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A Docker image packaging Dr Pete Buntings Python Atmospheric and Radiometric Correction of Satellite Imagery (ARCSI) software. Docker images at https://hub.docker.com/r/mundialis/arcsi/


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A Docker image packaging Dr Pete Buntings Python Atmospheric and Radiometric Correction of Satellite Imagery (ARCSI) software (https://www.arcsi.remotesensing.info/ and https://github.com/remotesensinginfo/arcsi).

This image is based on the official continuumio miniconda3 release with Python 3.5, minimal optimisation and installation of arcsi + dependencies using the conda package manager. Paths and Debian libraries required for proper functioning of ARCSI are updated.

Setup and download

To set up a ARCSI Docker container on your system, first ensure you have Docker installed; follow the instructions at https://docs.docker.com/installation/

To use the image, either pull the latest trusted docker image build (~850 MB) from https://hub.docker.com/r/mundialis/arcsi/ by doing this:

docker pull mundialis/arcsi

or build the image yourself like this:

docker build -t mundialis/arcsi https://github.com/mundialis/docker-arcsi

Note: The 'build it yourself' option above will build from the develop branch wheras the trusted builds are against the master branch.


To run a container and get help on ARCSI commandline options do:

docker run -t mundialis/arcsi arcsi.py -h

See below under "Docker example" for a more detailed Sentinel-2 example as well as the document Introduction to ARCSI for generating Analysis Ready Data (ARD).

Example: Landsat

To mount a local volume with images, such as freely available USGS Landsat 8 images (available via http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/), apply radiometric calibration and apply atmospheric correction, for example 'top-of-atmosphere' correction, do:

docker run -i -t \
   -v <path_to_local_landsat_folder>:<path_to_local_landsat_folder> \
   mundialis/arcsi \
   arcsi.py \
   -s ls8 \
   -f GTiff \
   -p RAD TOA \
   -i <path_to_local_landsat_folder><landsat_metadata_file>
   -o <path_to_local_landsat_folder>

Flag -v tells Docker to mount the specified local volume (in the example this is simply cloned into the container). Replace <path_to_local_landsat_folder> with an absolute path on your filesystem. See Docker user guide, particularily how to add data volumes https://docs.docker.com/engine/admin/volumes/volumes/ . The folder should contain the uncompressed landsat GeoTiff image files and metadata file. At present I did not work out how to include non-local media, such as USB sticks.

Including a command after the container tells Docker to run that command via Bash, here arcsi.py, which requires various options/flags to be defined (see arcsi.py -h). In the example -s defines the sensor, -f the output file format, -p the type of processing, -i the path to a metadata file, -o product output path (in this case the original folder). To try out the command remember to change <landsat_metadata_file> to the relative path of the landsat metadata file (i.e., LC82020352014224LGN00_MTL.txt).

Example: Sentinel-2

# define name of Sentinel-2 scene - note: omit: .SAFE

# Note:
#   remove RAD entry below to not keep this tmp dataset

cd ${S2IMG}.SAFE/
mkdir ${TMPDIR}

# simple DOS1 correction example
arcsi.py --sensor sen2 -i MTD_MSIL1C.xml -o ${OUTDIR} \
	 --tmpath ${TMPDIR} -f KEA --stats -p RAD DOSAOTSGL SREF \
	 --aeroimg /opt/conda/share/arcsi/WorldAerosolParams.kea \
	 --atmosimg /opt/conda/share/arcsi/WorldAtmosphereParams.kea \
	 --dem ${DEM} --minaot 0.05 --maxaot 0.6 --simpledos

The following command applies the more advanced correction "DOSAOTSGL" which masks for clouds, cloud shadows and topographic shadows; also the aerosols (AOT) is also automatically derived:

arcsi.py -s sen2 --stats --format KEA \
  -o ${OUTDIR} --dem ${DEM} --tmpath ${TMPDIR} \
  --k clouds.kea meta.json sat.kea toposhad.kea valid.kea stdsref.kea \
  -i ${S2IMG}.SAFE/MTD_MSIL1C.xml

Further S2 examples:

arcsi.py --sensor sen2 -i ${S2IMG}.SAFE/MTD_MSIL1C.xml -o ${S2IMG}.SAFE/Clouds \
   --tmpath ${TMPDIR} -f KEA --stats -p CLOUDS

