- Xi'an Shaaxi China
"Radiative Gaussian Splatting for Efficient X-ray Novel View Synthesis" (ECCV 2024)
TrustRAG:The RAG Framework within Reliable input,Trusted output
"Structure-Aware Sparse-View X-ray 3D Reconstruction" (CVPR 2024) - A Toolbox for CT reconstruction and X-ray Novel View Synthesis
悟空财务管理系统(悟空FS) 实现凭证管理、账簿管理、资产负债表、现金流量表、利润表等管理。开启数智财务新时代。
悟空CRM-基于Spring Cloud Alibaba微服务架构 +vue ElementUI的前后端分离CRM系统
This is an official implementation of our AAAI2022 paper AdaptivePose and Arxiv paper AdaptivePose++
SeaTunnel is a next-generation super high-performance, distributed, massive data integration tool.
Universal Drag-and-Drop Component Supporting both Vue 3 and Vue 2
DataCap is integrated software for data transformation, integration, and visualization. Support a variety of data sources, file types, big data related database, relational database, NoSQL database…
AKGR: Awesome Knowledge Graph Reasoning is a collection of knowledge graph reasoning works, including papers, codes and datasets
vite-press Build component library of personal knowledge blog
The developer and operations friendly Kubernetes toolbox
[CVPR'2022] SAM-DETR & SAM-DETR++: Official PyTorch Implementation
Alipay global Third Party SDK with Authorization and Auto debit. Alipay 国际版 A+ 接口第三方 PHP SDK,实现了现金支付、用户授权、自动代扣和 RSA2 加密异步通知应答,示例完整,使用简单
Manage multiple remote computers via http5
golang HTTP stress testing tool, support single and distributed, http/1, http/2 and http/3.
野猫 - 每天分享最新的百度网盘SVIP、迅雷超级会员、手机话费折扣充值、霸王餐免费吃VIP(美团、饿了么、大众点评、肯德基、麦当劳、星巴克)、饿了么超级会员、美团外卖会员&红包券、爱奇艺VIP会员、腾讯视频VIP、优酷VIP会员、哔哩哔哩大会员、百度文库VIP、QQ音乐VIP、网易云黑胶VIP、喜马拉雅VIP、樊登读书会VIP、千图网VIP、包图网VIP、摄图网VIP、CSDN下载VIP、…
QPanda 2 is an open source quantum computing framework developed by OriginQC that can be used to build, run, and optimize quantum algorithms.