rails-import-by-csv Public
This application intents to show how to perform a importation of CSV File through Services and Turbo Stream using Ruby on Rails.
rails-qrcode Public
Rails QR Code is a sample application that uses RQRCode gem to generate QR Code. The application has a CRUD of Contacts, and after create or edit a contact, the QR Code is generated. In Addition, t…
Ruby UpdatedSep 27, 2023 -
rails-chat-room Public
Rails Chat Room is a chat application done with Hotwire Turbo/Stimulus. The application can manage multiple chats and user can send real-time messages.
Ruby UpdatedSep 20, 2023 -
rails-pixels-app Public
Rails Pixels App is a creative way to demonstrate the use of ActiveJobs and ActionCable in a Rails application. To demonstrate these functionalities, we render pixels on the screen in real time, pr…
Ruby UpdatedSep 19, 2023 -
rails_app Public
RAILS_APP is a sample Ruby on Rails project designed to make starting new projects easier. It comes with features like language options, dark mode, interactive controls, and email integration. This…
HTML UpdatedSep 18, 2023 -
This project aims to demonstrate the difference between turbo_frame and turbo_stream. It also has a example of turbo_stream_from that allow update content via websockets to all clients at the same …
Ruby UpdatedSep 16, 2023 -
rails-infinite-scroll Public
This project is a example of to implement Infinite Scroll behavior with Hotwire Turbo and Zero Javascript in a Rails App. We also explore ActionText, Pagy, and ActiveRecord Import Gems.
Ruby UpdatedSep 13, 2023 -
rails-dynamic-select Public
Rails Dynamic Select is a simple application to show how implement a dynamic select with Rails and Hotwire Turbo. In this application, we have three models, Author, Article and Collection. To demon…
to-do-list-turbo Public
To Do List Turbo is a simple to do list application that allows you to create, edit, and delete tasks. It also allows you to mark tasks as complete and incomplete. This application uses the Hotwire…
Ruby UpdatedSep 6, 2023 -
cdms Public
Forked from MarczalTSIGP/cdmsCertificate and Declaration Management System
Ruby UpdatedMay 15, 2023 -
to-do-list Public
this application intend to explain how hotwire in the stimulus can binding actions através de data-[atributes] with controllers, speeding up the aplication trought Turbo Drive, Turbo Frames, e Turb…
Mapeamento-Comercial Public
The app pretent to display the 'classes' of each 'semester' of each 'course' of each 'instituições' of each 'cidades' - as 'tabuleiros'. Sorting the display info in a interactive way to getting bet…