Memshack allows for deployment and management of a Mcrouter (Memcached) cluster using Kubernetes custom resource definitions.
Note that this project is NOT production tested. I just wanted to write an operator in Rust.
Local testing with kind
docker build -t memshack-operator .
This will build a distroless image containing the operator that we will run on our cluster.
kind load docker-image memshack-operator
This is necessary in order to run the operator pod(s).
kubectl apply -f yaml/operator.yaml
After doing this, you should have a memshack-operator
deployment, statefulset, and 2 operator pods running on the cluster. If not, something is wrong so check the pod logs.
A sample memshack is provided in the yaml directory so you can just do:
kubectl apply -f yaml/test.yaml
The test memshack runs a pool of 2 gateway mcrouter instances with 2 shards @ 2 replicas per shard:
Requests to the gateway are sent to the corresponding shard based on key hash, and from there the behavior across replicas is as follows:
- GET: uses the LatestRoute handle
- ADD/SET/DELETE: uses the AllSyncRoute handle
If you'd like to change the parameters, just update the Memshack
resource as follows:
kind: Memshack
namespace: default
name: test
mcrouter_pool_size: 2 # number of mcrouter gateway instances
num_replicas: 2 # number of replicas per shard
num_shards: 2 # number of shards
memcached_image: memcached:1.6-alpine # docker image to use for memcached
mcrouter_image: mcrouter/mcrouter:latest # docker image to use for mcrouter
mcrouter_port: 5000 # port to use for all mcrouter instances
kubectl port-forward service/test-memshack 5000:5000
cargo test cache
This will create/read/update/delete some entries across all the memcached pods, and should pass if everything is working correctly.
Currently memshack exposes only a limited subset of the Mcrouter API. If you'd like to incorporate additional functionality, a good place to start is the mcrouter container commands of resources::children::gateway::Deployment
and resources::children::shard::Deployment
, which create the mcrouter config-str
from parameters on the memcshack resource. Don't forget to open a PR 👍