myLisp is a lisp-like language that I created in order to learn how to write an interpreter for a lisp-like language.
Some basic Lisp functionality:
(quote (a b c d))
> (A B C D)
(atom (quote ()))
> T
(atom (quote (a b)))
> nil
(cons (quote a) (cons (quote b) nil))
> (A B)
(length (quote (a b c d e)))
> 5
((lambda (x y) (cons y x)) (quote a) (quote b))
> (B . A)
Setting variables:
(setf a (cons (quote a) (quote a)))
> nil
> (A . A)
Calling functions:
(setf length+1 (quote (lambda (list) (length (cons (quote a) list)))))
> nil
(length+1 (quote (a b)))
> 3
- Garbage Collection.
- Lexical scope.
- Be usable.