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GEfetch2R - Access Single-cell/Bulk RNA-seq Data from Public Repositories and Benchmark the Subsequent Format Conversion Tools


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GEfetch2R - Access Single-cell/Bulk RNA-seq Data from Public Repositories and Benchmark the Subsequent Format Conversion Tools

License: GPLv3 CODE_SIZE


GEfetch2R is designed to accelerate users' downloading and preparation of single-cell/bulk RNA-seq datasets from public resources. It can be used to:

For bulk RNA-seq:

  • Download raw data (sra/fastq/bam) from SRA/ENA with GEO accessions:
    • Parallel download sra/fastq/bam files from ENA
    • Support Aspera (ENA)
    • Parallel split sra to fastq files
    • Convert bam to fastq files
    • Mapping with STAR and load the output to DESeq2
  • Download count matrix from GEO with GEO accessions:
    • Generate count matrix from supplementary files
    • Load the count matrix to DESeq2

For scRNA-seq:

  • Download raw data (sra/fastq/bam) from SRA/ENA with GEO accessions:
    • Parallel download sra/fastq/bam files from ENA
    • Foramt downloaded fastq files to standard style that can be identified by 10x softwares (e.g. CellRanger).
    • Support Aspera (ENA)
    • Parallel split sra to fastq files
    • Download original 10x generated bam files (with custom tags)
    • Convert bam to fastq files (samtools/bamtofastq_linux)
    • Mapping with STAR/CellRanger and load the output to Seurat
  • Download count matrix:
    • Download count matrix from GEO with GEO accessions
    • Download count matrix and annotation (e.g. cell type) information from PanglanDB and UCSC Cell Browser with key words (filter criteria)
    • Extract subset with annotation and gene (PanglanDB and UCSC Cell Browser)
    • Load the count matrix and annotation to Seurat
  • Download processed object:
    • Download processed object from Zenodo with DOI
    • Download processed object from CELLxGENE and Human Cell Atlas with key words (filter criteria)
    • Parallel download
    • Extract subset with annotation and gene (CELLxGENE)
    • Load the processed object (rds) to Seurat
  • Format conversion and benchmark related tools:
    • Format conversion between widely used single cell objects (SeuratObject, AnnData, SingleCellExperiment, CellDataSet/cell_data_set and loom)
    • Benchmark the tools (more than two tools available for the conversion):
      • SeuratObject to AnnData: SeuratDisk, sceasy, scDIOR
      • SingleCellExperiment to AnnData: sceasy, scDIOR, zellkonverter
      • AnnData to SeuratObject: SeuratDisk, sceasy, scDIOR, schard
      • AnnData to SingleCellExperiment: schard, scDIOR, zellkonverter




To install GEfetch2R, start R and enter:

# install via CRAN
install.packages("GEfetch2R") # coming soon

# you can also install the development version from GitHub
# install.packages("devtools")

There are some conditionally used packages:

# install.packages("devtools") #In case you have not installed it.
devtools::install_github("alexvpickering/GEOfastq") # download fastq
install.packages('tiledbsoma', repos = c('https://tiledb-inc.r-universe.dev', 'https://cloud.r-project.org')) # download from CELLxGENE
install.packages('cellxgene.census', repos=c('https://chanzuckerberg.r-universe.dev', 'https://cloud.r-project.org')) # download from CELLxGENE
devtools::install_github("cellgeni/sceasy") # format conversion
devtools::install_github("mojaveazure/seurat-disk") # format conversion
devtools::install_github("satijalab/seurat-wrappers") # format conversion
devtools::install_github('theislab/zellkonverter@7b118653a471330b3734dcfee60c3537352ecb8d', upgrade = 'never') # format conversion
devtools::install_github('cellgeni/schard', upgrade = 'never') # format conversion
devtools::install_github('JiekaiLab/dior', upgrade = 'never')  # format conversion

For possible issues about installation, please refer INSTALL.md.

For data structures conversion and downloading fastq/bam files, GEfetch2R requires additional tools, you can install with:

# install additional packages for format conversion
pip install diopy
conda install -c bioconda loompy anndata 
# or
pip install anndata loompy

# install additional packages for downloading fastq/bam files
conda install -c bioconda 'parallel-fastq-dump' 'sra-tools>=3.0.0'

# install bamtofastq, the following installs linux version
wget --quiet https://github.com/10XGenomics/bamtofastq/releases/download/v1.4.1/bamtofastq_linux && chmod +x bamtofastq_linux

# install ascp
conda install -c hcc aspera-cli -y
# ascp path: ~/miniconda3/bin/ascp (path/bin/ascp)
# private-key file : ~/miniconda3/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh (path/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh)


