align-items: (This is the behaviou to show the cross axis)
  5. align-center: (Also a behaviour for cross axis)
  6. flex-grow: ( We can make the diffrent elemt row with the diffrent sizes)
  7. flex: ( This is the combination on flex grow and shrink)
  8. Justify conten (Space between, center , space around)

A PINNED-DOWN MENU The menu you see on the right on this page is simply a UL list. But, it stays fixed when you scroll the page. (You may have to make the window smaller to get a scroll bar first.) All the work to make it stay in place is done by rules in the style sheet. Here is the mark-up of the menu, it is taken straight from the source of this page:


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