Confluence CVE 2021,2022,2023 利用工具,支持命令执行,哥斯拉,冰蝎 内存马注入
闭源系统半自动漏洞挖掘工具,针对 jar/war/zip 进行静态代码分析,增加 LLM 大模型能力验证路径可达性,LLM 根据上下文代码环境给出该路径可信分数
Pin any window to the top of your screen / 在Mac上将你的任何窗口强制置顶
PowerShell MachineAccountQuota and DNS exploit tools
CVE-2021-42287/CVE-2021-42278 Scanner & Exploiter.
Computer object takeover through Resource-Based Constrained Delegation (msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity)
KrbRelayUp - a universal no-fix local privilege escalation in windows domain environments where LDAP signing is not enforced (the default settings).
Kerberos unconstrained delegation abuse toolkit
Tools for Kerberos PKINIT and relaying to AD CS
A collection of tools which integrate with Cobalt Strike (and possibly other C2 frameworks) through BOF and reflective DLL loading techniques.
Exploiting CVE-2021-42278 and CVE-2021-42287 to impersonate DA from standard domain user
Ghostcat read file/code execute,CNVD-2020-10487(CVE-2020-1938)
Burpsuite Extension to bypass 403 restricted directory
A exploit tool for Grafana Unauthorized arbitrary file reading vulnerability (CVE-2021-43798), it can burst plugins / extract secret_key / decrypt data_source info automatic.
PoC tool to coerce Windows hosts to authenticate to other machines via MS-EFSRPC EfsRpcOpenFileRaw or other functions.
Tool for Active Directory Certificate Services enumeration and abuse
80+ Gadgets(30 More than ysoserial). JNDI-Injection-Exploit-Plus is a tool for generating workable JNDI links and provide background services by starting RMI server,LDAP server and HTTP server.
DeadPotato is a windows privilege escalation utility from the Potato family of exploits, leveraging the SeImpersonate right to obtain SYSTEM privileges. This script has been customized from the ori…