We also provide a docker image to use:

# pull the image
docker pull soyabean/GEfetch2R:1.6

# run the image
docker run --rm -p 8888:8787 -e PASSWORD=passwd -e ROOT=TRUE -it soyabean/GEfetch2R:1.6


  • After running the above codes, open browser and enter http://localhost:8888/, the user name is rstudio, the password is passwd (set by -e PASSWORD=passwd)
  • If port 8888 is in use, change -p 8888:8787
  • The conda.path in ExportSeurat and ImportSeurat can be set /opt/conda.
  • The sra-tools can be found in /opt/sratoolkit.3.0.6-ubuntu64/bin.
  • The parallel-fastq-dump path: /opt/conda/bin/parallel-fastq-dump.
  • The bamtofastq_linux path: /opt/bamtofastq_linux.
  • The samtools path: /opt/conda/bin/samtools.
  • The STAR and Cell Ranger is not available in the image because customized reference genome is required.


Detailed usage is available in website:

Comparison with similar tools



Download raw data (sra/fastq/bam)

GEfetch2R supports downloading raw data (sra/fastq/bam) from SRA and ENA with GEO accessions. In general, downloading raw data from ENA is much faster than SRA, because of ascp and parallel support.

Since the downloading process is time-consuming, we provide the commands used to illustrate the usage.

Extract all samples (runs)

For fastq files stored in SRA/ENA, GEfetch2R can extract sample information and run number with GEO accessions or users can also provide a dataframe contains the run number of interested samples.

Extract all samples under GSE130636 and the platform is GPL20301 (use platform = NULL for all platforms):

GSE130636.runs <- ExtractRun(acce = "GSE130636", platform = "GPL20301")

Download sra

With the dataframe contains gsm and run number, GEfetch2R will use prefetch to download sra files from SRA or using ascp/download.file to download sra files from ENA. The returned value is a dataframe contains failed runs. If not NULL, users can re-run DownloadSRA by setting gsm.df to the returned value.

Download from SRA:

# a small test
GSE130636.runs <- GSE130636.runs[GSE130636.runs$run %in% c("SRR9004346", "SRR9004351"), ]
# download, you may need to set prefetch.path
out.folder <- tempdir()
GSE130636.down <- DownloadSRA(
  gsm.df = GSE130636.runs,
  out.folder = out.folder
# GSE130636.down is null or dataframe contains failed runs

Download from ENA (parallel):

out.folder <- tempdir()
# download from ENA using download.file
GSE130636.down <- DownloadSRA(
  gsm.df = GSE130636.runs, download.method = "download.file",
  timeout = 3600, out.folder = out.folder,
  parallel = TRUE, use.cores = 2

# download from ENA using ascp
GSE130636.down <- DownloadSRA(
  gsm.df = GSE130636.runs, download.method = "ascp",
  ascp.path = "/path/to/ascp", max.rate = "300m",
  rename = TRUE, out.folder = out.folder,
  parallel = TRUE, use.cores = 2

# GSE130636.down is null or dataframe contains failed runs

The out.folder structure will be: gsm_number/run_number.

Download fastq

Split sra to generate fastq

After obtaining the sra files, GEfetch2R provides function SplitSRA to split sra files to fastq files using parallel-fastq-dump (parallel, fastest and gzip output), fasterq-dump (parallel, fast but unzipped output) and fastq-dump (slowest and gzip output).

For fastqs generated with 10x Genomics, SplitSRA can identify read1, read2 and index files and format the read1 and read2 to 10x required format (sample1_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz and sample1_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz). In detail, the file with read length 26 or 28 is considered as read1, the files with read length 8 or 10 are considered as index files and the remain file is considered as read2. The read length rules is from Sequencing Requirements for Single Cell 3' and Sequencing Requirements for Single Cell V(D)J.

The returned value is a vector of failed sra files. If not NULL, users can re-run SplitSRA by setting sra.path to the returned value.

# parallel-fastq-dump requires sratools.path
# you may need to set split.cmd.path and sratools.path
sra.folder <- tempdir()
GSE130636.split <- SplitSRA(
  sra.folder = sra.folder,
  fastq.type = "10x", split.cmd.threads = 4

Download fastq directly from ENA

Alternatively, GEfetch2R provides function DownloadFastq to download fastq files directly from ENA (parallel, faster than the above method). The returned value is a dataframe contains failed runs. If not NULL, users can re-run DownloadFastq by setting gsm.df to the returned value.

