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A set of tools for eye data processing, analysis and visualisation in R

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A set of tools for eye data processing, analysis and visualisation in R

eyetools is a package that provides a set of simple tools that will facilitate common steps in the processing and analysis of eye data. It is intended for use with data from psychological experiments. The idea is to have a workflow which is aided by these functions, going from processing of the raw data, to extraction of event related data (i.e., fixations, saccades), to summarising those data at the trial level (e.g., time on areas of interest).

Warning - still in somewhat experimental form! Please check results carefully

to install: devtools::install_github("tombeesley/eyetools")

It is free to use under the GNU General Public Licence..

Available functions:

Implemented functions Description
combine_eyes() Combines binocular data (i.e., average or “best eye”)
interpolate() Interpolates data across gaps; provides a summary report of repair
smoother() smooths data for use in saccade algorithms
fix_dispersion() Dispersion algorithm for fixation detection
VTI_saccade() Velocity threshold algorithm for saccade detection. Provides summary of velocity, start/end, duration, etc
AOI_time() Time on AOIs; works with rectangular and circular AOIs; works with raw and fixation data
AOI_seq() Detect the sequence in which AOIs were entered in a trial
spatial_plot() provides a 2D plot of raw data, fixations, saccades, and AOIs
seq_plot() provides a 2D plot of raw data in one trial. Data can be split into time bins

How to use eyetools (work in progress)


You can install eyetools using the following code:

if (!require(devtools)) {

and then load it:


The format of raw data

Data needs to be in a particular format to be compatible with the functions in eyetools. This format is 4 columns of data, with each row representing a sample. The four columns are: time, x, y, and trial. You can see an example with the built in data sets:

## # A tibble: 32,608 × 4
##     time     x     y trial
##    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1     0  940.  535.     1
##  2     3  940.  536.     1
##  3     7  936.  533.     1
##  4    10  939.  536.     1
##  5    13  944.  533.     1
##  6    17  939.  535.     1
##  7    20  938.  531.     1
##  8    23  939.  536.     1
##  9    27  940.  534.     1
## 10    30  942.  537.     1
## # … with 32,598 more rows

Importantly, the data for each trial should be sequential and logical, that is, the timestamps should run continuously, without any gaps in the recording process. The eyetools package expects data to contain only data for a single participant; none of the functions handle the data for multiple participants in their present state.

Repairing data

Raw data will often contain missing samples, which we can attempt to repair. eyetools has an interpolation() function you can use to do this. It will produce a report of how successful the repair was in terms of the missing data before and after interpolation:

eyetools::interpolate(example_raw_sac, report = TRUE)
## [[1]]
## # A tibble: 32,608 × 4
##     time     x     y trial
##    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1     0  940.  535.     1
##  2     3  940.  536.     1
##  3     7  936.  533.     1
##  4    10  939.  536.     1
##  5    13  944.  533.     1
##  6    17  939.  535.     1
##  7    20  938.  531.     1
##  8    23  939.  536.     1
##  9    27  940.  534.     1
## 10    30  942.  537.     1
## # … with 32,598 more rows
## [[2]]
## # A tibble: 1 × 2
##   missing_perc_before missing_perc_after
##                 <dbl>              <dbl>
## 1              0.0998             0.0952
raw_data <- eyetools::interpolate(example_raw_sac) # store as new object

We can also apply a smoothing function (smoother()) over the data, which is particularly important for the analysis of saccadic velocities.

smooth_data <- eyetools::smoother(example_raw_sac) 

r <- filter(raw_data, trial == 2)
s <- filter(smooth_data, trial == 2)

ggplot() +
  geom_line(data = r, 
            aes(x = time, y = y),
            colour = "red") +
  geom_line(data = s, 
            aes(x = time, y = y),
            colour = "blue")

Processing fixations

The function fix_dispersion() is a dispersion-based algorithm for identifying fixations, based on the algorithm described in Salvucci and Goldberg (2000). Passing raw data to this will return a data frame with the fixations ordered by trial and by fixation sequence, with the averaged x and y coordinates, timestamps and duration. The “min_dur” parameter will restrict to fixations over a certain duration. The “disp_tol” parameter sets the tolerance for the dispersion of data within a fixation. Exploratory analysis of the data will be needed to find suitable values for these.

