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This cookbook installs PHPIPAM on an Ubuntu 14.04 system.

It can be used to install a standalone app/db multi-role system on a single system, or configured to install the application and database components on separate servers. It also has a recipe to install a job to backup the PHPIPAM database (see the below section).

NOTE: only specific versions of PHPIPAM are supported. We start with version 1.2, and will probably be adding 1.3 along with upgrade options eventually.

You can view all the PHPIPAM documentation at https://phpipam.net/.

About Backups

Backups are installed and performed using the Ruby backup gem if the phpipam::backup recipe is included in the run list. By default, backups are made locally and kept for 7 days, but this is configurable. S3 options are also available. See the attributes and recipe sections for more details.

Using Custom Notifiers for Backups

Notifiers can be configured for backups. For the exact syntax that you want to use, see the details for the backup gem's Notifier resource. The notifiers are supplied to the node['phpipam']['backup_notifiers'] attribute, as an array of hashes, with the type: key specifying the notifier type, and the rest of the options specified as a hash to the opts: key, like below. Note that by default, notifiers are configured to notify on success, warning, and failure.

node.default['phpipam']['backup_notifiers'] = [
    type: 'Mail',
    opts: {
      'from' => 'nobody@example.com',
      'to' => 'somebody@example.com',

Ignoring Certain Backup Warnings

You can also ignore certain backup warnings via node['pbpipam']['backup_ignore_warning_messages']:

node.default['pbpipam']['backup_ignore_warning_messages'] = [
  /fog: the specified s3 bucket name\(.*\) contains a/,

NOTE: If you want to use literals more complex than a string (like the regex above), you need to specify your node attributes with Ruby - either use a wrapper cookbook or a process that passes your attributes in Ruby. Try to avoid JSON or YAML. Note that this behaviour is not necessarily Chef compliant - for example, your Regexp literals will show up as strings when saved to the Chef server. You have been warned!

About Releases

This cookbook has not been released on Supermarket. This may change in the future, but until then, you need to take extra steps to include it in your Chef server or other cookbooks with Berkshelf.

Including in Berkshelf

Releases are tagged, so you can include the cookbook at a certain release simple enough. Below is an example Berksfile. Change the release version below to the release that you want.

source "https://supermarket.chef.io"

cookbook 'phpipam', git: 'https://github.com/paybyphone/phpipam_cookbook.git', tag: 'v9.9.99'


Adding Direct to Chef Server

To add this cookbook to a Chef server directly, clone the repository, check out the release you want, and then run the Berkshelf commands to add it:

git clone https://github.com/paybyphone/phpipam_cookbook.git
cd phpipam_cookbook
git checkout v9.9.99
berks install && berks upload



  • ubuntu (= 14.04)


  • apache2 (~> 3.2)
  • apt (~> 6.0)
  • build-essential (~> 8.0)
  • database (~> 6.1)
  • mysql (~> 8.2)
  • php (~> 2.2)
  • poise-ruby (~> 2.2)


  • node['phpipam']['db_host'] - The host name to connect to for the PHPIPAM database. Defaults to localhost.
  • node['phpipam']['db_name'] - The name of the PHPIPAM database. Defaults to phpipam.
  • node['phpipam']['db_user'] - The user name for the PHPIPAM database. Defaults to phpipam.
  • node['phpipam']['db_password'] - The password for the created PHPIPAM database. Defaults to phpipamadmin.
  • node['phpipam']['db_root_password'] - The root password for the MySQL installation of the PHPIPAM database. Defaults to atotallyrandompassword.
  • node['phpipam']['docroot'] - The document root, or where to install the PHPIPAM content. Defaults to /var/www/html/phpipam.
  • node['phpipam']['apache2_keep_default_vhost'] - Keep the default virtualhost on Apache 2 installations.

You may want to set this to true on a system where PHPIPAM is not the only site. Leaving this at the default will ensrue that the virtual host installed is the default virtual host on the system. Defaults to false.