# use download.file
download.file.res <- DownloadFastq(
  gsm.df = gsm.df, out.folder = out.folder,
  download.method = "download.file", 
  parallel = TRUE, use.cores = 2
# use ascp
ascp.res <- DownloadFastq(
  gsm.df = gsm.df, out.folder = out.folder,
  download.method = "ascp", ascp.path = "/path/to/ascp", 
  parallel = TRUE, use.cores = 2

Download bam

Extract all samples (runs)

GEfetch2R can extract sample information and run number with GEO accessions or users can also provide a dataframe contains the run number of interested samples.

GSE138266.runs <- ExtractRun(acce = "GSE138266", platform = "GPL18573")

Download bam from SRA

With the dataframe contains gsm and run number, GEfetch2R provides DownloadBam to download bam files using prefetch. It supports 10x generated bam files and normal bam files.

  • 10x generated bam: While bam files generated from 10x softwares (e.g. CellRanger) contain custom tags which are not kept when using default parameters of prefetch, GEfetch2R adds --type TenX to make sure the downloaded bam files contain these tags.
  • normal bam: For normal bam files, DownloadBam will download sra files first and then convert sra files to bam files with sam-dump. After testing the efficiency of prefetch + sam-dump and sam-dump, the former is much faster than the latter (52G sra and 72G bam files):
# # use prefetch to download sra file
# prefetch -X 60G SRR1976036
# # real	117m26.334s
# # user	16m42.062s
# # sys	3m28.295s

# # use sam-dump to convert sra to bam
# time (sam-dump SRR1976036.sra | samtools view -bS - -o SRR1976036.bam)
# # real	536m2.721s
# # user	749m41.421s
# # sys	20m49.069s

# use sam-dump to download bam directly
# time (sam-dump SRR1976036 | samtools view -bS - -o SRR1976036.bam)
# # more than 36hrs only get ~3G bam files, too slow

The returned value is a dataframe containing failed runs (either failed to download sra files or failed to convert to bam files for normal bam; failed to download bam files for 10x generated bam). If not NULL, users can re-run DownloadBam by setting gsm.df to the returned value. The following is an example to download 10x generated bam file:

# a small test
GSE138266.runs <- GSE138266.runs[GSE138266.runs$run %in% c("SRR10211566"), ]
# download, you may need to set prefetch.path
out.folder <- tempdir()
GSE138266.down <- DownloadBam(
  gsm.df = GSE138266.runs,
  out.folder = out.folder
# GSE138266.down is null or dataframe contains failed runs

The out.folder structure will be: gsm_number/run_number.

Download bam from ENA

The returned value is a dataframe containing failed runs. If not NULL, users can re-run DownloadBam by setting gsm.df to the returned value. The following is an example to download 10x generated bam file from ENA:

# download.file
GSE138266.down <- DownloadBam(
  gsm.df = GSE138266.runs, download.method = "download.file",
  timeout = 3600, out.folder = "out.folder",
  parallel = TRUE, use.cores = 2
# ascp
GSE138266.down <- DownloadBam(
  gsm.df = GSE138266.runs, download.method = "ascp",
  ascp.path = "/path/to/ascp", max.rate = "300m",
  rename = TRUE, out.folder = "out.folder",
  parallel = TRUE, use.cores = 2

Convert bam to fastq

With downloaded bam files, GEfetch2R provides function Bam2Fastq to convert bam files to fastq files. For bam files generated from 10x softwares, Bam2Fastq utilizes bamtofastq tool developed by 10x Genomics, otherwise, samtools is utilized.

The returned value is a vector of bam files failed to convert to fastq files. If not NULL, users can re-run Bam2Fastq by setting bam.path to the returned value.

bam.folder <- tempdir()
# you may need to set bamtofastq.path and bamtofastq.paras
GSE138266.convert <- Bam2Fastq(
  bam.folder = bam.folder,
  bamtofastq.path = "/path/to/bamtofastq", 
  bamtofastq.paras = "--nthreads 4"

Download count matrix

GEfetch2R provides functions for users to download count matrices and annotations (e.g. cell type annotation and composition) from GEO and some single-cell databases (e.g. PanglaoDB and UCSC Cell Browser). GEfetch2R also supports loading the downloaded data to Seurat.

Until now, the public resources supported and the returned values:

Resources URL Download Type returned values
GEO https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/ count matrix SeuratObject or count matrix for bulk RNA-seq
PanglaoDB https://panglaodb.se/index.html count matrix and annotations SeuratObject
UCSC Cell Browser https://cells.ucsc.edu/ count matrix and annotations SeuratObject


GEO is an international public repository that archives and freely distributes microarray, next-generation sequencing, and other forms of high-throughput functional genomics data submitted by the research community. It provides a very convenient way for users to explore and select interested scRNA-seq datasets.