# SENTINEL CLOUDS MASKING AND ATMCOR with 6S, with lookup of atmosphere profile
arcsi.py --sensor sen2 -i ${S2IMG}.SAFE/MTD_MSIL1C.xml -o ${S2IMG}.SAFE/OutputsAOTInvCL \
   --tmpath ${TMPDIR} -f KEA --stats -p CLOUDS RAD DOSAOTSGL SREF \
   --aeroimg /opt/conda/share/arcsi/WorldAerosolParams.kea \
   --atmosimg /opt/conda/share/arcsi/WorldAtmosphereParams.kea \
   --dem ${S2IMG}.SAFE/dem_VR_all --minaot 0.05 --maxaot 0.6

# SENTINEL CLOUDS MASKING AND ATMCOR with 6S but with fixed AOT (already known)
arcsi.py --sensor sen2 -i ${S2IMG}.SAFE/MTD_MSIL1C.xml -o ${S2IMG}.SAFE/OutputsAOTInvCL \
   --tmpath ${TMPDIR} -f KEA --stats -p CLOUDS SREF \
   --aeroimg /opt/conda/share/arcsi/WorldAerosolParams.kea \
   --atmosimg /opt/conda/share/arcsi/WorldAtmosphereParams.kea \
   --dem ${S2IMG}.SAFE/dem_VR_all --aot 0.3

# SENTINEL, OLD NAME style from 2016; simple DOS example
arcsi.py --sensor sen2 -i ${S2IMG}.SAFE/S2A_OPER_MTD_SAFL1C_PDMC_20170119T125545_R097_V20161120T160552_20161120T160552.xml \
   -o ${S2IMG}.SAFE/OutputsAOTInv --tmpath ${TMPDIR} -f KEA --stats -p RAD DOSAOTSGL SREF \
   --aeroimg /opt/conda/share/arcsi/WorldAerosolParams.kea \
   --atmosimg /opt/conda/share/arcsi/WorldAtmosphereParams.kea \
   --dem ${S2IMG}.SAFE/srtm_21_05_utm17 --simpledos

Docker example

# define name of Sentinel-2 scene - note: omit: .SAFE

# Note: the S2 XML name differs between ESA https://scihub.copernicus.eu/dhus/ and USGS https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/
## ESA XML name:
## USGS (modified XML name!):
#XML=$(echo $S2IMG | sed 's+PRD_MSIL1C+MTD_SAFL1C+g')

# run ARCSI (we use volume mapping to make S2 and DEM visible inside the docker container)
# produce CLOUD and Surface Reflectance results, use DOSAOTSGL for AOT estimation
docker run -it --rm -v ${MY_S2_PATH}:/data -v ${MY_DEM_PATH}:/dem mundialis/arcsi \
       arcsi.py --sensor sen2 -i /data/${S2IMG}.SAFE/$XML.xml -o /data/${S2IMG}.SAFE/output \
       --tmpath /tmp -f KEA --stats -p CLOUDS DOSAOTSGL SREF \
       --aeroimg /opt/conda/share/arcsi/WorldAerosolParams.kea \
       --atmosimg /opt/conda/share/arcsi/WorldAtmosphereParams.kea \
       --dem /dem/${DEM} --demnodata 0 --minaot 0.05 --maxaot 0.6

For the resulting band assignments, use gdalinfo. E.g.

gdalinfo  output/*_rad_srefdem_stdsref.kea | grep 'Band \|Description'

Sentinel-2 bands:

  • Band 1: Blue
  • Band 2: Green
  • Band 3: Red
  • Band 4: RE_B5
  • Band 5: RE_B6
  • Band 6: RE_B7
  • Band 7: NIR_B8
  • Band 8: NIR_B8A
  • Band 9: SWIR1
  • Band 10: SWIR2

See also

See http://spectraldifferences.wordpress.com/tag/arcsi/ by Dan Clewley and Pete Bunting for a good tutorial on how to use ARCSI via the command line to do atmospheric correction of Landsat images. Support for ARCSI is available via https://github.com/remotesensinginfo/arcsi and https://groups.google.com/g/rsgislib-support. Finally, thanks to the arcsi and rsgislib authors for making their great code publically available.

Thanks to Edward P. Morris and Angelos Tzotsos for their work on the ARCSI Dockerfile.


A Docker image packaging Dr Pete Buntings Python Atmospheric and Radiometric Correction of Satellite Imagery (ARCSI) software. Docker images at https://hub.docker.com/r/mundialis/arcsi/








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