dockerfile use ubuntu:20.04
base image with complete setup of php7.4 and apache2.
Zendto package is downloaded from original zendto deb repository
For any question about the app itself, please refer to original zendto developer website documentation at it's very well done (app and doc 😉 )
eveything is realy well explained
Based on works from ubellavance and Jules Field, thanks guys for the good work !
- volume mounts:
- ./config:/opt/zendto/config/
- ./data:/var/zendto/
000-default.conf => vhost apache2 (/etc/apache2/sites-available)
php.ini => php config file (/etc/php/7.4/)
opcache.ini => zend opcache config file (/etc/php/7.4/cli/conf.d)
- volume config
internaldomains.conf => set up for domain config (
preferences.php => full application set-up
zendto.conf => basic set-up for zendto
- volume data
data storage volume. contains among other things incoming
and droppoffs
directories for files upload.
SQLite db is stored in that place, you can change it in preferences.php at line 67:
'SQLiteDatabase' => NSSDROPBOX_DATA_DIR."zendto.sqlite",
or change it for MySQL
external database (lines 58 to 73 of preferences.php)
For desktop/dev environement, better use with traefik local set-up such as fle108/traefik-desktop in order to use https-redirect
In apache2 site 000-default conf ,
is disabled because of "too many redirect errors withkubernetes/nginx-ingress
Start container from fle108/zendto:build-0.1
docker-compose up
Build your own image:
docker build --tag your-repo/appname:version .
Create 1st admin user in database from container shell:
/opt/zendto/bin/adduser <ZendTo preferences.php file> '<username>' '<email>' '<realname>' '<organization>'
For example:
/opt/zendto/bin/adduser /opt/zendto/config/preferences.php 'billg' '' 'Bill Gates' 'Microsoft Inc'
check full preferences.php and especially smtp
lines 624 to 657
'SMTPserver' => '<your-smtp-server>',
'SMTPport' => 587,
'SMTPsecure' => 'tls',
'SMTPusername' => '<smtp-user>',
'SMTPpassword' => 'password',
'SMTPcharset' => 'UTF-8',
'SMTPdebug' => false,
'SMTPsetFromToSender' => FALSE,