Extract metadata

GEfetch2R provides ExtractGEOMeta to extract sample metadata, including sample title, source name/tissue, description, cell type, treatment, paper title, paper abstract, organism, protocol, data processing methods, et al.

# extract metadata of specified platform
GSE200257.meta <- ExtractGEOMeta(acce = "GSE200257", platform = "GPL24676")
# set VROOM_CONNECTION_SIZE to avoid error: Error: The size of the connection buffer (786432) was not large enough
Sys.setenv("VROOM_CONNECTION_SIZE" = 131072 * 60)
# extract metadata of all platforms
GSE94820.meta <- ExtractGEOMeta(acce = "GSE94820", platform = NULL)

Download matrix and load to Seurat

After manually check the extracted metadata, users can download count matrix and load the count matrix to Seurat with ParseGEO.

For count matrix, ParseGEO supports downloading the matrix from supplementary files and extracting from ExpressionSet, users can control the source by specifying down.supp or detecting automatically (ParseGEO will extract the count matrix from ExpressionSet first, if the count matrix is NULL or contains non-integer values, ParseGEO will download supplementary files). While the supplementary files have two main types: single count matrix file containing all cells and CellRanger-style outputs (barcode, matrix, feature/gene), users are required to choose the type of supplementary files with supp.type.

With the count matrix, ParseGEO will load the matrix to Seurat automatically. If multiple samples available, users can choose to merge the SeuratObject with merge.

# for cellranger output
out.folder <- tempdir()
GSE200257.seu <- ParseGEO(
  acce = "GSE200257", platform = NULL, supp.idx = 1, down.supp = TRUE, supp.type = "10x",
  out.folder = out.folder
# for count matrix, no need to specify out.folder, download count matrix to tmp folder
GSE94820.seu <- ParseGEO(acce = "GSE94820", platform = NULL, supp.idx = 1, down.supp = TRUE, supp.type = "count")

For bulk RNA-seq, set data.type = "bulk" in ParseGEO, this will return count matrix.


PanglaoDB is a database which contains scRNA-seq datasets from mouse and human. Up to now, it contains 5,586,348 cells from 1368 datasets (1063 from Mus musculus and 305 from Homo sapiens). It has well organized metadata for every dataset, including tissue, protocol, species, number of cells and cell type annotation (computationally identified). Daniel Osorio has developed rPanglaoDB to access PanglaoDB data, the functions of GEfetch2R here are based on rPanglaoDB.

Since PanglaoDB is no longer maintained, GEfetch2R has cached all metadata and cell type composition and use these cached data by default to accelerate, users can access the cached data with PanglaoDBMeta (all metadata) and PanglaoDBComposition (all cell type composition).

Summarise attributes

GEfetch2R provides StatDBAttribute to summary attributes of PanglaoDB:

# use cached metadata
StatDBAttribute(df = PanglaoDBMeta, filter = c("species", "protocol"), database = "PanglaoDB")

Extract metadata

GEfetch2R provides ExtractPanglaoDBMeta to select interested datasets with specified species, protocol, tissue and cell number (The available values of these attributes can be obtained with StatDBAttribute). User can also choose to whether to add cell type annotation to every dataset with show.cell.type.

GEfetch2R uses cached metadata and cell type composition by default, users can change this by setting local.data = FALSE.

hsa.meta <- ExtractPanglaoDBMeta(
  species = "Homo sapiens", protocol = c("Smart-seq2", "10x chromium"),
  show.cell.type = TRUE, cell.num = c(1000, 2000)

Extract cell type composition

GEfetch2R provides ExtractPanglaoDBComposition to extract cell type annotation and composition (use cached data by default to accelerate, users can change this by setting local.data = FALSE).

hsa.composition <- ExtractPanglaoDBComposition(species = "Homo sapiens", protocol = c("Smart-seq2", "10x chromium"))

Download matrix and load to Seurat

After manually check the extracted metadata, GEfetch2R provides ParsePanglaoDB to download count matrix and load the count matrix to Seurat. With available cell type annotation, uses can filter datasets without specified cell type with cell.type. Users can also include/exclude cells expressing specified genes with include.gene/exclude.gene.

With the count matrix, ParsePanglaoDB will load the matrix to Seurat automatically. If multiple datasets available, users can choose to merge the SeuratObject with merge.

# small test
hsa.seu <- ParsePanglaoDB(hsa.meta[1:3, ], merge = TRUE)

UCSC Cell Browser

The UCSC Cell Browser is a web-based tool that allows scientists to interactively visualize scRNA-seq datasets. It contains 1040 single cell datasets from 17 different species. And, it is organized with the hierarchical structure, which can help users quickly locate the datasets they are interested in.

