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A Neovim Configuration. Inspired by JetBrains, Emacs, VS Code. Built on top of NvChad's UI.


This Neovim Distribution is heavily focused on performance, feature and beauty.

Vimacs is Beautiful

Vimacs uses a base configuration called NvChad which is beautiful out of the box.

Vimacs is Feature-rich

Vimacs comes with dozens of neovim plugins optimized for your daily use

Vimacs uses external programse to enhance it's functionality. (e.g) Vimacs has an optional mail client based on neomutt

The following image shows the which-key.nvim help for <leader> (aka space) key


Green text means the top of the keymapping tree (e.g <leader>a includes everything related to AI, <leader>ai opens the Cody AI assistant in a vertical split) Red text means the direct cmd (e.g <leader>. opens the file manager)

Vimacs is Performant?

Because of the extensive ecosystem of Vimacs, Performance optimizations are crucial.

With the power of lazy loading (~%97.5), you only pay for what you use (lazy.nvim)

In addition to that, external programs use the system shell as an interface which doesn't reduce performance.





More Themes (Click to expand!)

[!NOTE] There are 50+ themes that come out of the box with NvChad. This is just a showcase that'll give you some idea about the look.













Ayu Light



Vimacs requires Neovim Nightly for all the features to work properly. Although It's possible to use Vimacs with stable neovim, It's not recommended.

Also vimacs comes with a lot of dependencies. Follow the instructions on this page to install them.


Some of the vimacs features will require additional setup. (e.g AI Assistant, Project Surfing etc.) And some of the advanced features will require additional installation (SEE for more info)

Feature List

  • IDE:
    • On-Click Updates (DEMO) (NvChad)
    • Plugin Manager (lazy.nvim)
    • Inline Code Runner (sniprun)
    • Profiler (perfanno.nvim)
    • Project:
      • Project Manager (DEMO) (native)
      • Project Search (telescope-project.nvim)
    • Smooth Debugging Experience (DEMO) (nvim-dap) (nvim-dap-ui) (nvim-dap-virtual-text) (cmp-dap) (nvim-dap-repl-highlights) (mason.nvim) (mason-nvim-dap.nvim) (native)
    • Markdown Preview (DEMO) (markdown-preview.nvim)
    • Undo History Fuzzy Search (telescope-undo.nvim)
    • Undo Tree (undotree)
    • Code Symbols Navigation (symbols-outline.nvim)
    • Git:
      • Github Integration (octo.nvim)
      • Github Action Tracking (gh-actions.nvim)
      • Magit (neogit)
      • Git Conflict Viewer (git-conflict.nvim)
    • Project Runner (compiler.nvim)
    • Task Framework (overseer.nvim)
    • Testing Framework (neotest)
    • LSP
    • File Tree (nvim-tree)
    • Folding Mode (nvim-ufo)
    • Brace Hints (nvim-biscuits)
    • Tree-Sitter Hints (DEMO) (nvim_context_vt)
    • Smooth Sine Scrolling (neoscroll.nvim)
    • Session Manager (persistence.nvim)

  • Neovim:
    • Language aware comments (Comment.nvim)
    • Escape Insert Mode [jj, jk] (better-escape.nvim)
    • Surround Manupilation (nvim-surround)
    • Conditional + Smart File Switcher (DEMO) (other.nvim)
    • Inline Bookmark Indicator (marks.nvim)
    • Case Toggle (native)
    • Inline UnJoining (DEMO) (treesj)
    • QuickFix:
      • QuickFix File Preview (DEMO) (nvim-bqf)
      • Prettier Quick Fix (nvim-pqf)
    • Jump Navigation (DEMO) (flash.nvim)
    • File Marks (DEMO) (harpoon)
    • Align Actions (DEMO) (vim-easy-align)
    • Window Manager (winshift.nvim)
    • Text Objets:
      • Additional Text Objects (ns-textobject.nvim) (nvim-various-textobjs)
    • Custom Toggle (dial.nvim)
    • Exchange Motions (vim-exchange)

  • Miscellaneous:
    • Regular Expression Explainer (Hypersonic.nvim)
    • File Manager (telescope-file-browser.nvim)
    • Pop-up Language Translator (vim-translator)
    • REPL Translate (pantran.nvim)
    • LeetCode Integration (LeetBuddy.nvim)
    • Advanced Color Picker (ccc.nvim)
    • Nerd Font Picker (nerdy.nvim)
    • Programming
      • Function Argument Highlighter (hlargs.nvim)
      • Virtual Reference Table (lsp-lens.nvim)
      • CheatSheets (cheetsheets.nvim)
    • Real-time Colorscheme Editor (lush.nvim)
    • Clipboard Manager (nvim-neoclip.lua)
    • ToDo Manager (todo-comments.nvim)
    • Games:
      • Sudoku (sudoku.nvim)
      • VimBeGood (vim-be-good)
      • Tetris (nvim-tetris)
      • KillerSheep (killersheep.nvim)
      • Buffer Text Animations (cellular-automaton.nvim)
      • Mine Sweeper (nvimesweeper)
      • MonkeyType (speedtyper.nvim)
    • URL Manager (urlview.nvim)
    • External Browser Search (browse.nvim)
    • Apps:
      • Daily Calendar (apc.nvim)
    • Plugin Surf (telescope-lazy.nvim)
    • Integrated:
      • Browser (brow.sh)
      • Lynx (lynx)
      • Discord Client (discord) (TOU)
      • Hacker News Client (hacker_news_tui)
      • IRC Client (weechat)
      • Email Client (neomutt)
      • World Map (mapscii)
      • Music Player (ncmpcpp)
      • Reddit Client (tuir)
      • Stackoverflow (stackoverflow_tui)
      • WhatsApp Client (nchat)

