- Atlanta, GA
- tamerbarsbay.me
An ever-evolving, very opinionated architecture and dev environment for new Vue SPA projects using Vue CLI.
This is an open-source, mobile, cross-platform application built with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile. It's a simple RSS reader, and you can download it from the App Store and Google Play. It's been de…
Static checks to aid with a healthy adoption of Compose
TCP/UDP client/server library for Java, based on Kryo
Java binary serialization and cloning: fast, efficient, automatic
A playground to learn the new JetPack things
Local Library website written in NodeJS/Express; example for the MDN server-side development NodeJS module: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Server-side/Express_Nodejs.
A gardening app illustrating Android development best practices with migrating a View-based app to Jetpack Compose.
This is a movies sample app in Kotlin, which is part of a serie of blog posts I have written about architecting android application using different approaches.
Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for Android
Contains presentation demo for scope functions in Kotlin
MVVM example app. Quick blog post detailing the layers: https://medium.com/@mojroid/clean-architecture-on-android-using-feature-modules-mvvm-view-slices-and-kotlin-e9ed18e64d83
A collection of samples to discuss and showcase different architectural tools and patterns for Android apps.
Crypto-currencies prices app on Kotlin + MVP + Dagger2 + RxJava2 + Retrofit + Coroutines + Room
🐙React Fetches a new way to make requests into your REST API's.
✌️ A spring physics based React animation library
Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
A free book that talks about design patterns/techniques used while developing with React.
Copies non-react specific statics from a child component to a parent component
Analytics integration for Redux and ngrx/store
A series of guides for an article at CSS-Tricks.com
A reactive programming library for JavaScript
Create React + Redux app structure with build configurations ✨
Bringing Material Design to React Native
Kotlin wrappers for popular JavaScript libraries