Show available datasets

GEfetch2R provides ShowCBDatasets to show all available datasets. Due to the large number of datasets, ShowCBDatasets enables users to perform lazy load of dataset json files instead of downloading the json files online (time-consuming!!!). This lazy load requires users to provide json.folder to save json files and set lazy = TRUE (for the first time of run, ShowCBDatasets will download current json files to json.folder, for next time of run, with lazy = TRUE, ShowCBDatasets will load the downloaded json files from json.folder.). And, ShowCBDatasets supports updating the local datasets with update = TRUE.

json.folder <- tempdir()
# first time run, the json files are stored under json.folder
# ucsc.cb.samples = ShowCBDatasets(lazy = TRUE, json.folder = json.folder, update = TRUE)

# second time run, load the downloaded json files
ucsc.cb.samples <- ShowCBDatasets(lazy = TRUE, json.folder = json.folder, update = FALSE)

# always read online
# ucsc.cb.samples = ShowCBDatasets(lazy = FALSE)

The number of datasets and all available species:

# the number of datasets

# available species
unique(unlist(sapply(unique(gsub(pattern = "\\|parent", replacement = "", x = ucsc.cb.samples$organisms)), function(x) {
  unlist(strsplit(x = x, split = ", "))

Summarise attributes

GEfetch2R provides StatDBAttribute to summary attributes of UCSC Cell Browser:

StatDBAttribute(df = ucsc.cb.samples, filter = c("organism", "organ"), database = "UCSC")

Extract metadata

GEfetch2R provides ExtractCBDatasets to filter metadata with collection, sub-collection, organ, disease status, organism, project and cell number (The available values of these attributes can be obtained with StatDBAttribute except cell number). All attributes except cell number support fuzzy match with fuzzy.match, this is useful when selecting datasets.

hbb.sample.df <- ExtractCBDatasets(all.samples.df = ucsc.cb.samples, organ = c("brain", "blood"), organism = "Human (H. sapiens)", cell.num = c(1000, 2000))

Extract cell type composition

GEfetch2R provides ExtractCBComposition to extract cell type annotation and composition.

hbb.sample.ct <- ExtractCBComposition(json.folder = json.folder, sample.df = hbb.sample.df)

Load the online datasets to Seurat

After manually check the extracted metadata, GEfetch2R provides ParseCBDatasets to load the online count matrix to Seurat. All the attributes available in ExtractCBDatasets are also same here. Please note that the loading process provided by ParseCBDatasets will load the online count matrix instead of downloading it to local. If multiple datasets available, users can choose to merge the SeuratObject with merge.

ParseCBDatasets supports extracting subset with metadata and gene:

# parse the whole datasets
hbb.sample.seu <- ParseCBDatasets(sample.df = hbb.sample.df)
# subset metadata and gene
hbb.sample.seu <- ParseCBDatasets(sample.df = hbb.sample.df, obs.value.filter = "Cell.Type == 'MP' & Phase == 'G2M'",
                                  include.genes = c("PAX7", "MYF5", "C1QTNF3", "MYOD1", "MYOG", "RASSF4", "MYH3", "MYL4",
                                                    "TNNT3", "PDGFRA", "OGN", "COL3A1"))

Download processed object

GEfetch2R provides functions for users to download processed single-cell RNA-seq data from Zenodo, CELLxGENE and Human Cell Atlas, including RDS, RData, h5ad, h5, loom objects.

Until now, the public resources supported and the returned values:

Resources URL Download Type returned values
Zenodo https://zenodo.org/ count matrix, rds, rdata, h5ad, et al. SeuratObject(rds) or failed datasets
CELLxGENE https://cellxgene.cziscience.com/ rds, h5ad SeuratObject(rds) or failed datasets
Human Cell Atlas https://www.humancellatlas.org/ rds, rdata, h5, h5ad, loom SeuratObject(rds) or failed projects


Zenodo contains various types of processed objects, such as SeuratObject which has been clustered and annotated, AnnData which contains processed results generated by scanpy.

Extract metadata

GEfetch2R provides ExtractZenodoMeta to extract dataset metadata, including dataset title, description, available files and corresponding md5. Please note that when the dataset is restricted access, the returned dataframe will be empty.

# single doi
zebrafish.df <- ExtractZenodoMeta(doi = "10.5281/zenodo.7243603")

# vector dois
multi.dois <- ExtractZenodoMeta(doi = c("1111", "10.5281/zenodo.7243603", "10.5281/zenodo.7244441"))

Download object and load to R

After manually check the extracted metadata, users can download the specified objects with ParseZenodo. The downloaded objects are controlled by file.ext and the provided object formats should be in lower case (e.g. rds/rdata/h5ad).