  • Advanced:
    • Org-Mode (orgmode)
    • Doc:
      • Org:
        • Code Block LSP (nvim-FeMaco.lua)
      • Markdown:
        • Markdown Mode (mkdnflow.nvim)
        • Inline Code Evaluation (mdeval.nvim)
        • Code Block LSP (nvim-FeMaco.lua)
        • Toggle Checkbox (markdown-togglecheck)
        • Mind Maps (markmap.nvim)
      • Modes:
        • Table Mode (DEMO) (vim-table-mode)
        • Beautiful Comments (comment-box.nvim)
        • Due Mode (DEMO) (due.nvim)
    • Compiler Explorer (compiler-explorer.nvim)
    • Tree-Sitter Explorer (neovim):
      • Query Editor
      • Parse Tree
      • Hover Actions
    • Language:
      • C++:
        • Doc Search (cppman.nvim)
      • Rust:
        • Advanced crates.io Integration (crates.nvim)
    • Inline Document Generation (DEMO) (neogen)
    • PasteBin Client with multi-backends (paperplanes.nvim)
    • Refactoring:
      • Generic Refactoring (refactoring.nvim)
      • Smart Inline Actions (DEMO) (tree-sitter) (ts-node-action) (native)
      • Custom Code Actions (ts-node-action)
      • C++ native refactoring (nvim-treesitter-cpp-tools)
    • Snippet Engine (DEMO) (LuaSnip)
    • AI:
      • Github Copilot (copilot.lua)
      • AI Assistant (DEMO) (sg.nvim)
      • Multi-backend LLM Integration (llm.nvim)

  • UI:
    • Beautiful Neovim UI Wrapper (dressing.nvim)
    • Code MiniMap (codewindow.nvim)
    • Twilight Mode (DEMO) (twilight.nvim)
    • Mode Indicator Line Number (modicator.nvim)
    • Zen Mode (zen-mode.nvim)
    • Narrow Mode (true-zen.nvim)
    • Focus Mode (true-zen.nvim)
    • Minimalist Mode (true-zen.nvim)
    • Atarix Mode (true-zen.nvim)
    • Goyo Mode (goyo.nvim)
    • Smart Column (smartcolumn.nvim)


[!TODO]: Make INSTALL Script more interactive

git clone https://github.com/NvChad/starter ~/.config/nvim 
git clone https://github.com/UTFeight/vimacs
cd vimacs && mv custom ~/.config/nvim/lua/custom
cd .. && rm -rf vimacs 
# Migration script for latest NvChad (custom folder not supported)
# Check https://nvchad.com/news/v2.5_release for details
git clone https://gist.github.com/048bed2e7570569e6b327b35d1715404.git upgradeNvChad2.5
cd upgradeNvChad2.5 && chmod +x migrate.sh && ./migrate.sh
cd .. && rm -rf upgradeNvChad2.5
  1. Neotest:
  • Rust:
    cargo install cargo-nextest
  1. Debugger:

    # This is for unexpected scenarios only.
    # In general mason should install these X-platform
    #                  config.fish                  #
    #               Vimacs Mason PATH               #
     export PATH="$HOME/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin"

    Vimacs ships with default python, C/C++ and Rust debuggers. If you have any other to configure please look into custom/plugins.lua "nvim-dap" and custom/configs/nvim-dap.lua

  2. Project Surfing:


This feature requires a base_dirs variable in custom/plugins.lua as in telescope-project.nvim

  1. Github Copilot

    • Github Copilot is a paid program that suggests code when you are typing. You need to authorize by using:
    :Copilot auth
  1. Null-ls

    yay -S codespell textlint markdownlint stylua ruff
  2. LeetCode:

  3. Email Client:

    • Gmail:

    [!IMPORTANT] You need Two factor authentication enabled!

    Then follow the instructions from this site.

  1. Markdown-maps:

    yarn is required for markmap.nvim plugin

    yay -S yarn # AUR



There is a bug in ts config which causes the tree-sitter to not install bash, org, python parsers.

run the following command to fix it:

:TSInstall bash org python

In some markdown files bash scripts will give not found (@heredoc_blabla) like chunky errors which you need to install bash parser like above


  • Thank you siduck for creating the wonderful neovim UI NvChad
  • Thank you folke for creating the excellent plugin manager, lazy.nvim
  • Thank you sourcegraph team for the amazing cody AI
  • Thank you all the plugin authors
  • Thank you neovim dev team

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