This tool was patched since we need to solve hcap's on dms from now on and im too lazy (and retarded) to fix this shit
Thank you for the great time you can still contact me at
Scrapes users from a discord server to promote/mass dm
(project is still beta)
Report Bug
Request Feature
- Fast
- Asynchronous
- Easy to use
- Free
- Auto Scrapes User
- Multiline message and embed support (Embeds will only work as a link from now on)
- Server Joiner and Leaver
- Multiple Tokens
- Multi functional Token formatter
- Blacklist Users
- Avoid DMing Bots
- Keep Tokens Online [OPTIONAL]
- Blacklist Roles (Won't dm users with that role.. perfect for blacklisting admins etc.)
- Proxy Support (socks4/socks5/http/https, you have to choose one type multiple proxy types aren't supported)
- Proxy Scraper + Checker (hardcore skidded, don't blame me)
- Random User-Agent with matching Superproperty
- uncomplicated config.json
- 300 Stars: Make a new Mass Dm repo (using selenium, almost 300 dms each email verified and aged account, pretty slow but healthy for the tokens)
- Add a rich table giving us detailed information
- uploading Files (almost done)
- Add delay rotating so it's not always the same speed
- Remember fingerprint, superproperty, etc. for each token so its becomes less suspicious
- Make the functions seperated like in my old Karuma script or DMDGO (Vanshaj is a pro, you should go and check his repo out)
- Make it multi-threaded
- Fix joining servers issue!?
- Add offline scraper
- Add reaction scraper
- Log the actions in txt files
- Add a guide for the retarded people
- Add a name and pfp and about me changer
- Add a name and pfp and about me scraper
- Check if message lenght is okay
- Add a DMs limit and a DMs each token limit [OPTIONAL FEATURE]
- Avoid already dmed users (like when you dm multiple servers but the member has already been dmed from a previous server)
- Wave to the member via the wumpus sticker [OPTIONAL FEATURE]
View dropout's contact information on his website
View my contact information on my website