- Washington State, US
Probabilistic-Programming-and-Bayesian-Methods-for-Hackers Public
Forked from CamDavidsonPilon/Probabilistic-Programming-and-Bayesian-Methods-for-Hackersaka "Bayesian Methods for Hackers": An introduction to Bayesian methods + probabilistic programming with a computation/understanding-first, mathematics-second point of view. All in pure Python ;)
microsoft-performance-toolkit-sdk Public
Forked from microsoft/microsoft-performance-toolkit-sdkSoftware Development Kit for the Microsoft Performance ToolKit
C# MIT License UpdatedMay 22, 2024 -
OfficeDocs-SkypeForBusiness Public
Forked from MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SkypeForBusinessSkype for Business and Microsoft Teams documentation
PowerShell Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International UpdatedSep 29, 2022 -
opentelemetry.io Public
Forked from open-telemetry/opentelemetry.ioThe OpenTelemetry website and documentation
HTML Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 10, 2021 -
AsyncEx Public
Forked from StephenCleary/AsyncExA helper library for async/await.
C# MIT License UpdatedSep 26, 2021 -
referencesource Public
Forked from microsoft/referencesourceSource from the Microsoft .NET Reference Source that represent a subset of the .NET Framework
C# MIT License UpdatedJan 13, 2021 -
newspeak-mode Public
An Emacs major mode for the Newspeak language.
Fred Public
Parsing with derivatives in F#
etwas Public
ETWas makes working with ETW easy
fsharp-hedgehog Public
Forked from hedgehogqa/fsharp-hedgehogHedgehog will eat all your bugs.
F# Other UpdatedOct 5, 2017 -
AntiUnification Public
AntiUnification generalises from examples
Control Public
Control provides a framework for creating and manipulating delimited continuations and delimited dynamic variables.
FunSharp Public
Forked from ptrelford/FunSharpFun cross-platform graphics library, based on the Small Basic library, made specifically for F# and C#.
F# Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 30, 2015 -
book-samples-in-fsharp Public
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/book-samples-in-fsharp
F# UpdatedAug 14, 2015 -
dotnetsamples Public
Forked from microsoft/dotnet-samplesContains samples and documentation for libraries and tools of the .NET framework. Pull requests welcome!
C# MIT License UpdatedJun 2, 2015 -
libgit2sharp Public
Forked from libgit2/libgit2sharpGit + .Net/Mono = ❤
C# MIT License UpdatedDec 31, 2014 -
code-words Public
Forked from npryce/code-wordsExtract individual (natural-language) words from source code
Shell GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedOct 19, 2014 -
builderCI Public
Forked from dalehenrich/builderCIA set of scripts to support continuous integration for Pharo and Squeak Smalltalk projects using http://travis-ci.org/.
simplecov Public
Forked from simplecov-ruby/simplecovCode coverage for Ruby 1.9+ with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of coverage across test suites
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJul 19, 2014 -
distsysbook Public
Forked from mixu/distsysbookThe book Distributed systems: for fun and profit
CSS UpdatedMay 8, 2014 -
amqp Public
Forked from streadway/amqpGo client for AMQP 0.9.1
Go BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedDec 22, 2013 -
octoherder Public
Because everyone needs a bit of help herding their octocats
clara-rules Public
Forked from oracle-samples/clara-rulesForward-chaining rules in Clojure
Clojure UpdatedAug 24, 2013 -
github-differ Public
Generate a diff between any two commits in your GitHub Commits tab.
vagrant Public
Forked from hashicorp/vagrantVagrant is a tool for building and distributing working environments.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedAug 13, 2013