raw_data_f <- filter(raw_data, trial <= 3) # get a sample of trials

fix_dispersion(raw_data_f, min_dur = 120, disp_tol = 100)
##    trial fix_n start  end duration    x   y prop_NA min_dur disp_tol
## 1      1     1     0  230      230  937 535   0.000     120      100
## 2      1     2   273  460      187  170 500   0.000     120      100
## 3      1     3   643 1180      537 1743 534   0.000     120      100
## 4      1     4  1306 1426      120  252 503   0.243     120      100
## 5      1     5  1536 1656      120  131 530   0.243     120      100
## 6      1     6  1660 1816      156  135 533   0.000     120      100
## 7      2     1     0  230      230  938 539   0.000     120      100
## 8      2     2   273  407      134  201 515   0.000     120      100
## 9      2     3   410  767      357  143 522   0.000     120      100
## 10     2     4   940 1070      130 1696 527   0.000     120      100
## 11     2     5  1073 1247      174 1739 535   0.000     120      100
## 12     3     1     0  167      167  941 543   0.000     120      100
## 13     3     2   210  533      323  159 521   0.000     120      100
## 14     3     3   623  743      120 1673 519   0.243     120      100
## 15     3     4   747 1097      350 1732 547   0.000     120      100
## 16     3     5  1187 1307      120  211 543   0.243     120      100

Plotting data

The function spatial_plot() is a wrapper for a series of ggplot commands to plot both raw data and fixation summaries.

# patchwork is used here to plot adjacent figures

t_raw <- filter(example_raw_sac, trial == 9)

# process fixations
t_fix <- fix_dispersion(t_raw, disp_tol = 100, min_dur = 150)

raw_plot <- spatial_plot(raw_data = t_raw, plot_header = TRUE)
fix_plot <- spatial_plot(raw_data = t_raw, fix_data = t_fix)

raw_plot/fix_plot # combined plot with patchwork

Assessing time on areas of interest

The function AOI_time() can be used to calculate the time spent on areas of interest. Areas of interest need to be defined by the x and y centre points, and the width and height in pixels:

AOI_regions <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 3, ncol = 4))
colnames(AOI_regions) <- c("x", "y", "width_radius", "height")

AOI_regions[1,] <- c(960, 540, 300, 300) # X, Y, W, H - square
AOI_regions[2,] <- c(200, 540, 300, 300) # X, Y, W, H - square
AOI_regions[3,] <- c(1720, 540, 300, 300) # X, Y, W, H - square

AOI_time() uses the fixation data as input to the function. In this example we are finding the time spent in 3 rectangular regions across the first 10 trials:

t_raw <- filter(example_raw_sac, between(trial,1,10))

# process fixations
t_fix <- fix_dispersion(t_raw, disp_tol = 100, min_dur = 150)

AOI_time(t_fix, AOIs = AOI_regions)
##    trial AOI_1 AOI_2 AOI_3
## 1      1   230   337   537
## 2      2   230   487   304
## 3      3   167   473   477
## 4      4   283   370   349
## 5      5   246   360   363
## 6      6   200   217     0
## 7      7   150   337   797
## 8      8   180   346   853
## 9      9   174   260   496
## 10    10   197   150   826

We can include the AOIs within our spatial_plot():

t_raw <- filter(example_raw_sac, trial == 9) # single trial for plotting purposes

# process fixations
t_fix <- fix_dispersion(t_raw, disp_tol = 100, min_dur = 150)

spatial_plot(raw_data = t_raw, fix_data = t_fix, AOIs = AOI_regions)

We can also define AOIs as circles by specifying the radius in the 3rd column and setting the 4th column to NA:

AOI_regions <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 3, ncol = 4))
colnames(AOI_regions) <- c("x", "y", "width_radius", "height")

AOI_regions[1,] <- c(960, 540, 150, NA) # X, Y, R - circle
AOI_regions[2,] <- c(200, 540, 300, 300) # X, Y, W, H - square
AOI_regions[3,] <- c(1720, 540, 300, 300) # X, Y, W, H - square

t_raw <- filter(example_raw_sac, between(trial,1,10))

# process fixations
t_fix <- fix_dispersion(t_raw, disp_tol = 100, min_dur = 150)

spatial_plot(raw_data = t_raw, fix_data = t_fix, AOIs = AOI_regions)

Circular AOIs are also handled by AOI_time and will produce different results to comparable rectangular AOIs. Here fixation 5 falls outside of the circular AOI, but within the region of the rectangular AOI:

