This is a modified fork of Protege Desktop.
Protege Desktop is a free and open source ontology editor.
The main difference between this Protege and the official one is that this fork has ONT-API at its core, while the original Protege Desktop uses OWL-API (v4). This has the following two important consequences:
Since ONT-API is an implementation of OWL-API v5 (not v4), no existing native Protege plugins are compatible with this fork.
Since ONT-API is a RDF-centric OWL-API implementation (and the RDF-Graph is a main protagonist there), this opens up great opportunities to support all RDF-related things natively, including SPARQL, triple-stores, SHACL, etc. The approximate roadmap is as follows:
More about implemented features can be found on the wiki page.
Since many of these interesting things have not been done yet, right now this project is just a kind of demonstration and test-stand for ONT-API. Any contributions in these directions are welcome.
In order to distinguish with the official Protege, the artifact version is changed.
BSD 2-Clause License
The project requires ontapi-osgidistribution to be installed.
$ git clone
$ cd ontapi-osgidistribution
$ mvn clean install
$ cd ..
$ git clone
$ cd rdf-protege
$ mvn clean package
With the default (i.e. when no profiles are selected) installation one of the following OS-dependent way can be used to run the editor:
$ cd ./protege-desktop/target/protege-${ver}-platform-independent/Protege-${ver}/
$ cd .\protege-desktop\target\protege-${ver}-platform-independent\Protege-${ver}\
$ run.bat
Notice that these ways may not work correctly in case there is no java8 in the environment PATH variable
Please visit releases page.