The returned value is a dataframe containing failed objects or a SeuratObject (if file.ext is rds). If dataframe, users can re-run ParseZenodo by setting doi.df to the returned value.

out.folder <- tempdir()
# download objects
multi.dois.parse <- ParseZenodo(doi = c("1111", "10.5281/zenodo.7243603", "10.5281/zenodo.7244441"),
                                file.ext = c("rdata"),
                                out.folder = out.folder)

# return SeuratObject
sinle.doi.parse.seu <- ParseZenodo(doi = "10.5281/zenodo.8011282",
                                   file.ext = c("rds"), return.seu = TRUE,
                                   out.folder = out.folder)


The CELLxGENE is a web server contains 910 single-cell datasets, users can explore, download and upload own datasets. The downloaded datasets provided by CELLxGENE have two formats: h5ad (AnnData v0.8) and rds (Seurat v4).

CELLxGENE provides an R package (cellxgene.census) to access the data, but sometimes it's not timely updated. GEfetch2R also supports users to access CELLxGENE via cellxgene.census (use.census = TRUE).

Show available datasets

GEfetch2R provides ShowCELLxGENEDatasets to extract dataset metadata, including dataset title, description, contact, organism, ethnicity, sex, tissue, disease, assay, suspension type, cell type, et al.

# all available datasets
all.cellxgene.datasets <- ShowCELLxGENEDatasets()

Summarise attributes

GEfetch2R provides StatDBAttribute to summary attributes of CELLxGENE:

StatDBAttribute(df = all.cellxgene.datasets, filter = c("organism", "sex", "disease"), 
                database = "CELLxGENE", combine = TRUE)
# use cellxgene.census
StatDBAttribute(filter = c("disease", "tissue", "cell_type"), database = "CELLxGENE", 
                use.census = TRUE, organism = "homo_sapiens")

Extract metadata

GEfetch2R provides ExtractCELLxGENEMeta to filter dataset metadata, the available values of attributes can be obtained with StatDBAttribute except cell number:

# human 10x v2 and v3 datasets
human.10x.cellxgene.meta <- ExtractCELLxGENEMeta(
  all.samples.df = all.cellxgene.datasets,
  assay = c("10x 3' v2", "10x 3' v3"), organism = "Homo sapiens"
# subset
cellxgene.down.meta = human.10x.cellxgene.meta[human.10x.cellxgene.meta$cell_type == "oligodendrocyte" &
                                                 human.10x.cellxgene.meta$tissue == "entorhinal cortex", ]

Download object and load to R

After manually check the extracted metadata, users can download the specified objects with ParseCELLxGENE. The downloaded objects are controlled by file.ext (choose from "rds" and "h5ad").

The returned value is a dataframe containing failed objects or a SeuratObject (if file.ext is rds). If dataframe, users can re-run ParseCELLxGENE by setting meta to the returned value.

When using cellxgene.census, users can subset metadata and gene.

out.folder <- tempdir()
# download objects
cellxgene.down = ParseCELLxGENE(meta = cellxgene.down.meta, file.ext = "rds",
                                out.folder = out.folder)

# retuen SeuratObject
cellxgene.down.seu = ParseCELLxGENE(meta = cellxgene.down.meta, file.ext = "rds", return.seu = TRUE,
                                    obs.value.filter = "cell_type == 'oligodendrocyte' & disease == 'Alzheimer disease'",
                                    obs.keys = c("cell_type", "disease", "sex", "suspension_type", "development_stage"),
                                    out.folder = out.folder)

# use cellxgene.census (support subset, but update is not timely)
cellxgene.down.census = ParseCELLxGENE(use.census = TRUE, organism = "Homo sapiens",
                                       obs.value.filter = "cell_type == 'B cell' & tissue_general == 'lung' & disease == 'COVID-19'",
                                       obs.keys = c("cell_type", "tissue_general", "disease", "sex"),
                                       include.genes = c('ENSG00000161798', 'ENSG00000188229'))

Human Cell Atlas

The Human Cell Atlas aims to map every cell type in the human body, it contains 484 projects, most of which are from Homo sapiens (also includes projects from Mus musculus, Macaca mulatta and canis lupus familiaris).

Show available datasets

GEfetch2R provides ShowHCAProjects to extract detailed project metadata, including project title, description, organism, sex, organ/organPart, disease, assay, preservation method, sample type, suspension type, cell type, development stage, et al.

