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One-stop shop for working with semantic versions in your GitHub Actions workflows


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One-stop shop for working with semantic versions in your GitHub Actions workflows. A wrapper around semver, so read its docs to know more about supported operations.


- uses: madhead/semver-utils@latest
  id: version
    # A version to work with
    version: 1.2.3+42.24

    # A version to compare against
    compare-to: 2.1.0

    # A range to check against
    satisfies: 1.x
- run: |
    echo "${{ steps.version.outputs.release }}"           # 1.2.3
    echo "${{ steps.version.outputs.major }}"             # 1
    echo "${{ steps.version.outputs.minor }}"             # 2
    echo "${{ steps.version.outputs.patch }}"             # 3
    echo "${{ steps.version.outputs.build }}"             # 42.24
    echo "${{ steps.version.outputs.build-parts }}"       # 2
    echo "${{ steps.version.outputs.build-0 }}"           # 42
    echo "${{ steps.version.outputs.build-1 }}"           # 24
    echo "${{ steps.version.outputs.comparison-result }}" # <
    echo "${{ steps.version.outputs.satisfies }}"         # true
    echo "${{ steps.version.outputs.inc-major }}"         # 2.0.0
    echo "${{ steps.version.outputs.inc-premajor }}"      # 2.0.0-0
    echo "${{ steps.version.outputs.inc-minor }}"         # 1.3.0
    echo "${{ steps.version.outputs.inc-preminor }}"      # 1.3.0-0
    echo "${{ steps.version.outputs.inc-patch }}"         # 1.2.4
    echo "${{ steps.version.outputs.inc-prepatch }}"      # 1.2.4-0
    echo "${{ steps.version.outputs.inc-prerelease }}"    # 1.2.4-0

If the version cannot be parsed, all the outputs will be equal to an empty string, unless lenient is set to false explicitly. If lenient is false, the action will fail.

- uses: madhead/semver-utils@latest
  id: lenient
    version: invalid
- run: |
    echo "${{ steps.lenient.outputs.release }}"           # (empty string)

- uses: madhead/semver-utils@latest
  id: strict
    version: invalid
    lenient: false
  continue-on-error: true                                 # failure is expected and acceptable for this example
- run: |
    echo "${{ steps.strict.outcome }}"                    # failure

To see the list of available versions (latest in the example above), navigate to the Releases & Tags page of this repo. Whenever a new version is released, corresponding tags are created / updated. latest tag always points to the latest release (i.e. it's the same as using main branch). There are also $major and $major.$minor tags pointing to the latest matching version (i.e. tag 1 always points to the latest 1.x version, and tag 1.1 — to the latest 1.1.x version).

To learn more the inputs / outpus look at the comprehensive test suit: main.test.ts.

To see this action… in action check its integration test: default.yml.

See how this action uses itself to check if a PR to the main branch increments the version: pr_main.yml.