03-Minishell Public
This project is about creating a simple shell. Yes, your own little bash. You will learn a lot about processes and file descriptors.
03-Philosophers Public
In this project, you will learn the basics of threading a process. You will see how to create threads and you will discover mutexes.
42-Cursus Public
Ongoing repository with my 42-Cursus Projects.
42-Piscine Public
This repository contains coding developed at 42 Porto Piscine, from 19/09/2022 to 13/10/2022.
01-Born2beroot Public
System Administration related exercise.
01-ft_printf Public
The goal of this project is pretty straightforward. Recode printf().
01-get_next_line Public
This project is about programming a function that returns a line read from a file descriptor.
02-minitalk Public
The purpose of this project is to code a small data exchange program using UNIX signals.
02-push_swap Public
This project will make you sort data on a stack, with a limited set of instructions, using the lowest possible number of actions. To succeed you’ll have to manipulate various types of algorithms an…
02-so_long Public
This project is a very small 2D game. Its purpose is to make you work with textures, sprites, and some other very basic gameplay elements.
00-Libft Public
This project is about coding a C library.