Simple chat bot to control your home
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These days, most people use gadget to support their activities. The development of computer and embedded devices make poeple able to control other devices with their smartphone over internet. This is called Internet of Things. The example of Internet of Things application is smart home.
In this repository we will design a smart home system that integrates with Chat bot to control electronic devices. Message from user recognized by chat bot, and that command will be forwarded to electronic devices. User can control their electronic devices anytime and anywhere.
In IoT, there are 3 important things => node, gateaway and server. Node is the edge devices that have function to be an input or output. The example of nodes are Lamp, Air Conditioner, Pump, and Selenium Door. Gateaway is a connector between server and node. Gateaway can be a microcontroller or mini computer.
These are components needed in this tutorial:
- Breadboard
- Resistor 1K ohm
- NodeMCU (ESP8266)
- Jumper
Facebook Messenger is used for connecting server and user. To get started you can follow this tutorial
On this section we will show you how to build an app to control lamp.
- For intermezzo you can follow this tutorial
- After you create an account you can check this gif
- There are 4 important things in
- Utterance
- Intent
- Entity
- Trait
- To improve the detection you need to train your app. Just add Utterance and labelling it. After that will train your data set
A. Facebook Messenger
- Received text message from user and send it to
if (received_message.text) { // Send text to and get response var result = await getMessage(received_message.text) var caps= `turning ${result[0][0]} the ${result[1][0]}` // Send command to user response = { "text": caps } callSendAPI(sender_psid, response); //send result to MQTT Broker and NodeMCU var topic = `esp8266/ghiscure/${result[1][0]}` if(result[0][0]=='on'){ listen.publish(topic, "1"); console.log(`${result[0][0]}, ${topic}`); }else{ listen.publish(topic, "0"); console.log(`${result[0][0]}, ${topic}`); } }
- Received voice notes from user and send it to
else if (received_message.attachments[0].type=="audio") { console.log('audio') // Get the URL of the message attachment let attachment_url = received_message.attachments[0].payload.url; // Convert voice notes to mp3 var result = await fetch(attachment_url) proc = new ffmpeg({source:result.body}) proc.setFfmpegPath('ffmpeg') result = proc.saveToFile('output.mp3', function(stdout, stderr){ return "success" }) // Send mp3 to var mimetype_ = "audio/mpeg3" var readStream = fs.createReadStream("output.mp3") // Get Result from result = await getMessagefromAudio(readStream, mimetype_) console.log(result) var caps= `turning ${result[0][0]} the ${result[1][0]}` response = { "text": caps } // send result to MQTT Broker and NodeMCU callSendAPI(sender_psid, response); if(result[0][0]=='on'){ listen.publish(topic, "1"); console.log(`${result[0][0]}, ${topic}`); }else{ listen.publish(topic, "0"); console.log(`${result[0][0]}, ${topic}`); } }
- Get Message from text parameter
// This function is used to get response from This function requires a string parameter
getMessage: async function(query){
var url =`${encodeURI(query)}`
var response = await fetch(url, {
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Your Api Token'
var json_data = await response.json()
try {
// Get Command Value
var cmd_value =json_data.traits.wit$on_off[0].value
var cmd_confidence = json_data.traits.wit$on_off[0].confidence
// Get Object Value
var object_value = json_data.entities['object:object'][0].value
var object_confidence = json_data.entities['object:object'][0].confidence
return [[cmd_value,cmd_confidence],[object_value,object_confidence]]
} catch (error) {
- Get Message from voice notes
// This function is used to get response from This function requires an audio file as parameter
getMessagefromAudio: async function(bin_data, mimetype_){
var options = {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Authorization': process.env.witai_token,
'Content-Type': mimetype_
encoding: null,
body: bin_data
var url =``
try {
// Get response from
var response = await fetch(url, options)
var json_data = await response.json()
// Get Command Value
var cmd_value =json_data.traits.wit$on_off[0].value
var cmd_confidence = json_data.traits.wit$on_off[0].confidence
// Get Object Value
var object_value = json_data.entities['object:object'][0].value
var object_confidence = json_data.entities['object:object'][0].confidence
console.log(cmd_value, cmd_confidence)
console.log(object_value, object_confidence)
return [[cmd_value,cmd_confidence],[object_value,object_confidence]]
} catch (error) {
C. NodeMCU
- Received data from MQTT Broker and Turn on/off the lamp/AC
// If a message is received on the topic esp8266/ghiscure/AC, check if the message is either 1 or 0. Turns the ESP GPIO according to the message
Serial.print("Changing GPIO 4 to ");
if(messageTemp == "1"){
digitalWrite(ledGPIO4, HIGH); //Turn on AC
else if(messageTemp == "0"){
digitalWrite(ledGPIO4, LOW); //Turn off AC
// If a message is received on the topic esp8266/ghiscure/lamp, check if the message is either 1 or 0. Turns the ESP GPIO according to the message
Serial.print("Changing GPIO 5 to ");
if(messageTemp == "1"){
digitalWrite(ledGPIO5, HIGH); // turn on lamp
else if(messageTemp == "0"){
digitalWrite(ledGPIO5, LOW); //turn off lamp
- Subscribe topic
// You need to add subscribe function to get message from spesific topic
A. Git
- Start by updating the package index
sudo apt update
- Run the following command to install Git:
sudo apt install git
- Verify the installation by typing the following command which will print the Git version:
git --version
- Windows Installations
B. NodeJs
- Debian Based
# Using Ubuntu
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
# Using Debian, as root
curl -sL | bash -
apt-get install -y nodejs
- Windows
- To get token you can follow this tutorial.
D. Server
- Before you use this app, you must register your app in facebook platform. You can follow this tutorial to get PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN.
There are 4 items that you must pay attention to
- For VERIFY_TOKEN, it is up to you
- You must have Token
- After you have PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN,VERIFY_TOKEN and Token, just follow this step
git clone
cd DevC
mv .env.example .env
#Edit .env with your app credentials
npm install
npm start
- Server configuration is done
E. NodeMCU
Because of limited devices, in this demonstration we will use LED. This led can represent AC, Pump or another electronic devices.
- Install Arduino
- Install NodeMCU board in Arduino
// Change the credentials below, so your ESP8266 connects to your router
const char* ssid = ""; // your ssid name
const char* password = ""; // password ssid
- Upload file to NodeMCU
- Heroku
- You can use this tutorial to deploy app
- You must edit the environment variable. You can use this tutorial to edit the env variable.
- There are 3 environment variable that you must set in config vars.
- witai_token
- Change your Facebook callback URL to heroku
- Ngrok
You can use ngrok for forwarding http protocol. Follow this tutorial to forward your localhost to public. Change your Facebook's URL callback to ngrok url.ngrok http 3000
- ESP32 MQTT – Publish and Subscribe with Arduino IDE
- Getting Started with Messenger Platfrom
- Build Your First Wit App
- Getting Started on Heroku with Node.js
- Configuration and Config Vars
- Expose a local web server to the internet
Usage is provided under the MIT License. See LICENSE for the full details.