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Configuration vim, zsh, qutebrowser, termite, dunst etc.

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This repository contains

  • configuration files of programs I use on my copy of arch linux and scripts that allow me to set up a new installation of ach with my configuration. My configuration of the following programs are stored inside this repository:
    1. oh-my-zsh
    2. vim
    3. qutebrowser
    4. mutt
    5. bashrc (zshrc)
    6. i3

List of own commands provided in zshrc

  • lsPdf list the amount of pages of all pdfs in the current directory, sorted by timestemp

  • ls | lpdf | sort -V list all pdfs (curr dir) by sizes (decr)

  • sz source zshrc

  • vz edit zshrc

  • ct copy terminal. Does also copy the ssh agent and the current directory.

  • upw after providing ssh key password once, the currnet terminal and all terminals opend via ct can access the ssh key without the necessity to re-enter the ssh key.

  • addSshAgent like upw, difference: addSshAgent checks whether the ssh agent has already been added (indifferent on whether successful or unsuccessful)

  • ttt and other scripts are commands for pushing taks to my task tracker and readings repo. hardcoded path.

  • catasks cats the first n current tasks to the dunst.

  • diffdir dir1 dir2 prints list of diffs of directories.

  • daemonize start following process as daemon. Similar to nohup > /dev/null in one simple command.

  • getlastword get last word of input

  • grepx before after wrapper for grep for specifying region around search hit to be displayed

Manual todos

sudo systemctl disable cups-browsed.service


sudo pacman -S cron
crontab -e
#replace USERNAME by actual username
*/2 * * * * /mnt/data/scripts/batteryWarning 2>&1 ~/crerr.lg
*/1 * * * * /mnt/data/scripts/memoryWarning 


For enabling the preview, exeucte the following command once:

ranger --copy-config=scope


  • ubuntu: apt install openssh-server
  • vim /etc/ssh/ssdh_config
PermitRootLogin no
PubkeyAuthentication yes
AuthorizedKeysFile	.ssh/authorized_keys
PasswordAuthentication no
(AuthenticationMethods publickey)
UsePAM no
X11Forwarding yes
X11UseLocalhost no
# x = username placeholder
AllowUsers x 

Startup behavior

  1. As I do not always require a gui, need a terminal open if the gui does not work (e.g. xkeyboard error) I disabled auto-launching the gui on startup in grub:
vim /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text"#< used to be "quiet splash"
sudo update-grub

For my systemd machines:

sudo systemctl enable multi-user.target --force
sudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target
  1. I put eval $(ssh-agent); ssh-add on top of the startx script for automatically adding ssh agent on startup (shared by all applications started by x).

exec xcompmgr -c -f -n

Notes on stuff being likely to be usable in the future:

notify-send "string" # for sending information (e.g. on git updates, battery power)

Finding out class of application

  • for e.g. window binding to workspace, For assign [class=..] $workspace10
  1. open application,
  2. open xprop via terminal,
  3. click on the app, class = 2nd vlaue

Useful Commands / Installations

Record gif for github

byzanz-record -d [DURATION] outputFile.gif

Display gif

sxiv -a [FILENAME] but does not offer the possibility to scroll fw and bw and pause

Font cousine

sudo pacman -S ttf-croscore

Remapping Left/ Right key to Caps + HJKL

  • xev for finding out that caps = 66
  • xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
clear Lock
keycode 66 = ISO_Level3_Shift
  • sudo vim /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/de


# jupyter-notebook diffs
nbdiff-web [ref [ref]]
nbdiff-web file1 file2

# pip update all installed packages via pip
sudo pythonX upgradepip.py


Pip packages

# Jupyter-notebook diff tool

# python package that is used to automatically calculate a huge number of time series characteristics

# packages used since always
numpy, scipy, pandas, 

Jupyter-notebook diff python tool

pip install nbdime

# do manual diffing
nbdiff notebook_1.ipynb notebook_2.ipynb
nbdiff-web notebook_1.ipynb notebook_2.ipynb

# integrate into git diff and merge
nbdime config-git --enable --global

# (after integration): web diff between references of jupyternotebook.
nbdiff-web [ref [ref]]
nbdiff-web file1 file2
# Merge conflict could not be resolved? Browse differences in web tool
nbdime mergetool

gem install json github gh issues open --after=2009-09-14


  • ctags -R
  • ] goes to the definition :)

Remap keys

Old proceeding:

/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ #< change keyboard

    // the following lines contain altered stuff
    key <AC06> {	[	  h,	H,	Left,	Left ]	};
    key <AC07> {	[	  j,	J,	Down,	Down ]	};
    key <AC08> {	[	  k,	K,	Up,	Up ]	};
    key <AC09> {	[	  l,	L,	Right,	Right ]	};

and insert the following into the Xmodmap change .Xmodmap in home dir

clear Lock
keycode 66 = ISO_Level3_Shift

execute xmodmap .Xmodmap each time on login.

new proceeding: just be sure to execute xmodmap .Xmodmap, and pull the xmodmap from repo :)

change the refresh rate via xrandr

xrandr -s 1280x1024 -r 645

remove cache

#Remove the uninstalled package files:
sudo paccache -ruk0
# Only keep newest 3 versions per pkg 
sudo paccache -r


it is in most cases sufficient to add the user to the video group in order to change the backlight settings.

sudo pacman -S acpilight
sudo usermod -a -G video $(whoami)
# then find out which device is to be used (for keyboard) and replace the deivce.

At my macbook xbacklight could not detect any controllable devices, so I changed to acpi backlight which is backwards compatible with xbacklight and works fine for screen and keyboard backlight.

sudo pacman -S acpilight

not available via ubunutu, clone and install repository

#nmcli nmcli c show #< show stored connections up CONNECTION add type [TYPE] ssid [essid] ifname [interface name] con-name [essid]

nmcli d

list #< list all currently observed connections

nmcli d status #< list interfaces, types and status

LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libasan.so ./predictor