AOI_regions <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 4))
colnames(AOI_regions) <- c("x", "y", "width_radius", "height")

AOI_regions[1,] <- c(960, 540, 150, NA) # X, Y, R - circle in centre
AOI_regions[2,] <- c(960, 540, 300, 300) # X, Y, W, H - square in centre

t_raw <- filter(example_raw_sac, trial == 13)

# process fixations
t_fix <- fix_dispersion(t_raw, disp_tol = 100, min_dur = 150)

spatial_plot(raw_data = t_raw, fix_data = t_fix, AOIs = AOI_regions)

AOI_time(t_fix, AOIs = AOI_regions)
##    trial AOI_1 AOI_2
## 13    13   180   330

Processing saccades

The function VTI_saccade() provides a means of processing the data for saccades, based on a “velocity threshold identification” algorithm, as described in Salvucci and Goldberg (2000). As described above, it is wise to use the smoother() function on the data first. THe sample rate can be set if known, or can be approximated using the timestamps in the data. The threshold determines the degrees of visual angle per second needed to indicate the presence of a saccadic eye-movement.

t_raw <- filter(example_raw_sac, between(trial,1,10))

t_smooth <- smoother(t_raw)

VTI_saccade(t_smooth, sample_rate = 300)
##    trialNumber sac_n start  end duration  origin_x origin_y terminal_x
## 1            1     1   223  287       64  870.3588 527.6547   177.1630
## 2            1     2   447  530       83  209.4739 500.0963  1423.6778
## 3            2     1   230  280       50  843.5225 537.3153   258.2328
## 4            2     2   757  840       83  184.2432 518.7122  1513.4706
## 5            3     1   163  217       54  864.0695 538.9868   188.6405
## 6            3     2   527  550       23  236.2502 533.8763   456.4131
## 7            3     3  1087 1120       33 1671.8701 542.0387  1278.9085
## 8            4     1   280  340       60  941.2610 525.2997   167.3127
## 9            4     2   696  730       34  193.3663 514.7454   638.2664
## 10           5     1   240  293       53  989.2586 539.9973  1655.2936
## 11           5     2   646  690       44 1688.9012 545.7763  1023.0553
## 12           6     1   197  247       50  828.6306 532.1597   194.2109
## 13           6     2   590  627       37  189.2387 524.2148   865.8235
## 14           7     1   174  224       50  746.4592 532.5643   238.6413
## 15           8     1   174  237       63  869.1958 545.3931   205.9854
## 16           8     2   564  664      100  162.7739 512.4705  1644.4917
## 17           9     1   170  227       57  880.2617 546.0806   205.5746
## 18           9     2   474  564       90  216.2176 517.2547  1621.2220
## 19          10     1   194  254       60  845.9267 539.5713   226.3948
## 20          10     2   530  624       94  180.4137 519.7535  1595.2826
##    terminal_y mean_velocity peak_velocity
## 1    494.6964      272.5147      467.6514
## 2    481.3370      362.4432      625.5313
## 3    513.4092      288.7795      438.2568
## 4    514.5291      395.9804      681.8466
## 5    517.6894      311.9050      487.7608
## 6    571.9000      237.5178      343.4771
## 7    558.7318      289.8878      429.8076
## 8    517.7416      321.6201      504.1717
## 9    545.7368      322.5088      550.1424
## 10   541.0273      310.0758      476.9325
## 11   527.7667      373.8080      574.9975
## 12   524.7652      314.3620      462.7681
## 13   511.5511      446.6401      654.1694
## 14   526.0246      251.9393      359.9658
## 15   520.0820      263.1169      421.9078
## 16   553.6281      370.0669      675.9970
## 17   532.1546      294.4052      473.1296
## 18   545.1010      390.8524      664.2136
## 19   524.6715      258.9834      400.2764
## 20   557.3451      377.0585      673.8068

Saccadic eye movements can be plotted alongside other data using the spatial_plot() function:

t_smooth <- filter(t_smooth, trial == 8)

t_fix <- fix_dispersion(t_smooth, disp_tol = 100, min_dur = 150)

t_sac <- VTI_saccade(t_smooth, sample_rate = 300, threshold = 100)

spatial_plot(raw_data = t_smooth, fix_data = t_fix, sac_data = t_sac)


A set of tools for eye data processing, analysis and visualisation in R







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