is a realtime monitoring tool for MySQL with status information,performance schema(MySQL5.6+) and etc..(terminal base)
This tool can monitor multiple MySQL instances.
collects metric and display them.
- Normal.. Display QPS info from Com_xx of SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
- OS Metric.. Display QPS info and OS metric. OS metric collect from node_expoter when the MySQL server installed node_expoter
- Threads.. Display Running Threads from performance_schema.threads table. (MySQL5.6+)
- P_S Info.. Display digest_text from performance_schema.statement_digest table (MySQL5.6+)
- SlaveStatus.. Display Slave Info from SHOW SLAVE STATUS
- Handler/InnoDB_Rows.. Display innodb_row_xx and Handler_xx from SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
- InnoDB Lock Info.. Display InnoDB Row Lock Info from information_schema.innodb_trx and innodb_locks and innodb_lock_waits (MySQL5.6+)
- InnoDB Buffer Info.. Display InnoDB Buffer Pool Info from information_schema.INNODB_METRICS (MySQL5.6+)
- Table IO Statistic.. Display information of I/O request of each table and information on the number of SELECT/DML for each table from performance_schema.file_summary_by_instance and performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_table (MySQL5.6+)
myStatusgo needs following permissions user
GRANT SELECT on performance_schema.* to 'user'@'host';
go get -u
The binary will be builted and installed into $GOPATH/bin/.
$ myStatusgo -hc Hostname:Port[:alias],Hostname:Port[:alias] -u User -p Password
Example $ myStatusgo -hc, -u user1 -p userpass
There are three ways to specify hosts.
- -h option JSON format
$ myStatusgo -h '{"ServiceList":[{"serviceName":"Sample","host":["",""]}]}'
- -hc option Comma separated
$ myStatusgo -hc,
- Specify a file as an argument
$ vim hostlist
# Sample
$ myStatusgo hostlist
Usage of myStatusgo:
-a Show All metrics per server
-c int
Seconds of Automatic Stopping
-d int
Delay between updates in seconds (default 1)
-g Gtid Mode at 5:SlaveStatus
-h string
Hostlist written JSON
-hc string
Hostlist written Comma separated
-j Write as JSON to file with option -o
-m int
Start Mode 1:Normal 2:OSResource 3:Threads 4:PerformaceSchema 5:SlaveStatus 6:Handler/InnoDB_Rows 7:InnoDBLockInfo 8.InnoDB Buffer Info 9.Table IO Statistic (default 1)
-n int
node_exporter port
-o string
Write the content to file and will set autostop 3600 secs
-p string
MySQL Password
-t int
The number of display per instance of Threads ,Performance Schema and Table IO Statistic (default 10)
-u string
MySQL Username
-v Show Version
- -n port option Also display OS metrics info if MySQL server has node exporter
$ myStatusgo -h '{"ServiceList":[{"serviceName":"Sample","host":["","",""]}]}' -u test -p test -n 9100
- -t number option(default 10) The number of display per instance of Threads ,Performance Schema and Table IO Statistic
- -a Option show all metrics which retrieved by myStatusgo per server