- Pro
Quadrature Encoder library for half-step and full-step encoders
A collection of examples on how to interface sensors to Arduino microcontrollers
A repo for code samples in the book "Beginning NFC"
Processing and Arduino sketches to accompany the book "Getting Started with RFID"
A reader for the SonMicro SM13x RFID readers, compatible with Arduino 1.0 beta 1 and forward
A fork of Alexander Brevig's Button library for Arduino
tigoe / LSM303DLH
Forked from ryantm/LSM303DLHArduino library for the Pololu LSM303DLH carrier board
A Processing (and therefore Java) library for controlling SonMicro SM130 RFID readers via a serial connection
Code samples for Making Things Talk version 2.0 & 3.0
This library is no longer recommended. It has been superseded by https://github.com/pololu/lsm303-arduino
amcewen / Arduino
Forked from arduino/Arduinoopen-source electronics prototyping platform