Starred repositories
Provides a PersistentDataContainer for every Block location
An API to easily make Minecraft entities glow. No dependencies, compatible 1.17 -> 1.21.
A conversion tool for Truetype Fonts to bitmap C header files for any character and for use with monochrome LCD or OLED displays
Platform-independent serial port access for Java
SSD1306-based GLCD C library for AVR microcontrollers
This library is the implementation of TWI on AVR microcontrollers
Examples of how to upload files to an ESP32 using Asyncwebserver, SPIFFS and an Upload progress bar.
A JS script that continuously attempts to create an Oracle free tier compute instance.
Convert image files into C arrays of uint8_t for compiling into your project
An Arduino based programmer for PFS154. Programmer is realised with external switching regulator and OP-Amp LM358 (like Easy-PDK-Programmer). For now, the progammer can only flash the PFS154. I'm a…
Learning raytracing with vanilla minecraft resourcepack shaders.
A proof-of-concept (hack) to implement neural network inference on a very tiny 8-bit microcontroller.
A collection of fascinating and bizarre Censys Search Queries
Gives player a rank after a certain amount of joins
Minimal 32bit x86 Preemptive Multitasking Example
betrusted-io / rust
Forked from rust-lang/rustEmpowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.
A simple tutorial on how to call a C function from Rust 🦀
Padauk MCU programmer variant for hand soldering.
Fast Portable Noise Library - C# C++ C Java HLSL GLSL JavaScript Rust Go
This is an open-source Houdini project to generate 3D printable climbing holds.
Serial port read-write sample, based on the inexpensive Padauk microcontrollers
Code Examples for Padauk MCUs using the free-pdk/SDCC toolchain