  • node['phpipam']['uri_base'] - The URI base to install PHPIPAM to. This will mean that the GUI and API will be accessible through http(s)://example.com/phpipam/, for example, if this was set to "/phpipam/". Defaults to /.
  • node['phpipam']['vhost_name'] - The virtual host for the PHPIPAM site. Defaults to nil.
  • node['phpipam']['vhost_aliases'] - Any aliases that should be used to access PHPIPAM. Defaults to nil.
  • node['phpipam']['version'] - The version of IPAM to fetch the content for (and ultimately install).

This can currently be one of 1.2 and dev. dev is an alias to a current commit snapshotted off of master, with schema and configuration snapshotted off of that commit. See recipes/app_site.rb for the specific commit dev tracks. Defaults to 1.2.

  • node['phpipam']['download_path'] - The location to download the PHPIPAM content to. This is set to a directory in /tmp to start with, and is overridden to the document root when running the web content recipes. Defaults to /tmp/phpipam.
  • node['phpipam']['content_owner'] - The owner of the downloaded content. This is modified to the system's web user for web installations. Defaults to root.
  • node['phpipam']['content_group'] - The group of the downloaded content. This is modified to the system's web group for web installations. Defaults to root.
  • node['phpipam']['install_mysql'] - Install MySQL as part of the cookbook deployment. Defaults to true.
  • node['phpipam']['backup_user'] - The user to create to perform backups under. A group is also created under this user name. Defaults to ipambackup.
  • node['phpipam']['backup_home'] - The home directory for backup configuration data and content. Defaults to /var/ipambackup.
  • node['phpipam']['backup_tmp_path'] - The directory to hold backup data while performing backups. Defaults to #{default['phpipam']['backup_home']}/tmp.
  • node['phpipam']['backup_enable_logfile'] - Enable logging backups to a log file. These logs go to the "log" directory in the directory defined by node['phpipam']['backup_home']. Defaults to true.
  • node['phpipam']['backup_enable_syslog'] - Enable syslog logging. Logs get logged as backup under facility local0. Defaults to false.
  • node['phpipam']['backup_storage_path'] - The directory to store locally-kept backups. Defaults to #{default['phpipam']['backup_home']}/storage.
  • node['phpipam']['backup_s3_enabled'] - Enable S3 backup storage. Defaults to false.
  • node['phpipam']['backup_s3_access_key_id'] - The AWS Access Key ID for S3 backup storage. Defaults to ``.
  • node['phpipam']['backup_s3_secret_access_key'] - The AWS secret access key for S3 backup storage. Defaults to ``.
  • node['phpipam']['backup_s3_region'] - The AWS region your bucket is in. Defaults to ``.
  • node['phpipam']['backup_s3_bucket'] - The S3 bucket name for S3 storage. Defaults to ``.
  • node['phpipam']['backup_s3_path'] - The key (path) S3 backups will be stored in. Defaults to ``.
  • node['phpipam']['backup_keep_days_local'] - The number of days to keep local backups. Defaults to 7.
  • node['phpipam']['backup_keep_days_s3'] - The number of days to keep S3 backups. Defaults to 90.
  • node['phpipam']['backup_notifiers'] - Defaults to [ ... ].
  • node['phpipam']['backup_cron_minute'] - The minute to run the backup job on (0-59). Defaults to 00.
  • node['phpipam']['backup_cron_hour'] - The hour to run the backup job on (0-23). Defaults to 02.
  • node['phpipam']['backup_cron_weekday'] - The weekday to run the backup job on (0-6, Sun-Sat, or * for every day). Defaults to *.
  • node['phpipam']['backup_ignore_warning_messages'] - A list of warning messages to ignore. Defaults to [ ... ].



This recipe installs the PHPIPAM database by creating the DB (root access required to the DB server) and importing the schema. It also installs MySQL, if node['phpipam']['install_mysql'] is set to true (the default).


This recipe installs and configures the application and its content. It also installs Apache 2, if not installed already.


This recipe installs backups using the Ruby backup gem. Options are available in node attributes for sending the backups to S3, syslog logging, and specifying notifier configuration through the node['phpipam']['backup_notifiers'] array. See the description section for examples.

License and Maintainer

Maintainer:: PayByPhone (systems@paybyphone.com)

License:: Apache 2.0