There are 484 unique projects under five different catalogs (dcp29, dcp30, dcp1, lm2, lm3):

# all available datasets
all.hca.projects = ShowHCAProjects()

Summarise attributes

GEfetch2R provides StatDBAttribute to summary attributes of Human Cell Atlas:

StatDBAttribute(df = all.hca.projects, filter = c("organism", "sex"), database = "HCA")

Extract metadata

GEfetch2R provides ExtractHCAMeta to filter projects metadata, the available values of attributes can be obtained with StatDBAttribute except cell number:

# human 10x v2 and v3 datasets
hca.human.10x.projects <- ExtractHCAMeta(
  all.projects.df = all.hca.projects, organism = "Homo sapiens",
  protocol = c("10x 3' v2", "10x 3' v3")

Download object and load to R

After manually check the extracted metadata, users can download the specified objects with ParseHCA. The downloaded objects are controlled by file.ext (choose from "rds", "rdata", "h5", "h5ad" and "loom").

The returned value is a dataframe containing failed objects or a SeuratObject (if file.ext is rds). If dataframe, users can re-run ParseHCA by setting meta to the returned value.

out.folder <- tempdir()
# download objects
hca.down = ParseHCA(meta = hca.human.10x.projects[1:4,], out.folder = out.folder,
                    file.ext = c("h5ad", "rds"))

# return SeuratObject
hca.down.seu = ParseHCA(meta = hca.human.10x.projects[1:4,], out.folder = out.folder,
                        file.ext = c("h5ad", "rds"), return.seu = TRUE)

Format conversion

There are many tools have been developed to process scRNA-seq data, such as Scanpy, Seurat, scran and Monocle. These tools have their own object formats, such as Anndata of Scanpy, SeuratObject of Seurat, SingleCellExperiment of scran and CellDataSet/cell_data_set of Monocle2/Monocle3. There are also some file formats designed for large omics datasets, such as loom. To perform a comprehensive scRNA-seq data analysis, we usually need to combine multiple tools, which means we need to perform object format conversion frequently. To facilitate user analysis of scRNA-seq data, GEfetch2R benchmarked the format conversion tools (Anndata -> SeuratObject, SeuratObject to Anndata, Anndata to SingleCellExperiment, SingleCellExperiment to Anndata), and provides multiple functions to perform format conversion.

Test data

# library
library(Seurat) # pbmc_small
library(scRNAseq) # seger


# object


seger <- scRNAseq::SegerstolpePancreasData()

Convert SeuratObject to other objects

Here, we will convert SeuratObject to SingleCellExperiment, CellDataSet/cell_data_set, Anndata, loom.

SeuratObject to SingleCellExperiment

The conversion is performed with functions implemented in Seurat:

sce.obj <- ExportSeurat(seu.obj = pbmc_small, assay = "RNA", to = "SCE")

SeuratObject to CellDataSet/cell_data_set

To CellDataSet (The conversion is performed with functions implemented in Seurat):

# BiocManager::install("monocle") # reuqire monocle
cds.obj <- ExportSeurat(seu.obj = pbmc_small, assay = "RNA", reduction = "tsne", to = "CellDataSet")

To cell_data_set (The conversion is performed with functions implemented in SeuratWrappers):

# remotes::install_github('cole-trapnell-lab/monocle3') # reuqire monocle3
cds3.obj <- ExportSeurat(seu.obj = pbmc_small, assay = "RNA", to = "cell_data_set")

SeuratObject to AnnData

There are multiple tools available for format conversion from SeuratObject to Anndata:

  • scDIOR is the best method in terms of information kept and usability
  • sceasy has best performance in running time and disk usage.
# SeuratDisk
Seu2AD(seu.obj = pbmc_small, method = "SeuratDisk", out.folder = "out.folder", 
       assay = "RNA", save.scale = TRUE)
# sceasy
Seu2AD(seu.obj = pbmc_small, method = "sceasy", out.folder = "out.folder", 
       assay = "RNA", slot = "counts", conda.path = "/path/to/conda")
# scDIOR
Seu2AD(seu.obj = pbmc_small, method = "scDIOR", 
       out.folder = "out.folder", assay = "RNA", save.scale = TRUE)

SeuratObject to loom

The conversion is performed with functions implemented in SeuratDisk:

loom.file <- tempfile(pattern = "pbmc_small_", fileext = ".loom")
  seu.obj = pbmc_small, assay = "RNA", to = "loom",
  loom.file = loom.file

