This project aims at using the powerful REST Python framework "Flask" for building a website used for :-
- Adding a puppy to database
- Deleting a puppy fron database
- Associating a puppy with an owner
- Adding a new owner with Puppy ID
- Listing the number of puppies
Copy the required files in a directory. Then use the following steps to setup the project:
- Create an optional virtual environment for flask project.
- Install python for running the project. (I have used Anaconda distribution here)
- Use the requirements.txt file for installing the dependencies. Use the following command for dependencies installation: pip install -r requirments.txt
- Test the installation by using the command import flask
- Change the directory to the folder where the files have been cloned/downloaded.
- Use the following commands to initiate the project
flask db init
flask db migrate -m "<Custom Message>"
flask db upgrade
- Initiate the python project using the following command: python
- Finally, test the project using -