Convert other objects to SeuratObject

SingleCellExperiment to SeuratObject

The conversion is performed with functions implemented in Seurat:

seu.obj.sce <- ImportSeurat(obj = sce.obj, from = "SCE", 
                            count.assay = "counts", data.assay = "logcounts", 
                            assay = "RNA")

CellDataSet/cell_data_set to SeuratObject

CellDataSet to SeuratObject (The conversion is performed with functions implemented in Seurat):

seu.obj.cds <- ImportSeurat(obj = cds.obj, from = "CellDataSet", 
                            count.assay = "counts", assay = "RNA")

cell_data_set to SeuratObject (The conversion is performed with functions implemented in Seurat):

seu.obj.cds3 <- ImportSeurat(obj = cds3.obj, from = "cell_data_set", 
                             count.assay = "counts", data.assay = "logcounts",
                             assay = "RNA")

AnnData to SeuratObject

There are multiple tools available for format conversion from AnnData to SeuratObject:

  • scDIOR is the best method in terms of information kept (GEfetch2R integrates scDIOR and SeuratDisk to achieve the best performance in information kept)
  • schard is the best method in terms of usability
  • schard and sceasy have comparable performance when cell number below 200k, but sceasy has better performance in scalability
  • sceasy has better performance in disk usage
# SeuratDisk
ann.seu <- AD2Seu(anndata.file = "pbmc3k.h5ad", method = "SeuratDisk", 
                  assay = "RNA", load.assays = c("RNA"))
# sceasy
ann.sceasy <- AD2Seu(anndata.file = "pbmc3k.h5ad", method = "sceasy",
                     assay = "RNA", slot = "scale.data")
# scDIOR
ann.scdior <- AD2Seu(anndata.file = "pbmc3k.h5ad", method = "scDIOR", 
                     assay = "RNA")
# schard
ann.schard <- AD2Seu(anndata.file = "pbmc3k.h5ad", 
                     method = "schard", assay = "RNA", use.raw = T)
# SeuratDisk+scDIOR
ann.seuscdior <- AD2Seu(anndata.file = "pbmc3k.h5ad", method = "SeuratDisk+scDIOR", 
                        assay = "RNA", load.assays = c("RNA"))

loom to SeuratObject

The conversion is performed with functions implemented in SeuratDisk and Seurat:

# loom will lose reduction
seu.obj.loom <- ImportSeurat(loom.file = loom.file, from = "loom")

Conversion between SingleCellExperiment and AnnData

SingleCellExperiment to AnnData

There are multiple tools available for format conversion from SingleCellExperiment to AnnData:

  • zellkonverter is the best method in terms of information kept and running time
  • scDIOR is the best method in terms of usability and disk usage
# sceasy
SCE2AD(sce.obj = seger, method = "sceasy", out.folder = "benchmark", 
       slot = "rawcounts", conda.path = "/path/to/conda")
# scDIOR
seger.scdior <- seger
# scDIOR does not support varm in rowData
rowData(seger.scdior)$varm <- NULL
SCE2AD(sce.obj = seger.scdior, method = "scDIOR", out.folder = "benchmark")

# zellkonverter
SCE2AD(sce.obj = seger, method = "zellkonverter", 
       out.folder = "benchmark", slot = "rawcounts", 
       conda.path = "/path/to/conda")

AnnData to SingleCellExperiment

There are multiple tools available for format conversion from AnnData to SingleCellExperiment:

  • zellkonverter is the best method in terms of information kept
  • schard is the best method in terms of usability and running time
  • schard and scDIOR have comparable performance in disk usage
# scDIOR
sce.scdior <- AD2SCE(anndata.file = "pbmc3k.h5ad", method = "scDIOR", 
                     assay = "RNA", use.raw = TRUE, conda.path = "/path/to/conda")
# zellkonverter
sce.zell <- AD2SCE(anndata.file = "pbmc3k.h5ad", method = "zellkonverter",
                   slot = "scale.data", use.raw = TRUE, conda.path = "/path/to/conda")
# schard
sce.schard <- AD2SCE(anndata.file = "pbmc3k.h5ad", 
                     method = "schard", use.raw = TRUE)

Conversion between SingleCellExperiment and loom

The conversion is performed with functions implemented in LoomExperiment.

SingleCellExperiment to loom
# remove seger.loom first
seger.loom.file <- tempfile(pattern = "seger_", fileext = ".loom")
  from = "SingleCellExperiment", to = "loom", sce = seger,
  loom.file = seger.loom.file

loom to SingleCellExperiment
seger.loom <- SCELoom(
  from = "loom", to = "SingleCellExperiment",
  loom.file = seger.loom.file


For any question, feature request or bug report please write an email to songyb0519@gmail.com.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the GEfetch2R project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.